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  1. In reference to the XP bug with Chain Induction, there is a post in the "Official Thread for Brutes: Electric Melee" from _Castle_ from about a month ago noting the problem. Haven't been able to find anything since then though. Here's the direct linky to the post.
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    Nice guide!

    Pre-I7, Surging was given for defeating Deathsurge (the Gremlin Monster) in Cap Au Diable. Is this no longer correct?

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    That is still correct. I just got it the other day on my Mastermind for defeating him.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Yes anything to make the thugs look more like...well....thugs. Sorry but I don't see how I am going to strike fear in the hearts of heroes and respect in the eyes of Lord Recluse when I show up with my guns that quack, a secondary that was chosen at whim, and N'Sync as my minions.

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    This has to be the single best quote ever.

    Now, onto some Thug MM reports:
    - Tier 1 thugs, dumber than bricks, and I don't mean the CoH zone.
    - Tier 1 thugs don't seem to have a "stand still" animation, as they constantly run around everywhere like they have a flaming arrow stuck in their rear.
    - Tier 1 thugs seem to have pathing and obstacle collision issues. They constantly get stuck on any obstacle and infinitely repeat the same movements to unsuccessfully get around the obstacle. Issuing them new commands works 1/2 the time to unlock them from this.
    - Tier 1 thugs are either out of shape or have sharp objects in their shoes, as they run laughably slow. I figured since they were thugs they'd be used to having to run fast to make the getaway, but this doesn't seem to be the case. If I Sprint, I can run laps around them getting to a mission door.
    - Tier 1 thug "calling" animation/sound of whistling is, um, interesting. However, it feels more like I'm trying to call in my pet chihuahua or schnauzer. Still pets, yes, but just not the same. Can I 'phone-a-thug?'
    - Pistol whip for brawl is stylish. Kudos.
    - Pistols, your first ranged power, IMHO sounds nice. Kudos.
    - Tier 1 thugs alternate between ranged and melee attacks when in melee range. Kudos.

    All in all, extremely nice!
  4. Another dib in to thank everyone at Cryptic/NCSoft, along with Cuppa, Posi, States, etc. for a fabulous gaming experience over the past 2 years. When I picked up the CoH retail box back in April of '04, I never thought I'd still be playing 3-4 hours a night in April of '06. Here's to those 2 years, and hoping to repost this in April of '08.
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    - When I reminisced about Fraggle Rock, and once again, no one knew who or what it was.

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    Yup, it's sad when no one in my generation knows of Fraggle Rock or the little Doozers that built their little towns which the Fraggles loved to eat. Pretty horrible way of living if ya ask me, but those Doozers were cool. As a kid, I was dishevled to hear they were actually controlled by people who wore helmit devices that were connected to the Doozers. The show was never the same after that...

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    Sigh, I miss Doozers....
  6. From this post by Arc_Salvo, in I7 we are getting reduced endurance for some powers, animation bug corrected for Ranged Shot and Rain of Arrows will be buffable by BU/AIM for Archery.

    I have a current lvl20 Archery/Nrg Blaster that's been shelved until Archery gets some help, which it looks like it might in issue 7. I've respec'd him twice and have found the following:
    - DPS "feels" the same with using the cone/AoE attacks than with using an attack chain comprised of only single target attacks. I'm not a number cruncher, but in 20 levels, this is how "it felt."
    - Blazing Arrow is your heavy hitter by far. Slot it with 1 Acc, 3 Dmg, 1 RchRdx and 1 EndRdx to have it available often.
    - Having an Energy secondary for "blapping" helps a ton with those Smash/Lethal resistance foes like Clockwork and Council robots, along with Trolls, etc. Going in and out of blapping mode isn't too bad even with the redraw times on your bow.
    - Fistful of Arrows and Explosive Arrow are quite underwhelming, as far as AoE powers go. I respec'd out of Explosive Arrow, but kept Fistful. Fistful has a nice animation time, has "decent" damage (as far as the Archery set goes) and can be easily fired off mid-battle. It has an amazingly large cone to it, so you can easily nab several baddies with one shot.

    Just my 2 cents from experience with the set.
  7. Had 2 moments in this game where I felt older than the team I was on:

    - When I made a quote from a Benny Hill skit, and no one knew what I meant, or for that matter, who or what Benny Hill was.

    - When I reminisced about Fraggle Rock, and once again, no one knew who or what it was.
  8. I don't think it's a powerset problem, I think it's a difficulty setting problem. To compare outside of the Tank AT, I find it difficult to solo on Invincible on my lvl37 Scrapper, as it spawns everything in the orange to purple range. I'd recommend at least going back down to a Rugged setting and solo'ing on that to see if it makes a difference. Adding in a second accuracy to your powers will help, but then you'll be losing out on damage (assuming you'll replace a damage enhancement with an accuracy). Since you are already fighting oranges-purples, your damage is already decreased a bit.
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    Just wanted to ask what's wrong with Spider Smasher? I received it last night (2/23).

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    Was this on a Hero or Villain? Mine is still a full bar on the Hero side with no badge.

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    Villain side.
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    errr well i did them right after they started giving badges for the t.f's not before they did

    and if you want a list(which i already gave 100 times before) either go to vidiotmaps or badge [censored] for it..im not gonna list them 101 times

    however i will give you a couple

    spidersmasher,gunner,all pvp and zone badges are screwed in one way or another..2 glad 's are still bugged as well(mu and fortuana).titan glad loses control after going from hec to zeus.etc etc etc

    if your not aware of these "bugs"..then you should get more involed

    like i said before..they will fix these add 3 explortion badges (in new zone)and call it a day...im willing to bet on it.

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    Just wanted to ask what's wrong with Spider Smasher? I received it last night (2/23).
  11. Lvl24, 34, and 44 respec builds would be awesome neotenic, ty!
  12. ED is Enhancement Diversification, which was a new feature added with the Issue 6 update to City of Heroes. You can check the Patch Notes to find some info, and Pilcrow has this nifty guide to explain all the finer points.

    In reference to your power choices and including ED in this, you'll want Stone Skin. You'll want all the damage mitigation you can get on your tanker.