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  1. Dont forget to not use teh v 8.8 CAt drivers, they dont work....isnt that right Fat man. Although I think the latest ones the 8.10 do....again isnt that right fat man?
  2. carpenter_EU

    PUG Complaint

    I even ran into Positron in Talos later on and he totally blanked me....

    Still wittering about his TF!

    I have petitioned them all!
  3. carpenter_EU

    PUG Complaint

    Hi All,
    Just wanted to warn you about a few players I played with in a Pug last night. I’m not one to complain usually but these people were absolutely selfish in the extreme. I would recommend avoiding them at all if you meet them in game. I have saved a transcript of the team conversation for you to judge for yourself:

    Me Broadcast: Hi looking for members for team. Lev 40 Blaster, pm to join. Just got a couple of hours here.
    Tell to me: Hi, invite pls
    Team invite sent to Statesman
    Me: Hi thanks for joining
    Statesman: Hello
    Me: Just got a couple of hours, maybe some radio or a couple of arcs for some XP or cool salvage
    Statesman: Star please
    Me: ……sure
    Team invite sent to Manticore,
    Positron, Back Alley Brawler, Numina, Synapse, Sister Psyche
    Me: Hi All
    Me: Hello……
    Manticore: Star Please
    Positron: Star Please
    Numina: Star Please
    Synapse: Star Please
    Sister Psyche: Star Please
    Back Alley Brawler: Does anyone want to train?
    Me: Actually er Statesman has it, I kinda need it back I’m just going to tee up some mishes
    Me: Statesman?
    Me: Star
    Me: Marcus!!!
    You have been made leader
    Me: Thank you
    Me: Ok so radio to warm up?
    Positron: Can we do my TF?
    Numina: My TF now
    Sister Psyche: I sense we should do my TF
    Back Alley Brawler: You still need 34234 experience points before you can train again
    Manticore: I really need to do my TF
    Synapse: BRB BIO
    Statesman: We are doing my TF
    Me: erm it’s a bit long, thought we could just grind for a bit, maybe a cool arc?
    Back Alley Brawler: You need 34234 experience points before you can train again
    Synapse: Back
    Statesman: Mine!!!!!
    Me: No dude, here we go, rescue Dr Marty from the freaskshow, this will do for starters, look its just here in PI
    Statesman: Mine mine mine mine mine!!!!!
    Me: Ok to mission
    Numina: Healz plz!!!!
    Me: We haven’t started
    Numina: HEALZ!
    Back Alley Brawler: YOU NEED 34234 experience points before you can train again.
    Me: Thanks Back….. to mish?
    Numina: Aaaaaagh HEAL
    Statesman: So we start my TF now, To independence port my friends!
    Statesman has been ejected from the team
    Me: Sorry about that
    Synpase: BRB BIO
    Me: OK meet at mish, come on
    Me: Ready!
    Sister Psyche: Ready!
    Positron: Ready!
    Numina: HELP! RUN! Ready!
    Back Alley Brawler: You still need 34234 experience points before you can train again
    Manticore: Ready!
    Synapse: BRB cat has been sick
    <some time later>
    Me: Argh, Big Purp Mobs, hang on Ill pull
    Positron: how do you dance?
    Me: Wait behind the pillar, Ready?
    Back Alley Brawler: Im just off to level
    Synapse: Oh god its all over the keyboard
    Positron: How do you do that thing when you turn into a pumpkin?
    Numina: Healz Run!
    Tell from Statesman: Can I join? Im sorry
    Me to Statesman: Seriously, we are just getting some XP, casual, cheerful team….
    Tell from Statesman: Im sorry I was bad
    Team invite sent to Statesman
    Statesman: Hello All I have returned
    Statersman: IS this my TF?
    Statesman has been ejected from the team
    Positron: Hah look Im dancing!!!
    Numina: Does anyone have a wakie?
    Me: You are still alive, we haven’t fought anyone yet
    Manticore: Leeeroy Jenkins Yeahhhhhhhhh
    Me: Aaaargh
    <19 seconds later>
    Positron: Does Anyone have a wakie?
    Manticore: Does Anyone have a wakie?
    Synapse: Does Anyone have a wakie?
    Sister Psyche: Does Anyone have a wakie?
    Numina: Does Anyone have a wakie?
    Back Alley Brawler: OK back!
    Sister Psyche: LMAO we PWNED, this is the best team ever
    You have quit the team

    Be warned these people were total N00bs!

  4. carpenter_EU

    Empathy Trio

    Hi All, If you happen to see three toons together red green and blue, numbers 1 2 and 3 thats us (Better Dead than Smeg). The newest empath trio. Tornique, Healinator and Felka

    Hope on board if you see us, we always welcome all players of all abilities in our current level range.

    So if you like:

    - Perma Recovery
    - Perma Regen
    - Triple Assualt, Manouveres and Tactics
    - Rolling heals
    - Invincible missions
    - Muchacho XP

    ....then join us, it's BLISS! Even better why not roll your own Empath Sonic and truck along (FOR-EVERRR)

    See you in hell!!
  5. Sweet it all works, it had actually done it when i re-loaded just now, i did the same as you just quit on the menu straight out.

    Cheers dude!

    Im off to find a crate for those treats
  6. Its amazing how you know that, gonna try now and then send you choccies if it works
  7. Hi All....

    Just built a new system with a 4850 GPU on Vista 64 and Im having trouble.

    Already sidestepped the Catalyst driver 8.8 issue by downloading and installing the moody beta 8.9

    However when I try and run the game it works fine but I cant get my resolution off 1024!??!

    I run a 1440x900 monitor supoprted by my card but every time I select the desktop 1440 or regular 1440 options and apply it says restart to change settings but the resolution in the box goes to 1024 again.

  8. Big thanks to all who took part in the team on Sunday to "Do" all the monsters in teh game and finish on a TF. I appreciate the help in getting the badges and hope everyone else managed a few too. Everything was done in great team Spirit. I would also like to apologise for standning int he doorway of the last TF mission but I had to cook my GF dinner or she was going to clout me...

    Thanks to:

    Tin heed
    crazy chick
    Will powers
    The Bouncer
    Agent Scipio
    and anyone I forgot!

    Sorry that we had to eat the debt that Lusca dished out (I guess it cant be done with 6 people!!!! )...we tried

    See you in game
  9. I've been a player for a long while on COX so this may sound a bit noobish coming from me. I am a little confused and frustrated by the salvage drops in the game. Everyone knows that magic salvage drops are worth more than all the others put together. I find it irritating that when mishing against tech, natural or any other types of enemy even the orange drops on these are worth literally nothing in Wentworths. (I realise that this is not wholly true, but mostly we can agree).

    Simple economics I know dictates the prices of these items since the demand is greater than the supply for expensive items and the reverse for cheaper items. The whole system though seems unfairly skewed towards magic items however. I like picking up stuff and enjoy the random nature of getting good salvage from groups but find myself unfairly drawn to circle of thorns and other magic enemies since I know the drops are worth more, this itself is limiting the game experience a little.

    What I am trying to say therefore is can the devs not with the next issue alter some popular desirable recipes or introduce others that use more high end salvage from other sources to balance this out. The next time I find orange tech salvage worth 200 INF Im gonna get upset.

    I hope you understand where I am coming from with this,it's not a massive thing, I just think that a lot of people enjoy the random pickups (note I see nothing wrong with the recipe pickups, these arent affected in that way) and it would make all missions more fun for people who do enjoy "looting" if it was even slightly more balanced. Im not looking for equality just not total bias to magic as we are now.

    Is it just me that feels this way?

    You can commence the burn now.....