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  1. My hand and the rest of my joins have recovered almost completely. I'll be by as usual.
  2. On the contrary, there is tons of crying on redside. The dominated, helpless, pathetic citizens weep in dismay at the carnage we leave in our wake. It is true that villains do not week. We have victims to do that for us.
  3. The good news is I tried to play last night and was able to handle a couple of hours before my hand started hurting me, so I should be good for your run, whenever you chose to have it.
  4. I may make it, but I've been having a huge amount of pain and problems with my hands and arms that has kept me from playing for the last few days. I may not be able to attend as a result.
  5. It should also be noted that nearly every new powerset since Freedom has been at least very very similar to something mentioned in Suggestions and Ideas, although in some cases also elsewhere, since they have seemed to be focusing on the most asked for stuff first. The extra travel pool powers are also remarkably similar to ones first suggestion in a thread on the subject here. Long distance teleport was actually an idea brought up there, although others may have suggested the same things first.
  6. I would love to come, but there's a major bug with the final fight, and I was hoping to stay away from the trial until it's fixed. I may try once anyway.

    The bug is that the lights are supposed to add a +1 level shift to the whole team each. It is currently only working on 16 charcters, which includes any pets out. That is apparently all the lights do, so killing them is having half or less that effect it's supposed to and making the trial much, much harder.

    The devs have also clarified some things that should make running it a bit easier. Dying or using the hospital has no effect on Tyrant whatsoever, other than your not being there to attack him. It seems the quills have no effect on him either, only the lights.

    Since I and other mistakenly insisted on plays using the quills on him and not using powers with actual damage, we were sinking our DPS way, WAY below what we should have had.

    Actually now that I've typed this, even with the bug we probably stand a decent chance. I'll try to at least show for the first run.
  7. We could probably do with the break anyway. Once we've torn up Magisterium, we can go back to this if you please.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Light View Post
    What can I say? I got sucked into the prospect of the new shiny. Can't blame a person for trying.

    I, at least, need to move my baby/badger back to Freedom. I felt lost without her on Exalted, and now she's going to waste on the very server. Thankfully, I had the foresight to save her name (and the other 2 I moved over there) on Freedom so it's a simple matter of delete/move.

    Seriously...Just last night, I was a part of a 24-man BAF Fail. 20 Prisoners escaped. I'm still trying to figure out HOW THE BALLS YOU FAIL A 24-MAN BAF.

    /e facepalm (again)

    I've yet to do TPN....I've done MoM once, and failed (on launch day), and it irritates me that I'm missing LAM/Keyes/UG/MoM/and TPN Mo-badges, but I am pretty sure I can't trust a single person on that server to do it right, or have the patience to attempt to do it right.

    I miss my honest to god Speedy ITF's that really are 15 minutes or less, on a bad day.

    On the other hand, I've got a very active SG that I can't just leave. So I'm really torn and stuck on what to do.
    MoM's a tricky one and seems to fail more often than the others anyway. Freedom can do those though. If you come back let me know and I'll lead a TPN just for you. I spend a couple weeks after it was released obssessed with figuring it out. Failed 7 times in a row, then figured it out and have never failed it since.

    EDIT: As to the original topic, all servers will be getting their very own global lfg channels that every single person on the server will automatically be a part of, so that should make teaming a lot easier. It won't make the player made channels completely obsolete as some will prefer to haveplaces to plan things with their groups, or people that share a particular interest, but if you're just looking for any ol team, that should help. Of course, this is all theory. We'll have to wait a little bit after it's released to see how it turns out.
  9. I take tea instead of beer, but am with you otherwise. I may switch toons around between runs some of we aren't going for badges. I'm sure we'll be doing enough badge runs to unlock the new slot on my main anyway.
  10. The canceled Sanctuary? And they did so on my birthday too, which figures, because it was a terrible day for me anyway. Figures something like this would happen too.

    Fortunately Fringe got renewed, and Warehouse 13 and Alphas will be returning too.

    It is sad though that so many of the great theme channel have forgotten their original purpose and become just another channel.
  11. I can bring the incandescence as well. Recon has never used it, but has it at rare for just such an occasion. Probably 3 or 4 of us should be enough to use it every time it comes up.
  12. Actually, I'll take Eureka (for the time it has left) Warehouse 13, and Alphas, all good shows in their own right.

    I'd love to see them take another stab at Stargate though.
  13. Indeed I loved SG-1 and SGA but couldn't stand SGU and dumped it after 4 or 5 episodes. I HATED the infighting, and the plot of most episodes was the characters fighting over the obstacle of the week only for the ship to fix it on it's own.

    I understand it may have improved substantially later on, but by that point I had already given up on it and just didn't care. I think a lot of SG1 fans were the same.
  14. Actually, it's 2 empy's and 2 salvage. You don't collect empy's the second time.

    Anyhow, I'll be there for the first run at least, but probably not the second.
  15. You got loves a challenge without me? OH well, definitely be back for Avoid the Green stuff.
  16. Sorry, it seems I won't be there. Could have done it tonight, but will be on the road tomorrow.
  17. I'm going to try to be there, but as my grandmother is on her deathbed, I may have to leave town suddenly.
  18. catwhowalksbyhimself

    Blades of Apollo

    If there were some set playtimes, I would come. I normally play on Freedom, but was running with a RP static team and would gladly come back over for a RP team again.
  19. If it can be relied on, it looks like the 4 Hybrid branches will be Assault, Control, Melee, and Support, providing damage increases, damage vs controled foes, defence, and buffs respectively. Sounds good to me.
  20. Still waiting for them to get the sound working, but the trial they are previewing is apparently the final battle against Tyrant.
  21. Yes, all the costumes, emotes, and so forth are sent to your email and must first be claimed by whichever character you wish to use them on. There is a "claim all" option for you convenience.
  22. I would say I've gone completely insane, but it's hard to get somewhere you already are. In any case, I'm looking for some fellow crazies willing to run the entire SSA 1 series, all 7 arcs, all at once, starting this Saturday, 3 pm EST in Skyway City. Meet near the train station.

    If you can't stay the whole time, come along anyway, and we'll fill you in. If you can't be their at that time, show up when you can and send me a tell @catwho and I'll bring you in if spots open. Priority will be given to those who can stay the whole time, though.

    So who's as nutty as I am?

    EDIT: Apparent when it comes to insanity, I am in a class of my own. Which is strangely comforting, but also means I'll have to cancel this as an actual event, which is just too bad.
  23. I had just gotten to the fight with NS in BAF. I should have known that trial was doomed.

    First, no one was around and it took forever to form. This in itself is wierd.

    Then when I finally got enough, I got a sudden phone call that I couldn't put off and which lasted a lot longer than I liked. It was about something important, but the timing was not great.

    Then my long suffering league and I were finally off. Then the servers crashed.