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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm just gonna continue yawning at all this dramacorn-bait.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I have no idea what that means, but I find its syntax and rhthym intriguing.
  2. Wait till all the "There's not enough to do at lvl 50!!!" threads start . . .

    Good times.
  3. Check the Icon . . . Natural!
  4. The Sandlot Slugger

    Things I think came out really spot on . . .

    (1) His chest protector (GO! GO! Enforcer Sports Gear)

    (2) the Typography on his name looks really sports page/newspapery.

    Hope you all dig 'em as much as I like making 'em.
  5. i r guud with costumes i also tudoor english!
  6. artic1337


    [ QUOTE ]
    artic1337 wrote:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Paragon City has an AE building in every zone . . . but only one university.


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    Perhaps if Paragon City focused more on education and less on entertainment, we'd know how to spell arctic, and we would truly be leet.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    (you grammar nazi'd my forum handle! LOL)

    but then my forum handle would be arctic1337, and not what i wanted; "artic1337"

    btw, Nuclear Toast is 2 words, not 1.
  7. I don't even Go To Wincott . . . I stay at the contact and drop the mission.
  8. artic1337

    Warm-up sketches

    [ QUOTE ]
    Maybe! I've already done a few of him in my time. We'll see!

    From another thread:
    [ QUOTE ]
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    Mouse Police

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    Whoa, that's some costume... why is she called Mouse Police?

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    I love the name Mouse Police so much, I drew what I thought it should be.

    Mouse Police?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    thats freakin me out foo. i think cause the face looks like a mask.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Plaques . . . in a mission . . . Plaque in mission!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Snakes . . . on a plane . . . Snakes on plane!

    (Hey, this is fun!)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    you, sir, are a winner
  10. Wow!

    Take your pick of any of my guys (see link in sig).

    If you don't feel like choosing then WATCHDOG would be cool.
  11. This idea is sort of a (ahem) Nemesis system that could be added to the Scanner/Newspaper content.

    An additional tab added to the Scanner/Newspaper window. We'll call it the "Nemsis Tab". In this tab there would be a drop down menu. From this menu the player could select a specific villian/hero group and recieve a random mission just like we're used to, but it would be a mission against the villian/hero group chosen in the drop down menu.

    There would be a few restrictions . . .

    (1) No villain/hero groups would be available to a player until they met a certain requirement. This requirement *(see note below) would be "Successfully finished X number of Scanner/Newspaper missions against <Group Y>" Once that requirement was met then that specific group would be available in the drop down menu in the Nemesis Tab.

    *(note below) even better, a whole new set of Accomplishemnt Badges could be designed and awarded for completing the requirment.

    (2) The "Finished X number Scanner/Newspaper missions" requirement would be seperate for each zone that Scanner/Newspaper mission are normally available in (and X would get larger as you moved to higher level zones). This would prevent a level 40 character in a level 40ish zone, for example, from choosing a villian/hero group that doesn't have a level range that high becasue they accomlished the requirement back at level 10 in a level 10ish zone.

    (3) Only 1 mission would be offered via the Nemesis Tab and would block out "rerolling" on the Standard Tab (and visa versa). So, similar to how it is now, you check the Scanner/Newspaper once and it sets the available missions and that's your choice(s) . . . you either pick what was offered or leave the zone. So, for instance, if you chose a Nemesis Tab mission and didn't like it you couldn't "reroll" on the Standard Tab without zoning . . . and conversely, if you rolled Standard missions you couldn't then try Nemesis because you didn't like the choices. (I don't really understand the "no reroll w/out rezoning" mechanic of Scanner/Newspaper missions, but since it's the way they work I've incorporated it into my suggestion. It's also the reason I came up with the idea).

    So lets go to Make Believe Land and see how it works . . .

    Our player has just begun patrolling King's Row. His backstory involves a run in with the Skulls. Armed with his new powers and thirst for revenge he sets out to bring the villian group to justice. He begins by signing in with PPD and spends his nights scanning the police waves for word of any Skulls' activity. Some leads don't pan out (non Skull missions), but some do. More and more our hero is learning about the Skulls' underground operations and methods of operation. Soon, he can sniff out a Skulls' plot with ease (he has met the "Completed X Scanner missions against Skulls" requirement).

    Confident that he has helped crush the Skulls' grip on King's Row our hero moves on to Steel Canyon. But, it's a whole new ball game now (the player has to begin completing Scanner missions to meet the requirements again, even against Skulls). The Skulls aren't as active here, but there are other, stronger threats to be faced . . . and who knows, some of them might lead back to the Skulls.

    Or . . . just let us reroll Scanner/Newspaper missions w/out rezoning. I like my Nemesis Idea better though.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    It's not the AE. It's the rewards you get for running repetitive content. Fix that instead.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I've only done 1 AE mission arc, so I'm not gonna get all authoritative on the subject.

    But, yeah, when I learned about AE and heard you get rewards other than playing cool player created missions I gave a big "WTF? Are the devs insane?"
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    The pie is a fake.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    no. nononono, no. no.

  14. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    This = not right

    [ QUOTE ]
    It's a great example of Vahz aggression.

    It's not a good example of any other kind.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    My point was that it's not even a good example of that since I can supply endless screenshots of that not happening. This may very well have been a "one-off" bug that was saved precisely because it was so unusual, but is now being trotted out as universal proof that mobs are insufficiently aggressive.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    here's 2 more "one-off"'s

    one-off one

    one-off two

    I have 22 more one-offs if you'd like me to post those, too . . .

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You do realize their backs are turned. They don't have eyes in the back of their head even if you killed one of theirs before resting.

    Also, even if the mobs did have eyes in the back of their heads, it wouldn't make the game any more challenging. My stalkers kill guys without being noticed all the time. If enemies started auto aggroing, my stalkers would just have to do what they always have planned:

    DM = Touch of Fear one, placate the other
    Dual Blades = either continue the Empower or Sweep combo or jump back and 1k cut everything
    Elec melee = kill everything

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I don't need eyes in the back of my head to know someone's 5 ft behind me . . . especially if they shoot lasers from their eyes and are intent on dragging me to jail AND it's my one and only job to guard the fort.
  15. artic1337


    shows how smart i am
  16. Plaques . . . in a mission . . . Plaque in mission!
  17. artic1337


    Paragon City has an AE building in every zone . . . but only one university.

  18. artic1337


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    You guys didn't let me finish, I was going to say Magic Ducks

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    Wrong. Magic attempts to duck, but fails it's Defence Roll. Magic takes 2d6 damage.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Magic psychic forcefield robots.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
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    I like the MA, but for reasons that have nothing to do with levelling.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This right here.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So pie then?
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    When I was a kid (many many moons ago), my family and my aunts' and uncles' families would get together at my grandparents house for cookouts. The day before, we'd all get pails and containers and head out into the mountainous woods and pick wild blueberries. Grandma would turn those into the most amazing blueberry pies you could ever imagine. Wild blueberries are smaller and tarter and have a more intense flavor and totally blow away pies you make from cultivated blueberries bred for their size and sweetness.

    Pies rule.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I did this once (made a pie out of wild blackberries I picked along the river). I'm not avery good cook (an even worse baker) and the pie came out horrible . . . but it was still pie.