391 -
Snap, that post was even worse than your last. Keep going.
Well, then.... either you aren't a person, you don't post on the forums, you do know what Meb's was talking about, or you are an e-grammar Nazi. Considering you obviously post on the forums, you obviously don't know what Meb's was talking about (especially having admitted it), and you at least seem to be a person, I will go ahead and say that your post was just as wrong or more wrong than Xan's.
It may count as causing him to get in a lot of trouble with his boss, but no it's not cheating.
wrekt. I knew I wouldnt have to do the leg work on that one, thanks guys
Actually one would be enough. Aside from the fact that any information provided by you cannot be trusted, this thread is pointless.
Quote:Well in accordance with the accuracy of some of the other information you have posted in the past, it very well could be a reference to i13.Well, it's not a reference to Issue 13, wrong year and wrong month.
Could be a reference to Issue 10 Beta Testing: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Issue_10 -
Quote:because:Hey why dont you start a FIght Club here on Vic. Us brawlers want are own ladder none of that Kiting stuff.
If you and your opponent want to fite klub, go for it. If you want to challenge a ranged toon, you don't get to decide for them that they have to use fite klub rulez. -
Who are you and why are you so mad? Telth stopped showing up like 2 weeks before the draft and Suffer quit the team. Who are you?
What are your global handles/recognizable names?
What server do you primarily play on?
What server do you primarily PvP on?
What toons do you have to offer for 8v8 PvP?
Psy/Em Blaster, Fire/EM Blaster, Sonic/Pain Corrupter, Ill/Emp Controller, Elec/WP Stalker
Which of these toons are on Freedom?
All of them
If any, what toons would you be willing to transfer to Freedom for a league?
What do you consider your primary/optimal role in a team setting?
What do you consider your favorite role in a team setting?
Would you be willing to make a new toon and level it to 50?
Would you be willing to respec into a new build for a league?
Briefly describe your experience in PvP. (If you were on other 8v8 teams list them here, any substantial experience here also)
Victory PvP Bootcamp MVP All Years (Elephants in da house), Team CONQUISTADORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CAPE PvP League team member and pompom wearer, Kickball All-star, Listed 4 times on the WARE List of Amazing Players list (I hope to earn at least 10 mentions by 2012), 1st round draft pick by the Cincinnati Bengals (oh wait they are horrible, never mind), Proud owner of at least 1 hat in Team Fortress 2, Veteran Broadcast PvPr (Recluse's Victory, Arena Lobbies, /AC, Official City of Heroes Forums), SF Speed Madman, Avid Hater of Masterminds, Definitely not a tumor, Server of Hugsticks (2 skoops with double skoops), Supporter of being mezzed for 10 minutes straight, 1447 Ranked Solo Queue ELO; League of Legends (Come at me, Summoner name: Dexington), Executive Vice President of Global Co, Hemmingway, Author of Needlessly Large Draft Applications, Chucker of Frisbees, Chuck Norris, The Original Original Original Original Havoc, Believer in the Prevalence of Emotional Immaturity Among Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games, Supporter of the Legalization of Tetrahydrocannabinol for Recreational Uses, Happy Recipient of Team Teleportation, #winning (p.s. follow me on Twitter)
(OPTIONAL) (Only answer if you have a firm grasp of team rosters)
Name Captains you would prefer to play for, minimum of 3. If you pick 3 I can guarantee you a spot on one of the 3 you choose, if you don't then whoever drafts you will be final. Also when we get down to the last draftees, there might be instances where people have to be picked in order to keep teams even numbers, in this case the draft protection will not apply.
Venny (Shenanigans) > Artic (Exile) > Refractor (WARE) -
I recently did a couple nights of lvl 2 PvP, and got people to join by throwing inf at them. Even with that the case, there were a lot of people that joined and it was generally pretty fun. Glad to see someone else doing this again. I will try to be there.
Yes that is Suffer. He can't make a post on the forums, so asked Artic to do it. I am not sure if he has had a chance to talk to his team/captain yet, but possibly that is something to consider. Granted, between the two teams, there are more players remaining than can fit onto a core roster.
In general, captains will play people who are reliable and skilled players*. If that does not describe you, then you know why you may not be played, but if it does describe you, then what do you have to worry about?
*if that even exists in CoX -
He will always be ready to come off bench if you need a team TPer though !
Having a rule or statement that dictates that teams are not obligated to draft or play members of their team is preferable to not having the rule at all. It is also preferable to having a rule that team must play all members and must draft until the draft pool is depleted. It should be the captains' discretion who they want on their team and who they play in each match or even each practice. If you don't think you like the way the existing captains will run their teams, then, as other have said many time, form your own team.
I have the names:
and I forget the others...
send me a PM if you want one -
light, your post was even less amusing than midget's. GG.
Psy, Fire, Sonic. Rad and Archery are also decent, but not for team play, really.
You people act like Glad Armor 3% was not going for over 3 bil only a few months ago.... or that it has not gone for 3 bil recently... It just is not the norm.