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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tex View Post
    I've mentioned this in a different thread ( ), but the tray issue is being looked into.
    Any updates on this? All the other thread says is that you are "aware" of the issue; it doesn't indicate whether anything has been done.
  2. Simple question, do the 30 day licenses in the Paragon market (auction, invention, etc.) stack up? As in if I buy one license, and buy the same one again, will it go for 60 days total, or will I have just wasted points, as the description says the license works for "30 days from time of purchase"?
  3. So, still no points. Support somehow claims that I am supposed to get them Nov 28th while simultaneously pointing me to a chart showing that they should have been given out on Nov 8th.

    Meanwhile, they try to get rid of me by giving me a link to update my ticket on the German support site. What kind of jerk move is that? Or are they really just that incompetent? Either way, how is that supposed to make me want to give them more money, ever?
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
    Blackbird, the first response I got from support made it sound like I shouldn't get my points until the end of the pay period, but when I inquired why it was not at the start like it should be, they clarified that I was supposed to get those at the start, but the reward token comes later currently.
    I know what you're saying about how confusing support has been about this in the past, however this time there was nothing ambiguous about their statement. They specifically acknowledged that I had received my first disbursement of points on Sep 13th, that I got the next on Oct 12th, and then stated that I would get the points for the Oct 28th period on Nov 28th. Plus, taking into account the fact that the start of the pay period has already passed by more than a couple of weeks, and it becomes obvious that they have no intention of giving out these points before the end of the month, if at all.
  5. Still waiting for my points... support is now telling me that I am supposed to get my points for the 10/28 billing period on 11/28. How does that make any kind of sense?
  6. Nov 13th and still no points (or transfer token for that matter). If they're trying to win my subscription back, they are definitely going about it the wrong way!

    All I can figure is that since I chose to deactivate my account, even though it is paid up through Nov 28th, they shut down all of the VIP rewards for my account. This looks like just more sloppy bookeeping. Until the 28th, I'm still a paying customer (whether I want to be or not), and I expect to be treated as such. All of these continuing mistakes are inexcusable.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mokalus View Post
    It's a little depressing that the only part of this whole thing that seems to be working flawlessly and transparently is the part where they take my money.

    My billing date is on the 28th, and I have a 3-month subscription that expires on Nov 28th.

    For the billing cycle beginning Sep 28th, I got my 400 points on Oct 12th.

    My understanding was that each month, the points date was supposed to be moving up a day or two to bring it closer to the actual billing date. However, here it is, Nov 12th, and I still have not received my points for the Oct 28th billing cycle.

    I've cancelled my subscription at this point; frankly I get more value per dollar by going premium and purchasing points. I get my points and badge upfront with no confusion, and I get more points per dollar even after spending points for monthly access to anything I need (invention system, etc.).

    Unless they can deliver better value for a subscription, and deliver it consistently and on time, there is no way I'm going back to a monthly sub, it just doesn't make any kind of financial sense for me. Why pay more for less delivered late (if at all)?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
    Log on to City of Heroes Freedom™ between October 20, 2011, 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time (12:00 p.m. Eastern Time / 5:00 p.m. British Time / 18:00 Central European Time) and November 2, 2011, 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time (November 3, 2011, 2:59 a.m. Eastern Time / 7:59 a.m. British Time / 8:59 Central European Time) and get your Trick or Treat cap back on with a brand new mission for Halloween 2011!

    Dr. Kane's House of Horror will add even more panache to the existing Zombie Apocalypse and Deadly Apocalypse, as you venture into a nightmarish mansion full of danger!

    Check out the updated Halloween page here for more information on the upcoming event!
    And from that link:

    Dr. Kane's House of Horrors is a co-op event for up to four characters of level 15-50. Access this new event through the Team Up Teleporter (only).
    (boldface added for emphasis)

    Whoever's writing these things really needs to learn the meaning of the phrase "up to," as in "can be less than, but no more than." It's rather disappointing to discover that my wife and I can't run our duo through this on our own, and when we try to join the queue, it keeps resetting because someone drops out.

    We don't mostly play on our own because the game is better that way, we play on our own because it's a pain in the neck to have to rely on other random players (who are complete strangers and may or may not be flaky twits) in order to get anything done.

