3607 -
Quote:Via patch notes:
Still feels minor to me. The defense portion only goes up to 10 targets, I am gaining about 1% defense per target hit. ::shrug::
My recharge constantly flickers between 212% and 275%. I should have 212% after factoring in target-capped Entropic Aura.
Energize does help, but I still need to hit ED while it is up. I still need to hit ED whenever it is up just to gain endurance.
To me this combo does feel endurance heavy. To you it may not.Quote:Scrapper - Energy Aura/Entropy Aura: Fixed a bug that would cause this power to grant the user a recharge buff per target based on the target's level resulting in the user receiving far too much or far too little recharge bonus.
Quote:StJ + SD gives two flavors of Shield-based AoE attacks! Shield Charge and Shield Spin!The t2 power is great with a shield, because it looks like a Spartan shield bash. Also with spinning strike the shield is all over the place and looks like it is knocking the crap out of stuff.
Quote:I mostly use one face and with the face sliders in specific spots. I had remembered where I liked EVERY face slider and was able to get that done in about 10 seconds each time.It's amazing that some of us survived playing this game for several years before the costume save/load feature was added to the game.
I was sooo thankful for the Save/Load Costume feature! -
Quote:Happy birthday Noble Savage!Thanks a lot, everybody! It's been a nice one so far.
Painting up a new character today, and I'm having a lot of fun with it.
Do we get a preview of the character you're painting up? Give a present to yourself and present us with said character! -
Quote:Invulnerability is incredible! My preference is to go StJ/Inv for playstyle.Beta Server is going down in a few, so I am betting it will be today. After some tests today, I am going to go with Invul. It is the only scrapper secondary I have not played from 1-50. I am still deciding if I want to go Brute or Scrapper though.
Folks, not much time until Street Justice access is removed from the Beta client! Try it now, or else!
You're forgetting the most incredible update for EA - the Recharge Debuff on enemies and scaling Recharge Buff for the player! All of those things combined for Energy Aura is really spectacular! You won't even need a high end build in order to keep Energize permanent with Energy Aura. That's a whopping 100% extra Regeneration and a 59.6% global Endurance Reduction! Permanent! My Elec/Elec/Elec Scrapper has perma-Energize in her build with it enhanced to 217.2% Regen!
No mention of StJ/SR huh? Something needs to be done about that set, and I thought with it being Proliferated over to Brutes and then later to Tanks would help give it some sort of new competitive edge with high end builds. Ice Armor gets a (2.6 Endurance cost) crashless Tier 9 that can be made to have a 1/3rd uptime and Energy Aura gets a bevy of changes that is making it go from an okay set to an awesome set.
I'm doing Spines/Ice exactly for that reason. The synergy with these two sets is amazing. For example, you get two Toggles that PBAoE Debuff Movement and Recharge and two PBAoE Damage Auras!
Thoughts on StJ/EA? That may be a fun combination with the updates they've made to Energy Aura.
Good news, you can reserve a name while you are making a character. Type the name in the text field and use the Search button and if the name is available it will temporarily reserve it for you!
I wonder why Icicles isn't Cold damage. Or even a mix of Lethal/Cold. I get that Blazing Aura (and other Damage Auras) doesn't really have an impact to it so it can be purely Fire Damage, but while Icicles is piercing damage of a sort there's still got to be some sort of intense cold element to it right?
So tell me, when we finally get Ice Armor - what Power Sets will you pair with it?
Right now I've only got an idea for a Spines/Ice Armor, but in the future when they Proliferate over Ice Melee I might do an Ice Melee/Ice Armor character. -
So, when this does hit the live servers - what Power Sets are you going to be pairing with Street Justice?
For me, I'll be remaking an MA/SD I have into StJ/SD and a new StJ/Inv character. I thought about making a StJ/Willpower, and still might sometime in the future but for now I think those two will do just fine. -
I too plan on capping without the use of Energy Absorption. That way when I do decide t use Energy Absorption, it'll allow for a buffer for Defense Debuffs and provide better protection against higher level enemies or enemies with ToHit.
There's quite a bit I'm liking from Ice Armor - immunity to Movement and Recharge Debuffs, perma-capped HP, and Damage Aura to name a few. Yeesh, is it Issue 22 yet? -
There are a TON of screenshots of First Ward from other players and I here: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=268156 Have a look-see!
I think I could manage 9% without much problem.
Quote:So I've looked it up and with only using SOs, I am at 28.74% Defense to S/L/E/N. This is with the Ice Armor toggles, Combat Jumping, and Weave.I might have to reroll my elec/nin as elec/ice regardless of my feelings towards using a set multiple times lol.
What are the base defense numbers on your stalker? I'm curious to figure out what's needed to softcap Ice on a non tanker.
For a tank you just need well slotted FA, GA, and Weave, Tough 4 slotted with Reactive Armors, CJ or Hover, and a steadfast IO. This gets you 42.5% and you just need a couple attack sets to finish the road to 45%.