6 -
OK based on stuff that other people have written...
Let's say that somewhere along the way the female magicians of Uranbega had the sence to revolt against the demon summoning stuff that seems to be CoT mainstream hobby these days
Maybe some witch put a dying curse on Uranbega that prohibits females from being possesed?
Who knows, but yes we're waiting for some explanation (and while I'm at it I love the background pieces for the villain groups, just trying to throw some ideas into the kettle...)
Blessed be -
Okay, I have a list of the last few gladiators left in CoH that need to be confirmed:
Research Assitant - I think it's supposed to be unlocked by Crey Havoc in IP, so I'm trying to get confirmation that this is in the game and working as intended
[/ QUOTE ]
I have two characters with the Crey Havoc badge, none of them have gotten the Research assistant gladiator
blessed be -
Wow, this is incredible...
Look I'm a fanboi extraordinaire, I love the rebala.. eh nerfing in I5
This is just stupid. It is guaranteed to piss off veteran players that love the game.
At least say something along the lines, that datamining those badges is not doable at the moment, but we'll look into it for the future.
At least have a dev explain why you have made this decision, and not hide behind CuppaJo, that is just beyond low
This is the first time my faith in CoH has been shaken, because of lack of a better explenation I can only see laziness
Irony is, this doesn't affect me, it still pisses me off because it is blatantly unfair
Please reconsider this issue, it just seems petty that Cryptic can't be bothered to do a minor thing (feel free Devs to explain why this is not minor), that would mean a lot to some of your most loyal players
Blessed be
hyena -
Execellent. This background for storytelling is simply brilliant.
One word of caution though, please continue your police of not naming specific gods or godesses of the Babylonic/Sumeric pantheon it might be considered as seriously insulting by those who worship those gods.
And if you're on virtue please send me a tell, I would love to interact with some RPers
Burner of Souls Fire/Fire Tanker
Mountain Mayhem Bs/Regen Scrapper
Hellkitty Claws/agility Scrapper
Ms Cold Storm/Energy Defender
Hezekiel Invulnerability/Super Strength Tanker
Mad Dog Douglas Ar/Dev Blaster
Madame Death Ma/Regen Scrapper
Send a tell for RPing -
I don't know the system you people are referring to so I'll speak in general terms.
How powerfull you make the starting characters would all depend on what kind of story you would like to tell.
Start with your average soldier/policeman/gangster. All gaming systems have stats for your standard goons.
Then think about your story. If you're telling a nitty-gritty lowpower story (Batman, Spiderman, heroes who will die from gunfire, swords and so on) make sure that starting combat characters can whack 4-5 ordinary goons or something like that
On the other end of the scale you have people like Superman, Hulk, The Avengers, you know the kind of guys that singlehandedly take on armies without breaking into a sweat. Find the kind of bad boys you want them to fight, and make sure they're tough enough
As long as you balance the powerlevel of the PCs and the NPCs don't worry about the numbercrunching and focus on the storytelling
And I love the concept of a system independent sourcebook/players guide to CoH
blessed be -
Can't say I like drow or any kind of elf. Give me an orc anyday instead, much more fun.
That said I can not see anything wrong in people bringing their favorite drows into this game. Several reasons
a They have bought the game, they can play however they like
b More importantly CoH is a magnificent setting for crossovers. We're a large community of Norwgian players (and growing) on Virtue and both I and several of the other players have brought to life some of our old pen and paper RPG characters (from all kinds of settings). For me it is some of the best parts of CoH being in a team where an Elven Archer fights alongside a Gunslinger from the Wild West while the Orc Barbarian and the Cyberknight go up and close
Blessed be