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  1. Yeah, just got around to checking out the bonuses on SATO

    The 5 melee def is nice, but being ranged it doesn't do much for me. Everything else seems pretty negligible for what I need so I'll probably slot only the proc.

    In terms of Control, just like Controller containment, it will only work on Stun,Sleep,Hold,Immob. Terrorize is not an eligible mez for containment/control.
  2. The only eligible power I have left to mess around with is Omega Maneuver. I may end up 4 slotting there. I haven't looked at the SATO bonus values though and not sure if it's really worthwhile. I'm assuming that max end at the 6th slot bumps up to 5%. That is pretty tempting.
  3. Yeah, global proc is awesome. 12% chance for extra damage everytime you fire off one of your main attacks. All at the cost of one single slot? Sign me up!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
    Odd that they're all PPM except the Kheldian, SoA and Stalker ones, which are %.
    Thought so too. I'm guessing It has to do with the Kheld/SoA being globals. Stalkers, no clue, maybe they thought it would be OP at 1 PPM?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dz131 View Post
    rly? That's awesome.
    Also, it appears that the buff they're receiving is more than 15% a stack, more around 35%. Still haven't FULLY verified this but will continue testing. Not sure if they're supposed to receive a larger buff like Support or if this is bugged. I'm assuming bugged, but a full army of damage capped Spiders is a beautiful thing to behold.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dz131 View Post
    Do the hybrid get passed through pets like the others? I mean having Melee on every MM pet with the res+def+regen buff would be kind of gdlk.
    The only Hybrid that pets appear to inherit is Assault. (aside from the obvious Support also)
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Yorukira View Post
    So a power attack is 100% base and can only by enchant 300%, so with 100% from enchamnets and 200% of +dmg buff I'm already on the cap dmg of the atack?
  8. Proc currently is not working so I dont know much damage it does. I think Touch of Death proc does 'minor toxic' also so I would guess its the same damage.

    Control dmg 'waylay' affects characters who are stunned, immob'd, held, slept only. Terrorize is a no go.
  9. I'm at 130ish on my enhancements including Musc, 30 from double assault, 20 from IO bonuses, and now 75 from Hybrid.

    I understand what you're saying though. I was a bit surprised to find that SoA have the same damage cap as defenders.
  10. Do we know for sure it's a 10 second buff? There was much mention of Hawk saying it was 15 seconds. I haven't personally timed it but it sure feels like it sticks around for a long time.

    On my crab I'm sitting at around +255 damage with Assault Hybrid, 45 from cap. I'd prefer this over relying on outside buffs. I don't know a whole lot on Night Widows but it sounds like they can now run a more effective chain since they don't need to focus on multiple stacks of follow up?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Trilby View Post
    What is the proc? And set bonuses?
    Proc is a chance for minor toxic dmg. It's a global so it affects all SoA attacks.

    The bonuses aren't worth changing things around on my build but I'll definitely toss in the proc.

  12. Support seems a bit iffy to me. The buff is pretty low and while it does affect leaguemates the target cap is WAY low. 24 max targets on T4 core, my pets and I are 7 targets right there. If some Thug MM drops gang war he's eating up like 17 of my targets. I think the target cap needs to be bumped up to 255 like all other pbaoe buff toggles. The only real worthwhile buff is the double def on pets. 12 def is nice but 12 damage and 12 acc (not even ToHit!) is piddly. Definitely not worth the .5 end cost.

    Melee would be good for tank spiders. The regen IS stackable and IS affected by alpha. So if you're running Vigor core, the end cost drops to .38/sec and the regen bumps up to 43.5/stack for 450 regen at max stack. Pets don't receive this buff and it requires standing in a mob of enemies so it's a pass for my ranged build.

    Control seemed okay but nothing too great. Maybe a fortunate could make decent use of this. The dmg on the procs is about 30 each so it's not a true scourge/containment. Pets don't receive this buff so it's a pass for me.

    Assault core is definitely the winner for me. At 5 stack you're sitting at +75 damage and with AoE you're looking at multiple stack chances. I normally hit the 5 stack from dropping my opening venom grenade. The buff last for 15 seconds which is pretty long. Once it expires another AoE should get me back up to cap. With damage slotting, musculature, double assault, IO bonuses, and now Assault core I'm getting very close to SoA damage cap without any outside help. That's pretty nuts. Oh, and also, pets DO get this buff. I did a pylon run with Assault running and they were all sitting at 4-5 stack pretty regularly. So my spiders are sitting at like +245 damage after all buffs . Also, lore pets get the benefit too. Thats some major damage.

    So yeah, for me, the real gem here is Assault Core. I'll need to rely on Ageless destiny if the end cost stays at .5 but that won't be a huge deal breaker as I really didn't bother with Destiny too much anyway.

    Also, in terms of the new ATO, the proc sounds awesome. The catalyzed version bumps up to a 12% chance to proc for every single attack. Pretty insane. It's currently not working in Beta though. Sad.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    The big question to be answered of course, which won't come til this things hit beta for real, is whether or not you can slot more than one ATO set. That is, if you have round 1 ATOs slotted, can you slot the Round 2 ATO in a different power that accepts it, or will you have to choose which set you want.
    I have a full set of Dominion of Arachnos slotted and was able to slot the Spider's Bite global proc with no problem. I know they're still WIP and the global proc isn't even working at all right now so who knows.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
    Guy Perfect: Toxic proc in every attack? Yes please!
    Loving this. Curious to see what the SATO proc % is.

    Catalyzed it's at 12% chance to proc.
  15. Just as I thought, since Support is leaguewide the buff is pretty small. 4-6% buff to all at T4. Bleh.

    Also, these toggles are expeeeensive. .50/s
  16. My biggest gripe was how everything was 'wrapped up' at the end in a TL;DR fashion. Penny Yin joining the Phalanx and Posi becoming the head honcho? That would've been stuff I would like to see happen during actual missions. Not just a "oh, btw, this happened too".
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sermon View Post
    Available on the test servers now?
  18. My understanding of how it works is that the proc applies a sort of buff that goes away in 10 seconds. The buff throws you in to hide, but even when you come out after your attack its still there. Scoring another proc while under this buff does nothing for you, it doesn't reset the timer, doesn't put you in hide again, nothing. Once the buff is gone you can go back in to hide with the proc.

    So yeah, there is a 10 second limit of sorts which is why AS is generally the way to go with this proc.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
    I'd be really surprised if it wasn't supposed to work on the MM's pets (since Interface and Alpha do)...
    Me too, but my concern is that Hybrid are toggle powers. I don't know of any toggles that affect just caster and his pets w/out affecting the rest of the team. I guess they could do whatever they did with Supremacy but I hope it's not aura based... unless its a 99999 ft aura.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Yogi_Bare View Post
    From the MMORPG site:

    Scourge vs Fury for AoE heavy toons (opinions)?
    I wonder if pets will benefit from these unique Hybrid powers. Would be a shame for an MM to have scourge but only on its own weak attacks.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
    Stupid question, has anyone tried entering the Hybrid powers visible in the stream chat into the current client [as brackets] to see if anything is in the files yet?
    I tried [Power:Melee Radial Embodiment] on live and it was a no go. Looks like we're waiting.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    You fool you don't know what you're doing! She'll be invincible! Smilies the size of semi trucks! Dogs marrying cats! It'll be chaos!
    Mother of god... what have we done???
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    He'd be distracting, that's for sure
    Uh oh, think we found GG's weakness.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
    Wonder how end heavy these Toggles are. I see most, if not all of my scrappers with Assault.
    Curious about this too. I really hope Hybrid is included in the beta opening later this week.