    We designed our characters to work well in tandem with each other and to complement each other's strengths and weaknesses, and I'm sure the pair of us could handle a mission designed for four average players assembled randomly (i.e., through the LFG system), and I see no reason why we should be denied the opportunity to do so. If we go in the mission and fail, whose loss is it, really? It's just our time and effort at stake, so what's the issue with allowing smaller groups?
  9. I just logged in this morning and discovered I had received a token (it wasn't there yesterday afternoon), after being told that I wouldn't get it until the 28th (which was after a support ticket told me I'd get it on Oct 11th). I know I probably shouldn't complain about getting it a few days early, but frankly, this inconsistency and contradiction just adds to the confusion and further decreases any confidence in this system.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JakHammer View Post
    The original Paragon Rewards announcemant from July 21st is still on the news archive, and also the Announcements Forum on July 21st from Beastyle. The linked pages inside those announcements that specifically described the up front loading of tokens for multi-month subs are no longer available. Error 404. This is quite proper as they are in error and have been superceeded by what is actually happening. Below is the clarification and apology from Zwil on Sept. 12.

    __________________________________________________ _______________________

    "IMPORTANT: Paragon Rewards Program Update - 9/12/2011
    Since announcing City of Heroes Freedom we’ve been extremely excited to share all of the new features coming with Issue 21, one of the most exciting being the Paragon Rewards Program.
    We’ve fielded several questions over the last several weeks about the Paragon Rewards Program, one of which being about how Paragon Reward Tokens are awarded for players who purchase Multiple Month Subscription plans. Our original design, and what we’ve been sharing, is that VIP players who purchased multi month subscription plans would be awarded all Paragon Reward Tokens at the time of purchase. Unfortunately due to technical limitations that we have been unable to overcome, this will not be the case. Instead, VIP players who purchase multiple month subscription plans will receive their Paragon Rewards Token each month on their billing cycle, at the same time they receive their monthly allotment of Paragon Points. Please note that Paragon Reward Tokens granted by the purchase of Paragon Points will grant at the time of purchase.

    We do sincerely apologize that we were not able to launch Issue 21 with this feature and will continue to endeavor to implement it in the future.
    Andy Belford
    Community Manager
    Paragon Studios"

    __________________________________________________ __________________________

    In re-reading this communication I find that characterizing it as "lame" is a bit harsh, and will in turn give a sincere apology to Andy.

    However I cannot help but note that the quoted message above says that Tokens will be granted at the same time as points on your billing date. I sure would hate to have a job where I constantly go before the public with bad information and then have to explain it away somehow. Andy, after this you should consider doing the same thing for big bucks and become a Presidential spokesman.

    I caught that as well - "Instead, VIP players who purchase multiple month subscription plans will receive their Paragon Rewards Token each month on their billing cycle, at the same time they receive their monthly allotment of Paragon Points." So when did this change to what we are being told currently about tokens only being awarded at the end of the month?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by all_hell View Post
    I think, but I may be mistaken, that if you have enough tokens, you can access these things w/o having to buy the licenses.
    You're right; auction access is the Tier 4 bonus, and invention access is Tier 7. I'm at Tier 6 at the moment (unsubbed and resubbed a few times over the years), so that's one license I wouldn't have to buy each month. My wife's account is considerably newer than mine though, but I still think it's a better deal than just paying the subscription every month.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by all_hell View Post
    I have every intention to take a look at this option as well.
    Upon cursory examination, it looks like an acceptable trade-off.

    14,000 pts buys a lot of stuff for someone who is tier nine.
    The way I look at it, I can buy 1200 points a month, buy a 30 day auction access and a 30 day invention access which would give me all I really need, and have over 800 points left instead of the 400 that comes with a subscription. I've got enough character slots stored up to give me access to all the toons I play and a few more, so really, where is the incentive to continue a subscription? Especially when they can't get the subscription accounting right for points and tokens, but non-subscribers are able to get these easily?
  13. Does anyone know if those who are purchasing Paragon Points directly are getting their Reward Token for every 1200 points properly? Because if so, this system has been so messed up lately, that it has me thinking I'd be better off cancelling my VIP subscription and using the sub money to buy points each month instead.
  14. Warning: This post contains spoilers about early missions in Praetoria!

    ************************************************** ***

    Ok, so my character is in a bit of a moral quandry, and I'm confused over the future consequences of the choices presented to me. I've been playing a new character (Praetorian), and I've been playing as a Resistance member working undercover, almost exclusively doing missions for the Loyalist contacts, but alerting Calvin Scott whenever appropriate.

