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  1. Good guide. You've found a blaster niche that leverages the IO system well, without gimping anything. Some say guides are out of date because of Real Numbers, but this kind of guide certainly is not.

    With the cheapness of the purples needed here, this is an excellent way to build a cheap, effective, high recharge blaster. Well done.
  2. The irony is that the merit system has basically strengthened all of those activities it set forth to fix in the first place.
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    Has anyone found or written a plant/storm guide that i can look at, because there's none listed in the main index first page. I'm interested in skill synergies, and what to expect for grouping/duo'ing.

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    I have been thinking of rolling a plant/storm lately and came here looking for a guide as well.

    I have heard and can imagine that SoC, Freezing Rain, Roots combo does pretty well, but was interested in some of the other powers and how it plays level 38+ in general.

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    I don't know that you need a plant/storm specific guide. There are a ton of storm guides out there, what with it being in 4 AT's now and all. The dominator forum has quite a few plant guides since it's such a popular set for them.

    The play of the combination is similiar to fire/storm or earth/storm or any other combination having some -kb to pair with Tornado and LS. Plant itself is a very basic set. It has an ST hold and AOE hold, ST immob and AOE immob. That's 4 of its powers, and pretty standard amongst trollers. Seeds is an AOE confuse, and nothing special there except it's in an AOE. Spore burst is an AOE sleep.......and skipped the same as it is in most sets. Spirit tree is a stationary regen beacon, with the drawbacks commonly associated. Usually skipped because it serves almost no benefit except on long, drawn out, stationary battles like AV's. Fly Trap is your standard pet, just more worthless than most.

    That leaves Creepers. Creepers does some of a lot. It's a patch with immobs and giant vines, capable of good damage and can take some aggro from you.

    As for the play, see the other guides using storm. FR and snow storm are your every spawn debuffs. Throw down FR, confuse, and use roots.......that's your early game in a nutshell, adding snow storm as needed. Later you can add tornado and LS when you get them. And, of course, hurricane use is a skill all its own. All of the complexities come with the storm powers, and its best to see one of the many storm guides for that. As far as any specific interplay with the sets, there really isn't much unique that there isn't in other sets.
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    I never said it was fun. You just cant expect to do this and have fun at the same time. The two are almost mutually exclusive.

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    Do allow me to live in my fantasy land where playing a game is meant to be fun.
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    You just dont blast the difficulty to the max and you ghost whenever possible. So alot of the time complaints just really arent valid.

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    Unless of course, you find this an incredibly dull way to play.

    There is nothing more grinding than grinding without even "playing" the game. It's like uber-grinding!!
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    So what is the point of the system exactly?

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    That's the real question, isn't it? Because of the effect it is having on the market, it's become replacement currency.....and I think what bugs people the most is, this new currency isn't always given out, whereas before, no matter what you did, you got influence/infamy.

    It's like going to your job everyday, but only getting money on Tuesday. And what people are doing is, only coming to work on Tuesdays! But they finish tired, and bored, and unfulfilled.

    The grind has merely shifted, and dare I say, become worse in the process. I would like to reiterate what someone else said above: Time for some feedback the other way. Very few are happy with this change. What is to be done, if anything, about it? Where does this, in the long term, benefit the player base?
  7. That's a pretty good synopsis of what Storm brings to the mastermind table, and as you said, it's an awful lot!

    I do disagree, of course, on your feelings on Gale. For a controller, particularly one with immobs, it is certainly less useful. But for everyone else, it comes in really handy as a compliment to Hurricane since the repel nerf several issues ago. Gale is great for knocking them over and sweeping them up with Hurricane. It is also a lot quicker for bunching people already near a wall together. It's also great in those times you need to help someone from far away. Not an every spawn power, but you have to take it anyway, and it's far more useful than most people give it credit for. The only real downside is its shoddy accuracy out of the box.

    Ditto with Tornado. It's a power that is sorely underutilized in part because, without immobs, it doesn't fit into the "neat and tidy" way most people play. But it can come in awfully handy when you need it, and it does it with almost no cost of slots. I highly recommend it to any storm user. The uses of it are as big as your imagination. It makes a great corner puller for a tough boss, because you can drop it without line of sight. Sit back with your henchmen, a LS, freezing rain, and unleash tornado around the corner.

    And tornado's damage is greatly underestimated. If you only use it on AV's, EB's, and those immune to knockback, it's still worth its power slot for the damage it can inflict. Great power!

    That's kinda storm in a nutshell though, isn't it? Almost none of them need slots, although all of them benefit from them. All of the powers are useful, although you certainly don't need all of them. It's a fantastic set, and one I am happy to finally have for masterminds.
  8. Hey, if it works for you, it works for you. But you did come in here pretty confrontational, as if you expected someone to make certain comments. It's like you only posted it FOR that reason.

    Such a build requires explanation. It works for you for a reason. It will only work for someone else, and thusly be useful in this forum, if we know WHY it works for you.