279 -
i have a council toon you could rp with if you want rp contacts, i kinda like it, but i get the mental image of a senile old man waving a cane defensively.
it's @Gila as you would imagine, fascinating, no?))
Like most bums here when i'm looking for a piece of music i'll go ask the youtube search engine, and of course i'll be getting fan made music videos, or live recordings done by some guy who dodged security with the camera phone, or god forbid, some loser who plays it on his guitar infront of their webcam to show off their "talent" and thinks anyone who even thinks of the words "guitar hero" should "go play a real one"
now, the point of this is fan made music videos. so much potential for creativity, yet folks seem to take random clips and images and paste them together to unsubtly match the music's lyrics which is boring and uncreative some examples of such is this
now does that have any creative insight or flow to it? it conveys the theme and meaning of the song but it just blurts it out, not represent it at all, a good example of this is somewhere around this idea
i mean sure it has pictures of planets and super novas and it's called across the universe, but trys to give the trippy, calming feeling with such images without just openly telling you "this is happy, be happy, yes?"
So please, if you make fan made music videos like these (i know some of you are out there and possibly reading this), please try to give some effort, i would like to watch them and enjoy the track and think "wow, that was really well done and thought over" -
this being my area IRL, i only love the 'going down the ramps'
in the sewer mishes.
not to mention that they are in the sfx, not in the soundtracks...
Nice try.
[/ QUOTE ]
it's still music and not "freem" so i think it counts. -
I hate to provide TMI here, but I just want to point out that I've heard 2 different songs from in-game in... mature videos.
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Which songs are you referring to?
[/ QUOTE ]
i've heard the pocket D music in one and i think he's referring to that track, the other...i dunno! *runs off to the adult store to read backs of movie covers* -
and if i don't want to, THEN WHAT!? HMMM?!
Ah its a video of an Andriod phone which has augmented reality.It calculates where you are at and what you are looking at and pops up information on the building depending on what is on the screen of the phone. So basically you get a rundown on the buildings around you distances to them and other info all in 3d on your phone.
If technology blesses up with contact lens computer screens which i think it will, this will be rather fun!
[/ QUOTE ]
Some would call it invasion of privacy.
[/ QUOTE ]
The paranoid fringe. I like.
Remember, Big Brother is watching.
[/ QUOTE ]
i like ot give them little scares -
meh, then folks would be disabling them with a friend or mechanic's help
Fan of the sewer music, and the evil march like music you hear rarely (black line helicopter in mercy) but like billions of others have said i wish they'd do such a good job of that in the other instances, like the office version for example.
the cov version ain't better
Mako: no, i am not lunch, piss off
Recluse: just...stop glaring at me
GW: staring at the serial killer behind me, too busy to look at me -
Eviscerate or blaze, nothing gives a final "screw you" like a dramatic backflip or a giant fireball of death.
Sir, i see your vocabulary change campaign with my counter vocabulary change campaign, like any good politician i'll start with slander
Part's T's mother was a shrubbery bush
Part T has had several...um inmitmite relationships with known futa catgirls.
Part T is ugly
Because i said so.
now with that out of way lets move onto cold hard "facts" my main points are "don't fix what ain't broken" and laziness
There's a Critter around that corner
[/ QUOTE ]
Good to know billy the SS/inv tanker! you just wasted a few seconds typing those extra letters! extra letters THAT I COULD HAVE BEEN USING TO GAIN EXP RAWR!
There's a couple critters ahead
[/ QUOTE ]
Couple, alot, some objects that take minimum wage workers to move, we don't care, smash em to bits billy
Anyone see the last critter?
[/ QUOTE ]
not only are you wasting those seconds billy, we've moved onto minutes looking for this last mob, and you're still wasting seconds on this critter thing, do you like floggings? DO YOU!?
Everyone is looking for that last mob, no need to ask redundantly -
giving i favor stealth classes, i like the work shank, i'm going shank.
*yoinks lunch*
The lurve is MINE! Muahahaha!
[/ QUOTE ]
*Targets Super Orbital Laser satellite, targetted on the homing beacon in the lunch bag.*
Don't nobody steal no lunches I made for someone.
[/ QUOTE ]
i bet it's poisoned
[/ QUOTE ]
Your faith in my cooking skills leaves me cold.
[/ QUOTE ]
oh no, i trust your sandwich and juice pack preparing skills, with the ham and bread, CYINIDE and love!
this article gives me reason to beleive -
*yoinks lunch*
The lurve is MINE! Muahahaha!
[/ QUOTE ]
*Targets Super Orbital Laser satellite, targetted on the homing beacon in the lunch bag.*
Don't nobody steal no lunches I made for someone.
[/ QUOTE ]
i bet it's poisoned -
All the extra slots do is let you muddle about more and have a larger stable of alts to decide between deleting, because you never really have enough.
[/ QUOTE ]
....i hate you and your logic -
So you know what those redeem slot things at the bottom of your character select, you know what those do right? well i didn't before today.
Like any other here i'm trying to deal with an altitis problem, and i ran outta toon slots, cause I'm poor and not paying 20$ to delay the problem, i ignored it and jotted down any ideas i got, if another alt i lose interest in gets the delete stick and there's an opening.
well here comes my 12 month reward, new slot and salvation...but there's another restore slot token, whats that do is- OH I'M SUCH A MORON, see the whole time i figured that was a token to restore deleted alts, not two extra slots available this whole time!
*puts on dunce hat and waits for short bus* -
sprite or coffee with liberal use of vanilla creamer
it's thundering where i live, and a loud crack just scared me a bit ago, i blame all of you.
[/ QUOTE ]
No more beans for you, then, mister!
[/ QUOTE ]
[/ QUOTE ]
[/ QUOTE ]
Urmom -
it's thundering where i live, and a loud crack just scared me a bit ago, i blame all of you.
[/ QUOTE ]
No more beans for you, then, mister!
[/ QUOTE ]
....fascist -
it's thundering where i live, and a loud crack just scared me a bit ago, i blame all of you.
I can't be fired! I've got habits to support!
[/ QUOTE ]
you mean the one with the needles and cookie dough?
[/ QUOTE ]
I thought we said that we've never discuss that!
[/ QUOTE ]
i was drunk! i can't be held accountable! -
I can't be fired! I've got habits to support!
[/ QUOTE ]
you mean the one with the needles and cookie dough?