    In doing this, I get to the end of Cleopatra's mission chain, and I'm informed that a Moral Choice is coming. After going throught the first part of the mission, I discover that Cleopatra is a member of the Resistance and tried to have me killed. Chief Interrogator Washington wants me to go with him to take her down. So I contact Scott to find out what he wants me to do, and he says that since Cleopatra got herself caught, I should go ahead and kill her, then take her place.

    Here's the problem: when I actually get to the mission and have to make the choice, the option to kill Cleopatra, you know, the one I've been ordered to do by the Resistance leader, is the Loyalist choice. So, in order to follow along with what Scott wants me to do, I have to shift my allegiance to the opposing side?!? How does that make any sense?

    This leaves me quite confused as to what my choices really are, and whether they actually mean anything at this point. If I follow the Resistance orders, and take the Loyalist option and change my alignment, will I still be able to take the undercover Resistance missions, or will these be locked out because I am now considered a Loyalist? If following orders gets you kicked to the other team, then that's seriously messed up, but past experience tells me not to take anything in this game for granted. Or, if I choose the Resistance option, and defy Resistance orders, will I alienate Scott and no longer be able to proceed with Resistance missions? Will I be outed to the Loyalists, and no longer be able to do undercover work for the Resistance?

    I've peeked at some guides, but while they show the mission options, none that I've found explain the consequences of these options. Of course, there's always the possibility that the game is coded in such a way that the choice doesn't really matter, and that whatever side I "choose" at this point, I will still be able to continue with either path. But if that's the case, then what's the point of having the moral choice at all? The whole situation is just so mixed up and backwards that I just don't know which way to go with it.

    Anyway, sorry if I'm a bit long-winded, but hopefully some of you out there who have experienced more of these particular missions can point me in the right direction. What choice here is the best to allow my character to continue in his undercover status, doing missions for the Loyalists but secretly keeping the Resistance informed, or does it even really matter?

    Thanks in advance for the help!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
    See that's kinda what I was waiting for. I just wanted the super tailor from the super science pack so I was gonna wait just get the power pay less then $10. So I wait for the paragon market to go live and hey look the only thing I wanted from that pack is now the same as the pack before......wait wut?
    This is exactly how I feel. I didn't want the whole super science pack, but I did want the ability to change character height for different costumes. So I figured my best bet was to wait for the Paragon Market, but now I feel a bit ripped off. There's no way I'm paying $10 just for the super tailor, it's not worth it! At the very most, this should have been only 500 points, putting it on a par with the other booster pack powers (beast/ninja run, etc.). I still think that's a bit much for what mostly amount to glorified sprints, but it's still a lot more reasonable than one power costing as much as the entire original pack!
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
    I am insane and childish...


    Actually I don't know whats more "insane and childish"... appreciating what you have -or- receiving big changes in code and expecting things

    yeah, I'm insane and childish...

    People <not PPL> loves me for it.
    I'll say it again: the issue isn't things breaking unexpectedly and requiring emergency fixes, we are talking about PLANNED HARDWARE UPGRADES which the company had to have scheduled in advance, but which they failed to notify the customers about with sufficient warning.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Issen View Post
    But, even if we knew in advance, it wouldn't change anything. We'd still have a long downtime and people would still be complaining.

    Simply knowing it's coming sooner doesn't change the situation.
    It most definitely does change the situation.

    First, it changes people's perception of the situation; if they are informed in advance, they feel like valued customers, whereas if things like this are sprung on them at the last minute, they feel they are being ignored or forgotten and that the company doesn't care how they are treated. Which of these do you think provides happier customers? Perception is a powerful influence, and can drastically affect attitudes.

    Secondly, it gives people the opportunity to plan their time according to the scheduled downtime. If you know in advance that the game will be down on a particular day, you'll plan on not playing, and instead schedule other activities. But what happens if you don't have notice about a large downtime like this, and plan to spend a few free hours playing that day? You try to log in, expecting everything to function normally (because of course, you were on just yesterday, and everything was fine and nothing was scheduled), but to your surprise and shock, the system is down and you can't do a thing. Now you feel that your time and money have been wasted, because you had planned your schedule to make use of a service you had paid for, and you have been denied that time and that service.

