Big thanks to all who took part in the team on Sunday to "Do" all the monsters in teh game and finish on a TF. I appreciate the help in getting the badges and hope everyone else managed a few too. Everything was done in great team Spirit. I would also like to apologise for standning int he doorway of the last TF mission but I had to cook my GF dinner or she was going to clout me...
Thanks to:
Tin heed
crazy chick
Will powers
The Bouncer
Agent Scipio
and anyone I forgot!
Sorry that we had to eat the debt that Lusca dished out (I guess it cant be done with 6 people!!!! )...we tried
Big thanks to all who took part in the team on Sunday to "Do" all the monsters in teh game and finish on a TF. I appreciate the help in getting the badges and hope everyone else managed a few too. Everything was done in great team Spirit. I would also like to apologise for standning int he doorway of the last TF mission but I had to cook my GF dinner or she was going to clout me...
)...we tried
Thanks to:
Tin heed
crazy chick
Will powers
The Bouncer
Agent Scipio
and anyone I forgot!
Sorry that we had to eat the debt that Lusca dished out (I guess it cant be done with 6 people!!!!
See you in game