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  1. @Empire Waste -

    if I can get out of work I'm all in!
  2. if you have a microcenter near you check out their prices - their in store cpu prices are insane compared to the egg - I got a I7 950 for 199 and an i5 760 for 149.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    Okay, to be blunt: Nvidia has thermal issues.

    What this sounds like is
    • that the game is driving the GPU to the point of overheating.
    • The GPU then downclocks to lowest state and sheds the excess heat.
    • The GPU then upclocks back to a higher performance state
    Next question: Why only CoH? Why not other games?

    CoH is the only game on the Windows market right now that is actively using the OpenGL 3.x API.

    Of the other games listed, specifically Starcraft II and Civ 5, these use the DirectX API on windows, with Civ 5 leveraging DX11 and SCII leveraging DX9. According to the NZone forums, for the past... well... however long, Nvidia has been pulling back on OpenGL support, and largely leaving the OpenGL driver un-maintained compared to the DirectX driver.

    This means that many of the thermal issues that the DirectX graphics driver can work around, the OpenGL driver won't work around. This is likely why CoH suffers on your particular laptop.

    * * *

    What can you do about it?

    Well, first, bug Nvidia over their OpenGl 3.x / 4.x driver: http://www.nvidia.com/object/driverq...assurance.html

    Second: bug your computer vendor, the guys who built the laptop, that their hardware isn't living up to expectations. They'll turn around and kick Nvidia from the other side... although chances are if you bought a Dell (Alienware), HP (Voodoo), Emachines, Asus, Acer, or Toshiba laptop, the vendor is already kicking Nvidia over thermal issues.

    nvm re read what you wrote about lowest settings - can you reset ultra mode back to regular mode?
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cobalt_Azurean View Post

    oohhh the game pad thigies - you said razer I thought you meant this


    I love this thing
  5. i have one and it is actually pretty awesome - it treats the numbered buttons as a num pad out of the box on on your thumb you have the num keys but with the software you can tie macros to each numbutton as well as every mouse button - it takes a little getting used to having all that avail and the buttons are a bit small so sometimes you hit 4 when you meant 1 but you get the hang of it pretty fast.
  6. fur_nes

    Nvidia 580 GTX

    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    short version, I'd wait for RadeonHD 6900 series.

    What I've been hearing is that investors are continuing to panic over Nvidia's corporate actions. None of Nvidia's high-end cards are profitable, and Nvidia still hasn't issued an answer to the now low end market RadeonHD 5770... the segment of the market that moves the most amount of cards, and thus drives the largest profits.

    The only reason to buy a GTX 580, and I mean the ONLY reason to buy it, is that you want the Nvidia badge. That's it. There's no other reason to get one.

    Thing is, buying one of the GTX 580's on the street will set you back around $500: http://www.pricewatch.com/search?q=GTX+580

    AMD's upcoming 6970 will reportedly be launching at a $400 price-point. The big worry for fans of green is that AMD's much cheaper card, on paper, outruns the GTX 580. Now, on-paper and in theory doesn't always translate to real world performance. Case in point, GTS 250. On paper it drastically outpowers RadeonHD 4850. In real games... it doesn't.

    Now, given that Nvidia's set the GTX 580 pricing pretty much in Ludicrous-ville, AMD might launch their next highest end card with a higher price and sustain their own inflated pricing like they did with the HD 5000 series cards. It's also expected that AMD won't rush the 6900 series to market. Right now there's no need to kick a product out the door just to get a product out the door. So you'll actually probably have a shot at laying hands on one.

    Now, is the GTX 580 as much of a rip-off as the GTX 480 and 470?

    Well, in the absence of a direct competitor card from AMD, determining whether or not it's a complete rip-off would be unfair. If you want the absolute amount of maximum rendering power right now, today, then sure, the GTX 580 is your card of choice.

    I just have to ask two questions: If you have $500 to begin with to spend on just a graphics card alone...

    is your business hiring?
    do they need another technician?
    not exactly correct - the 580 (GF110) was re-engineered at the transistor level to perform better per watt as well as l1 cache speed, full speed fp16 texture rendering and 512 cuda cores compared to 480 in the 480. The also changed the cooling to a vapor chamber since fermi runs hot hot hot. In the end it all depends on how you play - do you play the game in high res? like >1920x1080? If not you can get a single gtx470 and see awesome performance (and if you hunt around for a deal you can get it around 199). the 470 = 6870 in terms of performance. IN terms of power usage and heat the 6870 wins.

    and yah I spend far to much money on computer parts lol - I have crossfired 5870's sli'ed 470's and a 580 in my main rig - (that is three computers not all that in one computer lol)...but hey I can game in any room in the house!
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by fur_nes View Post
    yeah so what ever they did - pretty much effed up my coh - running with sli on on live - i get like 1-2 fps before (i just updated my drivers) I was getting 60+ fps (sli was enabled but not running on coh) - I am going to test taking off sli to see how it runs but at this point the live game is pretty much unplayable
    Yup that is it - I disabled sli and my live game is flying again with all the eye candy turned on. Apparently what ever code they put in i19 to get sli running combined with what ever nvidia did to the drivers hoses up the frame rate for live with sli enabled.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by fur_nes View Post
    are you running duel monitors? also are you running in windowed mode.

