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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I like the MA, but for reasons that have nothing to do with levelling.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This right here.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Actually, the premise of the OP is rather silly even if you ignore the silly numbers. Obviously Articulated Lorry1337 is just having a bit of fun with us. Using false dichotomy to start yet another thread about the Mission Architect is even more pointless than the threads that preceded it.

    That sort of faulty argument is so easy even i can do it.

    47% of people hate chainsaws because they're used for cutting up corpses.
    79% of people love chainsaws because they're used for cutting up corpses.
    11% of people dislike the word "moist".
    (Yes, 26% of people both love and hate chainsaws, and possibly dislike the word "moist".)

    See? i conveniently ignored the fact that chainsaws have other uses besides corpses, and that use may not even be relevant to how many feel about chainsaws. It's just a messy argument all around.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  2. artic1337

    Heavy Metal

    [ QUOTE ]

    Probably my other "most metal/rocker" character is None More Black. This character answers the question "what if Nigel Tufnel of Spinal Tap had super powers?"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    LOL we have a winner.
  3. artic1337

    Heavy Metal

    [ QUOTE ]
    I have a character based on a song from the movie Heavy Metal. Does that count?

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    Hells yeah! It's your one way ticket to midnight . . .

    Let's see her. (it's the booby girl right?)
  4. artic1337


    Nah, I knew it wasn't a typo. But the ".03" part just struck me as such odd number to settle on that it could very well be accused of being a typo.

    So the kb mag is gonna scale even higher for the level 10 tanker i picked the power for as he levels up?
  6. artic1337


    [ QUOTE ]
    I accidentally 93MB of .rar files
    what should I do... is this dangerous ?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    delete sys32 folder, all good.
  7. Thanks Spino.

    Gonna move em to Fan Art > Wallpapers > Games.

    That about sums 'em up pretty good, I think.

    LOL, I'm sitting here worried the DA police are gonna knock on my door and give me a "Malicious Use of Category" citation.
  8. eek. Well, in my defense I incorporate layout and typography (thanks LJ )

    Welp, I was just over on my page and discovered the "activity messages" section. Someone "favoured" one of my bios so that's some good karma at least.
  9. artic1337


    1.03 mag knockback.

    Is that .03 a database typo (please please please)

    and why does that .03 knockback so far?
  10. artic1337


    fine dont tell me
  11. artic1337


    I remember now!


    i herd you get jut pack their im level 43 is that hi nuff to uss it?
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Thanks, Bayani . . . and "Awesome to (2)!!!"

    *gets back to work*

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    Whoops. I didn't read all of question 1. I meant "not really" as in the category is "not really important."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ahh, well. I'm just gonna live on the edge and leave 'em there.
  13. artic1337


    [ QUOTE ]
    So, is it meant to be spelled 'Artic', or did you forget a C?

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  14. artic1337


    Oh, Oh, wait . . .

    It was . . . damn, no, nevermind.
  15. no biggy, i went ahead and did my respec w/out a test drive . . . was scary!
  16. 49% of the players LOVE the AE cause it lets you get to 50 w/out really playing the game

    and 49% of the players HATE the AE cause it lets you get to 50 w/out really playing the game

    and 2% of the players like pie?
  17. OK, I found the master reset (thanks, btw, for the reply). reset it, but nada. No email confirmation and test logon is still on a different password.

  18. artic1337


    [ QUOTE ]
    That's a fairly good idea. I'd suggest moving it to Jay's Costume Request thread up at the top.

    Nicely done, Artic!


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Found it . . . thanks for the heads up.
  19. Thanks LJ.

    I can't draw but I'm pretty decent with layout and "whatever the name is for Type/Font use".

    I did have my 1st drafts of the bios in scrapbook because, well, they were pretty scrappy and only had a few. But since I started cranking out more and have gotten better (and revised almost all of them) I decided to get 'em seperate from the scrap stuff I still got (and also to learn how to work the DA site . . . man, i love the site!)
  20. I recently changed my password, then changed it again (about a week ago) . . .

    Did the "copy character" thing. Patched test server, tried to log on (about 15 minutes passed between copy and logon) and got "incorrect password". So I tried the password I set previous to my last reset and that one worked! But, my copy didn't go through :P

    (1) Why wasn't my log on reset to my newest password?

    (2) and is that why my copy didn't work or is it just slow today?
  21. artic1337


    [ QUOTE ]
    That's a fairly good idea. I'd suggest moving it to Jay's Costume Request thread up at the top.

    Nicely done, Artic!


    [/ QUOTE ]

    maybe it's just the vicadon kicking in, but I don't see that sticky . . .
  22. artic1337


    [ QUOTE ]
    yes, its an exploit

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  23. artic1337


    [ QUOTE ]
    Where do babies come from?

    [/ QUOTE ]

  24. artic1337


    I had a quesiton, but forgot it.

    Anyone know what it was?