15 -
Cool - I'll give that a try. Thanx for the advice...
I was trying to complete the defeat badges on my character when I noticed that I needed more 30 "Failed Experiments" for my badge for them. Upon doing some research, I discovered the only place to get them were from doing an arc from Aaron Walker (lvl 15-20) in Neutropolis. Since I am now level 50, I out leveled this contact long ago when I started in Preatoria. From what I could find, these enemies do not exist anywhere EXCEPT inside this arc.
I tried to contact support, but the best answer I got pretty much amounted to, "deal with it". Why would there be a defeat badge for an enemy if there is no way to get them? I can't think of any other enemy type in the game that has this issue, red, blue or gold side.
Wouldn't it make sense to either have a Flashback system for Preatoria? Or make it so that these enemies are available SOMEWHERE besides this arc?
If anybody know where I can find the "Failed Experiments" enemy type, PLEASE let me know! -
I guess that better than the one I've just experienced with this mission. I go into the mission defeat the Oberst... Now the objective tells me to "Find Maelstrom" however, after searching the entire map 4x, he and the malta with him are NOT on the map at all! I have even totally reset the mission to the very same effect.
Correction: I talked to these contacts as part of a requirement for a different contacts arc as a "speak with" mission. They became my contact later. I never talked to them AFTER they became my contact, but somehow I already had an arc from them.
Example: Serpent Drummer (RWZ), Crash Cage (Sharkshead), Seer Marino (Mercy Island), Shadow Spider (Grandville) -
In looking at the contacts that have open arcs, I noticed that at least 4 of them are contacts that I never started the arc for. I never talked to these contacts at all. All I did was accept them as a contact from someone else. So this REALLY doesn't seem right.
It's one thing if I talk to the contact and accept the arc that they offer. I opened the arc and I need to finish it to clear it. I can see the points that everybody has been making about that in this thread.
Its an entirely different thing when "Contact A" introduces me to "Contact B" and because of that introduction, "Contact B" immediately starts an arc with me without me talking to them nor accepting to do the arc. It is THIS that needs to be fixed with this... -
Quote:True - but now I know that the developers don't care about the fact that this is unfair to players who actually DO play through the content and that they intend to do nothing about it. Thats fine - I get that.I have to say I'm not exactly sympathetic here. The intended gameplay is to, you know, actually finish the story arcs you start; the book next to the contact is a reminder there is a story arc waiting or in progress. The fact you failed to do so before switching sides is not the developer's problem, nor should they address it as a special case.
I now know that I can go about getting my character leveled to 50 really fast without having to do ANY of the contact mission arcs. In fact, I can go get all the mission badges I want through Oroborous and TFs. They made it so that there is absolutely NO reason to play through any of your contacts.
I've already played all the contact arcs through once on several characters the way (I thought) they intended the game to be played, so why should I do it yet again? The fact that I am being penalized for this is just wrong. For years I have fought to NOT play this way but now I see that it does not matter AT ALL. Why fight it anymore? I am quite sure that THIS is what the developers intended by this situation.
That is what you were getting at - right? Skip all the contact arcs and play them all via Oro... No mess, no hassle. Thanks for the advice. -
I ran into this when trying to get the initial Incarnate mission arc from Mender Ramiel. After I petitioned this because he would not give me the mission, the reply I got was NOT one I was expecting.
I was told, "The reason that Mender Ramiel isn't providing his story arc is because your character currently has too many open story arcs. Any given character is allowed a maximum of 10 open story arcs, and you're currently at that limit. This being the case, there's no room for you to accept the new content from Mender Ramiel."
This is a problem as my stalker started on the red side. I ran many, if not most of the mission arcs, for most of the contacts. I got all the SF badges, mission badges, defeat badges and explore badges over there. But I guess the part where I went wrong is the fact that I DID actually do the missions for most of the contacts. I didn't realize that I would be penalized for leaving some arcs unfinished. I have since moved over to the blue side. All of the contacts that have open arcs are on the RED side. This would involve changing my alignment back to villain just to finish these arcs. In other words it would take me several DAYS to go fix this. Note that on top of all of this that almost all of these contacts are INACTIVE contacts.
I noted in my reply with the petition that it is almost as if they are punishing the players that actually do the mission arcs for the contacts if they don't finish them. Playing the content seems to be a negative.
It seems that those characters that leveled 1-50 in certain AE missions that involved monkeys have a better deal than the way my character is being treated for NOT doing that. These PL'ed characters can just fly through the levels, go get the missions badges via Oro and just jump right into the Incarnate stuff.
Not my character though - because I actually played the content, but maybe didn't finish the arcs, it is going to take me several days to change alignment just to correct this. The sheer stupidity of this boggles my mind.
I suggest that any arcs held by inactive contacts and/or contacts on the opposite alignment's side should dismissed. If the character in question should want to go back and actually play through that arc, they should be able to go through them via Oro. Penalizing characters for not completing an arc is a terrible decision. This needs to be fixed. -
I ran into this very same issue. After I petitioned this, the reply I got was NOT one I was expecting.
I was told, "The reason that Mender Ramiel isn't providing his story arc is because your character currently has too many open story arcs. Any given character is allowed a maximum of 10 open story arcs, and you're currently at that limit. This being the case, there's no room for you to accept the new content from Mender Ramiel."