    yeah so what ever they did - pretty much effed up my coh - running with sli on on live - i get like 1-2 fps before (i just updated my drivers) I was getting 60+ fps (sli was enabled but not running on coh) - I am going to test taking off sli to see how it runs but at this point the live game is pretty much unplayable
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DAMIEN77 View Post
    That's pretty much what I said. There is no load. My question is, with an untaxed system, why would hitting 30fps and below be acceptable? I don't think there really is an answer, other than there are often problems playing old games on new hardware.
    are you running duel monitors? also are you running in windowed mode.
  10. fur_nes

    kickball nights

    ty for fun..sorry I was late but enjoyed the pug match afterwards.
  11. yah I have sli470 (not that it is supported yet) but you have to turn off ambient occul -
  12. fur_nes

    sli in i19?

    I am testing on test and so far it looks like no sli? is there something I have to add to the launcher to get it?
  13. fur_nes

    kickball nights

    what time does it happen and it is wed right?
  14. fur_nes

    Rad/Psy Defender

    Originally Posted by macskull View Post
    Defender debuffs are no longer unresisted, and global resistance means Psi is "just another blast set" (basically its only advantage is the increased range). That and DR means your debuffs have less effect on targets before you even factor in the target's debuff resistance, so it's not uncommon to see people hitting you reliably through Radiation Infection even when it's well-slotted. Your Rad toggles will drop every time you get mezzed, which means every 15 seconds or so you're going to need to spend 3-5 seconds waiting for them to recharge and re-activate them on your target, which is a lot of time to spend doing almost nothing offensively.

    Rad is still decent in large-team matches because mez doesn't come into play as often (the odds you're going to be mezzed during the two-or-three second window when you're debuffing a target aren't that high) and -resistance is still somewhat useful, but for small-team and dueling it's really not that great.

    what about the - to hit and -recharge and slow debuffs - also does am still cut mez times? I have seen a few rads in rv use em pulse and it seems to work very well. That kind of stinks they took away unresisted debuffs for defenders - I know they lowered as but the crit is still unresisted is it not? Isn't a portion of blaster dmg unresisted too? (Defiance part or maybe I smoke de crack?) -

    any hoo - on psi blaster - is it really fair to say it is just another blast set since the dmg is delayed (I see it all the time in RV OMG I WAS KILLED IN HIBER)...
  15. when i 19 hits - will fitness be there if you didn't take it? just with 1 slot each or will you have to /respec to get to it?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psyrene View Post
    There is a league going on champion and that is about it for team arena matches.

    yah i tried to get in that - but apparently my entry got...err lost.
  17. fur_nes

    EM/WP stalker

    Originally Posted by Psyrene View Post
    All you need is BU,AS,Placate and Sharks, I wouldn't even worry about TF except for using it for set bonuses.

    Attack chain: BU,AS,then placate and shark, and that would be an almost dead target, or a dead target if they had low hp.

    yah! lol i was thinking maybe sc as well - i thought sharks was a natch.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Beef_Cake View Post
    Also, a small tip:

    Verticle Sync, this is something you can disable and not notice a difference with the naked eye. It will also yield a huge FPS jump as well.

    I run full Ultra Mode and if I have it on or off, I can't tell a difference, but I do see a very large increase to my FPS when it's disabled.
    vsync will limit the fps to the refresh rate of your monitor - lcd with a 60hz refresh rate will never see above 60 (at least I think that is how that works) - in truth you won't "See" a difference because anything above that refresh rate will not be "seen" - since the redraws happen at 60 fps (60Hz)
  19. fur_nes

    EM/WP stalker

    Originally Posted by Xecution View Post
    wat set is the stun proc in?

    pounding slugfest - 8 second stun chance
  20. sweet so my sli 470gtx system should rock coh? any luck that running sli will remove travel supression in pvp LOL. great write up btw very very detailed.
  21. fur_nes

    EM/WP stalker

    Originally Posted by Xecution View Post
    which gives a better chance for stun? Stun or total focus?

    since you posted in pvp - I will assume you want to use it in pvp

    in short form - lol stun

    in long form - As an em stalker you need BU,AS,EM,TF,placate (and whatever lvl primary you get stuck with)

    I usually slot my as with three acc dmg hami-os and three procs - unless that has changed?? (<<<coming back from i13 long break) - you can slot a stun proc in tf or em I think that hits pretty regularly.
  22. the spression when doing...anything is awesome. Makes team buffing interesting. I came back to try the pvp and zones is terribad and I can't seem to find any areana beyond 1v1.
  23. nice! but I can't take the third power in a pool