391 -
I have solar panels in my yard. They make my folks money during the day time. Wind turbines are the devil.
In relation to the OP, there was also a Looney Toons episode with a "Place Dirty Money Here" Trash can outside of (what I think was) Yosemite Sam's mansion. I am too lazy to find it though. -
It would make sense that you would be able to join with a base ELO value.
A players base to-hit value versus players is lowered to 50% in PvP. This is because defense is "balanced" (or unbalanced if you prefer to view it that way) around an attackers to-hit being 50%.
Quote:This discussion could be split into a discussion thread.If we raise it to 10 we are less likely to have teams hide players in the draft. Just a thought. I know some teams have filled their 8 man core and then some. So lets try to avoid as much shenanigans as possible.
Either way, I agree. Teams definitely have people that they know they want, but can't add them if it is 8 player maximum. To have people resort to playing on a new account or global to hide within the draft would just be silly, and it can be avoided. -
They do not offer it at my school. Is there an equivilant at a local community college that I could audit?
Quote:I agree completely that PvP in this game is optional. However, you cannot truthfully say that everyone who subscribes is not paying for it. Whether or not it is being actively developed, the zones and Arena instances are still being hosted on the same servers.Wrong. 100%
This game was not designed to have PvP. Going so far as to tout the game as being PvP free when launched. This is why we have the utterly annoying PvP zone contact fedex's. When they decided to add PvP with the introduction of Villains they had to go out of their way to let us know it was optional. The players at the time didn't want PvP in 'their' playground and had to be assured they wouldn't have to participate.
Also why PvE and PvP rewards are kept seperate.
PvP was added over a year after the game launched. Issue 4 To be specific.
Therefore, I can say 100% that I didn't buy the game for PvP as it wasn't even an option at the time. In this game I've always viewed it as gravy, nice to have but not necessary. Was great fun before i13 gutted it though... -
Quote:So a power that has a mag of 47.1 would that be enough to knock back a blaster with 47 prot??
No. Diminishing returns actually reduces the magnitude of enhancement slotting by a lot. You can get up to around mag 58 KB in Force Bolt, but it gets reduced to less than 48. -
Quote:This all sounds uncomfortable familiar. I sent in a petition and was replied to with a generic survey about what kind of modem I use and who my ISP is. The issue certainly does not appear to be on my end if it is affecting so many other players.Ugh, I've actually come here to post about this bug. This is driving my CRAZY. I've spent the last 4 days on support ATs. All of them running leadership, one is a Thermal, one a FF, one a Rad with AM. Buffs are completely random whether they show or not. It seems to have little/nothing to do with proximity. I can FF my whole team and have NONE of them show those buffs. Or like one of the leadership toggle buffs will show on my team, but not the others. Sometimes, self-buffs show, sometimes they don't. Even sometimes on my own healthbar, I'm losing buff icons.
Not to mention, there seems to be something going on where if you re-buff while the buffs are flashing (you know, the "I'm about to expire, quick re-apply me so there's no gap!" flashing?) then the buff CONTINUES TO FLASH until one zones. No matter what. I was having people today with multiple AMs showing, all flashing, with only one actual AM applying (I don't have my recharge high enough so there's no gap yet.)
Added to that, lag has been awful. People and foes seeming to teleport around the screen, foes failing to fall down and vanish when they die, really bad rubberbanding.
What the heck is going on? -
Quote:This was a very detailed, and as to my experience, accurate description of what has been happening. This was not a one day deal either, it just seemed to be at its worst just before this thread was posted.This seems to be causing serious data loss to the client. In iTrials, it causes the league window to freak out. People disconnect, and when they return, their apparent team assignment does not update for everyone.
Sometimes, multiple people experience loss of the league window, and appear as if not on any team. This can happen on a normal team as well. The person sees all allies as unteamed/unleagued, and has no team quit button - the only way to fix this is to kick them from the team or move them to another team if on a league.
My power status tray is clearly wrong often. It will be missing whole rows of powers I know are active because they are passives, accolades, etc. I was on a league where the only powers showing were Fulcrum Shift and Mystic Fortune... when I was running five toggles and have every passive accolade.
