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  1. thanx for the good advice.

    was convinced on several of those benefits. Your info defintely convinced me completely.

    What I wasn´t to sure about was the Elec set in general and how domination affected it since, like I mentioned I really don´t know much about dominators and wasnt sure how to fit in those comments I bumped into about Elec not receiving much benefit from domination.

    Does domination also affect those powers from your secondary that have mez effects?

    Still trying to find my place in the AT.
    My elec/psi is only 10 right now. still very low. Just checked out Jolting chain and at low level I definitely expected more of a freezing rain behavior, but it only knocked them down once thats it, then they attacked. I expected a more continued behavior. Kind of meh so far. hopefully that will improve.

    Will try a few more combos.
    Thinking mind/elec , mind/fire , ice/energy.

    Does any combo in general do ok in pvp? or is there any I should not use.
  2. Just came back after a bunch of issues and decided to give Dominators a go since they are one of the ATs of which I don´t have a 50.

    Dont know much at all about how a Dom works and when I took a break from CoH doms had some issues.

    I´ve been reading over the boards getting some ideas as to what to expect and came across a couple of people mentioning the lesser or minimal effect of Dominance on the Elec/ set.

    Is that true? Why is that? and if that is the case should I not lean towards getting permadom?

  3. i hope the client crash problem is solved by then.
    its getting to be really bad. a great amount of a zone crashing. Definitely my entire team several times.
    Having more accounts active than there are already, in a time of the week when there are more people connected could get crazy.
    Best of luck with the work you guys are working on.
    I generally like the work you guys do.

    Just a general thanx for the product. I have fun with it.
    Sometimes to much .
  4. [ QUOTE ]

    /targetname Tormentoso
    /powexecname Aim
    /powexecname Build Up
    /powexecname Throw Dictionary

    [/ QUOTE ]

    lol at that one leandro.
    Hope it was the big thick dictionary on the top shelf.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Muy bueno, ahora yo puedré juegar desde mi casa con mis nachos y mis burritos y mi paella¡

    disclaimer: native Spanish speaker that spent his entire life in Latin America, so don't send hate my way.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    hard to believe with that spelling.
  6. lol...happens to the best of us Ayos.
    Anyhow, welcome to COX.
  7. OMG....I cant believe their removing all the sounds. What a lame change thats gonna be. At least you can disable the damn things. I see all those damn words just clogging up the damn screen. This change is just gonna screw up the entire damn game. Another BRILLIANT idea. I´m tired of all these changes that just keep making the game harder and more and more annoying to play. What the hell were u guys thinking!!!! I mean remove the sounds!!!! And put in some damn annoying words!!!! I mean what the hell is Bifff??!?!?!?! and Freem, a brand new P2P client?!?! And what in the world is Budda Budda Budda!?!?!?! What are you guys thinking of putting when you run out of endurance, HaHaha?!?! This is so corny it makes me choke.
    .....aside (co-worker takes pity on me) What? huh? it´s what today? calendar? Doh!!!
    Had me going there, but the sounds and especially that Budda Budda Budda just kinda, well, you know....

    walks away with shaking head and with a smirk on his face, whispering "Budda Budda Budda crazy devs...."