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  1. ((Should I respond to your first one? Should I be a different guy or the same one? I just don't want this the only conversation thing =) ))
  2. ((So we're just supposed to post e-mails, newspapers and stuff like that? If I understand this right, I'll just e-mail some relative of mine. If not, correct me please? =) ))

    May 29, 2004

    Uncle Jim! How are you guys up there in Maine? Mom called and told me you got internet now, congrats. I hsven't seen you in forever. Katie give up smoking yet? We should throw a party when she finally does, right?

    Anyways, I arrived in Paragon a couple weeks ago, got a nice apartment in Atlas Park. I know you don't know of it, but it's not so bad. Well, except for the villains. Obviously, though, that's why I'm here!

    I got registered yesterday, or the day before, I'ts so confusing with all these heroes running around. You have it nice and quiet up there in the woods, you'd go deaf if you lived here.

    I'm registered as Gravity's Enforcer. You know I wasn't always the imaginative guy out there. Although the few guys I knoe, heroes and citizens, mostly in the apartment, call me Grav. I like that, maybe I can lie and say that's my registered name.

    Nah, mom would kill me for something like that. Very strict, y'know?

    I don't have much news other than I'm registered. I still don't even have a costume, that's what I'm doing tomorrow. Anyways, give my love to everyone, and gimme a ring.

    Sadly, I don't know my number by heart yet. Call mom if you will.

    That's me though, right?

    Lovin' ya,
    Gravity's Enforcer

    P.S. Hah! I can right that as my name now!
  3. Virtue, thanks for the help for me to =D Been looking for one for a while now...
  4. it would be really cool for my archery hero to have a lightning arrow just stocked with damage accuracy and maybe a little fear maybe thrown in that would be so COOL
  5. after so many posts how many devs have looked at it or considered it? it might-or probably be the best idea out there and just reinforcing my agreement

  6. The paper is great and i enjoy reading every issue keep up with the good work guys! =D
  7. you know PvP would be an absolute mess so I think that it would be maybe a god idea to not be able to use those in PvP cause it would be a mess, AN ABSOLUTE MESS might be a bad idea but watever
  8. [ QUOTE ]
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    Hey has this seen any red name attention.... im missing it?? I think its thumbtacked on the top but i dont see any red names...

    [/ QUOTE ]i just wanted to quote this again its been quoted like 20 times now =D

    Yeah it was stickied but no developers have made a response. It was acknowledged in game by Ghost Widow (Played by a developer) though. The developers know about it and I am sure they want to implement.

    If we never see it in COH, I can guarantee that this idea will be in Marvel Universe Online.

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    No, it was not. But Ex Libris Stickied it.

    Also, [censored] Marvel. [censored] it in the ear.

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    Using CoX players ideas for another project is WRONG.

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    While I agree with you I think the reality is that Marvel Universe (Being developed by Cryptic) will be built on COH's mistakes. Not really "mistakes" but the way things were built. This engine was built with only X in mind. I am sure the developers will build MUO with X and Y where Y being things that they couldn't implement in COH due to engine limitations. (IE, Wall Climbing, coding for the powers there is some limitations, IE DMG RES and +DMG enhancers)

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    ::sniffs:: Yeah I guess you are right. Hopefully i can resist the urge and stick to CoX.

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  9. although when you chose the animation could you choose from arrows to swords and axes or just shoot it through your hands like energy or just smash 'em up like in superstrength?
    still the best idea around though
  10. I agree to all of these comments which is like 20000 lol but this is definatly a good idea although it would take a very long time i think but if it does ever come into the game it would be great except for one thing...would already lvl 50s just get to create it altogether or would they not have it? anyway great idea you probably got A+++ in school wen u went pretty much saying....