    These downtimes need to be announced to the customers with sufficient notice; bare minimum one week in advance, preferrably 2-4. And the announcements should not just be buried on the forums where most players never go, they need to be made clear on the launcher, where they will be easily seen. Keeping your customers in the dark is never an effective way of generating good will, trust, or respect.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Issen View Post
    "Well in advance"?

    What's your definition of "well in advance", because a day before is pretty good notice. Also, we don't know what sort of schedule they're on or how they operate. Maybe it WAS last minute and they didn't know beforehand.

    Assumptions folks. You all know what they do.
    For my company, if we need hardware upgrades for a project, we usually know 3-6 months ahead of time that they will be implemented at an approximate date. By the time it gets down to 1-2 months in advance, the date has been finalized and the hardware orders have been placed, and announcements go out to all affected employees and organizations informing them of the scheduled downtime.

    The timeline for the CoH team may be a little different, but I can assure you that no one is buying hardware on a whim to be installed 12 hours later. Considering how long Freedom has been in the works, and assuming that the upgrades were needed in relation to this project (either to handle game changes or in anticipation of more server load due to new players), then I'm sure that this upgrade was planned quite some time ago. As soon as the dates were fixed, this should have been announced. This should never have been kept off the announcements until the night before, that's just careless.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SinergyX_EU View Post
    I see a difference between weekly maintenance, emergency fix and these so called 'scheduled downtimes'. Weekly maintenance is mentioned already on the site and are that commonly done i never seen anyone really have issues with those, emergency fixes announced ingame and last quite short to not bother about.

    As for the 'scheduled' downtime, a day prior the downtime (or in several cases a few hours if you take 'sleep' in consideration) doesnt really feel like a 'scheduled' but more like a waking up and thinking about things u gonna do this day. If my timezone is set correctly on this board, the downtime of today was posted 22.00 lastnight, a noticed that in 14,5 hours later the game will go down for a considerable long time. The 22nd downtime was done about 17 hours prior the shutdown. Add up the 'nighttime' of EU (wich is kinda playtime on NA/US), thats not really a 'in advance' notice.

    You cant really tell me that they didnt know that today downtime wasnt know prior today, or even bother to write down a 'possible' downtime for continues serverupgrade and movement. I gues if they should have told us 2 weeks ago there will be alot of downtime due transfer and upgrades, people would have been pissed and mad, but it would made each 'daily downtime' a bit easier to cope with. Specialy if they already said these downtimes will cover EU primetime/daytime mostly.
    Agreed - server upgrades do not constitute "emergency fixes," and should be known and scheduled well in advance. There is no reason to have these downtimes occuring on such short notice.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madadh View Post
    True, but for the most part, those people inconvenienced have already been compensated above and beyond the value of the downtime. NCSoft knew that server upgrades would be warranted in anticipation of F2P. They also knew that this would lead to downtime. I don't know for sure their reasons, but I can speculate. It was about this time that NCSoft announced that people that maintained subscriptions up to the beginning of Freedom and F2P would accrue Paragon Points even before the official system begins. So, if you've been about during the whole time you've already got at least 800 PP. Which, if purchased, have value of appx $10. Which is the equivalent of 20 days worth of sub time, more or less. The downtime, while admittedly starting to stack up, hasn't yet reached 20 total days. I think it's safe to assume and read between the lines that the reason NCSoft offered these free goodies was compensation for the problems and inconveniences that would quite likely arise during the transition to F2P. They did not, in any way, have to offer free Paragon Points prior to the launch of F2P. The very people getting those free points are the ones that are having to put up with all the downtime. I think it adds up, but I can't prove it. But, even if that wasn't the reason, regardless of why, all the folks here are getting extra value above and beyond what NCSoft had to deliver, and that is something that should at least be remembered.
    Speculation on the part of paying customers should not be required. If the points given during these months were intended to compensate for planned excessive downtime, that should have been explicitly stated at the start.
  21. What really irks me about these sorts of issues is the total lack of communication about the game status. I understand that there are always unforseen problems when changes are made to a system, and it can easily take longer than expected, but that is no reason for someone not to take a few moments to tell the customers what the heck is going on!!!
  22. I'm having the same problem - I can zoom on the lower body setting, and everything below that, but the head and upper body are always zoomed out. It's rather annoying when the zoom only works for costume parts that the zoom mode won't show anyway!