This all seems to make people prone to crash. I never crash in CoH. In the last two days I have a couple of times, always when my UI seems to be freaking out in the same way it does when it loses synch with what team I am in. Other people in leagues in particular are describing what seems to be the same thing happening.
My power icons do not update properly in heavy combat. This is not "button lag". I have never experienced this before, not quite like this. I am also prone to not animate my attacks. They just appear from my body. Sometimes my powers seem to activate out of order after a delay.
I am inferring, perhaps incorrectly, that whatever is wrong is sending bad update data that results in our game client being out of synch, and sometimes it's so garbled that it crashes us. -
Psy/EM/Force - Speed/Leaping/Concealment/Leadership
Get to 1606 HP cap, build to be endurance sustainable, get ED damage and accuracy on all attacks. Don't bother with melee attacks.. only take Total Focus or something like that for lols sake. You need to over slot your travel powers; aim for at least 60% enhancement on SS/SJ. You need mag 48 KB protection to survive bubblers. -
This is just a screenshot I quickly took to show how the buff trays are not working properly. As you can see, I am not near a cold dom but I have a stack of Arctic Fog in my buff tray. Also my teammates have stacked up buffs that they do not have: on of the blasters has 5 stacks of tactics when not near anyone. -
Quote:Ahem.. we zoners* ...Hemm the smoke is gone and the coals have been cold for five years. It's way past the time for people serious about PvP to leave. If you're serious about pvp and you haven't left you're either mentally challenged or are too bad to compete in actual competitive pvp in another game. Come back to RV and stop praying for a miracle, us zoners miss you. d;D
However much people are competitive in PvP in this game, I don't think most people really take it "seriously." We are here to have fun. There are certainly *a lot* of unfun mechanics in this game, but what people have been saying for years still holds true: The fast paced, fast moving (literally) style of the PvP in this game makes it fun. Being always on the move, spending 10 minutes fighting for an advantage over the enemy team; that makes the PvP in this game fun to me, and I am sure to a lot of others. There is nothing wrong with being serious/organized in order to have some fun.
Granted I do play other competitive games that are designed around PvP, but I still manage to have fun in this game; however much I do not like (weak wording here) the way the devs have treated PvP. -
It also puts multiple different ATs into one character slot, which defeats the purpose of making people buy character slots... unless they made it cost significantly more than a character slot.
No, I do not think this will ever happen. -
Quote:However much neglect the devs have (definitely) given to the PvP in this game, I do not think you understand the quote from Positron that you are thinking about. He was saying that the Diminishing Returns system opens up options for developers when attempting to balance PvP. It does. The problem is they do not actually use the system in place or balance it or fix the bugs with the way the math works. The other problem is they have never made an effort to explain the way the system works to the player base.Why bother when you have been met with silence for years.
I think its hilarious that posi said that since he is on record saying that he loves the way current pvp works and dr is great because its good for the developers(who cares about players right?)
If anything happens it's because marketing wanted to.
Another concern is whether or not they are blowing smoke about plans to actually work on PvP. I think most PvP'rs are familiar with the other famous quote about how they would work on PvP with all the issues succeeding i13.
I am hopeful, but you won't catch me holding my breath. -
Quote:Maybe Zwillinger actually came through on his promise and brought the concerns and suggestions of the PvP community to the devs and they had a legitimate meeting about it. Just maybe.What i'm really curious about is...who made a -good- suggestion around fixing PvP recently? Recently in my mind would be the last 3 months at most, so has anyone suggested something that would really fix everything...and is it a very bad suggestion from the perspective of the PvP community?
I have been getting this kind of very bad lag all day. I have had 3 game crashes, booted from a team inside an arena match, buff bars lagged out (to the point of actually being taken out of phase shift and t hen going back in when the lag caught up to me), and powers taking up to 10 seconds to go off after I click them.
I have given up playing this game for the day at least. The state of the server performance makes the game unplayable.
For the record, I got this kind of lag on both Virtue and Freedom. -
I think it's a matter of limiting movement so scrappers cannot kite with blaze mastery.