This is a problem as my stalker started on the red side. I ran many, if not most of the mission arcs, for most of the contacts. I got all the SF badges, mission badges, defeat badges and explore badges over there. But I guess the part where I went wrong is the fact that I DID actually do the missions for most of the contacts. I didn't realize that I would be penalized for leaving some arcs unfinished. I have since moved over to the blue side. All of the contacts that have open arcs are on the RED side. This would involve changing my alignment back to villain just to finish these arcs. In other words it would take me several DAYS to go fix this. Note that on top of all of this that almost all of these contacts are INACTIVE contacts.
I noted in my reply with the petition that it is almost as if they are punishing the players that actually do the mission arcs for the contacts if they don't finish them. Playing the content seems to be a negative.
It seems that those characters that leveled 1-50 in certain AE missions that involved monkeys have a better deal than the way my character is being treated for NOT doing that. These PL'ed characters can just fly through the levels, go get the missions badges via Oro and just jump right into the Incarnate stuff.
Not my character though - because I actually played the content, but maybe didn't finish the arcs, it is going to take me several days to change alignment just to correct this. The sheer stupidity of this boggles my mind.
I suggest that any arcs held by inactive contacts and/or contacts on the opposite alignment's side should dismissed. If the character in question should want to go back and actually play through that arc, they should be able to go through them via Oro. Penalizing characters for not completing an arc is a terrible decision. This needs to be fixed. -
The existence of other players is not to be your teammate. Why should other players change their playstyle to fit your needs, when you're the one that wants to team with them.
If some paying customers in CoH want to PL, AE farm, and be noobs, then that's what they're paying to do. They're not paying to please you. What you're suggesting is to restrict the enjoyment of other players to increase your own enjoyment.
Perhaps, you should be the one to adapt to doing more AE farms, if you want to team with others.
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, I agree with you on this. However, I DON'T want to team with people who "want to PL, AE farm, and be noobs", I want to team with people who actually know how to use their characters powers and know how to play the game as a team. You are also right in that they DO have a right to play that way they want to. I don't expect them to change to my way of playing.
But lowering the bar to let more people in doesn't necessarily mean that better quality people will enter. In fact, it means the opposite. My point is that the AE system, as it currently stands, has seriously lowered the bar.
I see no reason at all to "change my playstyle to fit the others needs" per your original statement. As stated earlier, I already decided to move on to something else, so this is all probably a moot point. -
See... to me, this all sounds like you're just trying to convince yourself it's time to migrate to another Superhero MMO.
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, I already made that decision to leave CoH over this issue and to goto another MMO long before I even considered this post. I'm not trying to convince anybody to think the same - they can all come to their own conclusions. But if I'm thinking this and all of my friends and SG members left over this, the Devs might consider taking a serious look at this and attempt fix it - but I'm not going to wait until that happens...
I haven't logged in for over a week. I was hoping that things might be different today (wishful thinking), but when I did log in today it was exactly the same BS in the AE system. I ended up logging off after being on for less than 30 mins because of it.
It's been a good 4+ year run though and I had fun while it lasted... This game just isn't fun anymore. -
You're right in that I was looking for PUG's - but thats because I stayed on the game longer than my friends because they have all quit the game over this same issue.
You are also correct in that its just a game - but now its a seriously broken game. I won't be paying to play a broken game system. There are other superhero MMO's on the horizon to explore... -
(I'm sure that a lot of people will not agree with me on this topic, but this is my opinion about it.)
I have been playing CoH/CoV for well over 4 years now and have seen a lot of changes to the game, the zones and the missions. Though I peruse the forums, I have never really posted anything here - until now...
IMO, The AE system as it currently is, has wrecked this game for me. The AE has made more players who have no clue about how to use their characters powers and has made more people more concerned about PL'ing than about actually playing the game. For new players, the fact that the only team that they can find is an AE team in Atlas further exacerbates this problem - this is only teaching the new players that CoH is only about doing AE missions and PL'ing. It is virtually impossible to get a normal mission team nowadays at any level.
The AE system is ridiculous. IMO, the AE buildings should be moved out of the lower level zones and should be for level 50 players ONLY. -
This is the stupidest idea I think the devs came up with yet...
Whatever happened to those surveys that they had the players fill out that actually had GREAT ideas on them?
(IE: lunar base, underwater zone, etc) -
True it IS common in comics to goto different times and places. My point is the fact that they couldnt have picked a more lame time period. I still can not name ONE comic book that has gone to a roman time period. Why? Because its lame!
OK Ill give you that it COULD be decent - but without animal models to make mythological creatures from roman mythology this is going to majorly suck. The devs have already stated that they will not be doing animal models for the game.
They, OC wouldnt even remotely touch a dinosaur theme because of this.
My point was we were given a survey of ideas that would actually fit better with the theme of the game (IE lunar bases, underwater lacation) and I see that they threw all of that out the window because someone on the dev team is a history buff. -
Im not going to address the topics that others have discussed at length as GOOD things - Notably Power Proliferations, Villian Epics etc. But I did want to question the decision to include roman (roman?) maps and costumes...
WTH is with this? I can not name one SUPERHERO (Miller's "300" is NOT a superhero comic) comic book that has ever gone to the Roman time period. This is a VERY bizarre choice. Whatever happened to the surveys about what kind of content that the players were given way back when? I seem to remember COOL things like a lunar base or underwater settings... Unless theyre going to introduce mythological beasts such as hydras and cerberus, this is going to be VERY lame.
I was playing this game to play in SUPERHERO settings...
Any thoughts on this roman thing?