88 -
i do feel sorry for the good peeps in their sg that are going to get the shaft but hopefully they come to their senses and take all their stuff and quit before they can be locked out.
[/ QUOTE ]
Quint, This comment I take extreme objection to. No one has EVER not collected their things or been locked out of our SG... In fact, I have kept and protected players Enhancements HOs, IO and other enhancements for well over a year when they had left the game and when they had left our SG.... Don't believe me, Ask Simian Stone who I held HOs for over a year for after he left the SG and disappeared from the game... Better yet ask Infinite Zen and Lotus who have posted in this thread negatively about me.... One thing they can not say is we kept Zen's things when they left. In fact Deb contacted Lotus (Zen's wife) when we found he had IOs stored in the base to make arrangements to give him every thing he had stored in the SG.... Accuse me of many things and I don't care... but I am no thief. I detest thieves. I broke a coalition with another SG over such an incident where they kept the members Enhancements.... Ask Mini... He'll tell you about that. Every member of our SG has our telephone # and knows they can call us 24/7. If someone by some accident left something in the base I'd pay the $15 just to resubscribe to get it for them.
While my subscription ends in 57 days, my wife has one acct which doesn't end until November. Unlike most SGs our SG mates are like family to us and are treated as such. Same goes for our coalition mates who we have supported through thick and thin and they have done the same.... Several of our SG mates and coalition mates have already left the game and joined us on Guild Wars. Many still are waiting on Aion.
Your other comments are LOLZable. I went back to look for your PMs and reviewed them... I too discussed them with several people. Including those that you wouldn't mention. Leaders of any groups have disagreements and we make decisions, it's simple as that. I don't feel the need to go into detail about it. Funny thing is those in my SG during that period supported our decision. The funny thing was the whole incident was over a conflicting date and you still don't know the whole story LOLZ....
You know what's really funny... I just thought of this... Arch asked me a simple question... I felt the need to answer it. Gypsy understood my answer. In fact, I even praised that former coalition mate's job in our defeat of Hamidon. I just LOLZ all the negativity from that SG and their friend. Even after almost 2 years of kicking them from our coalition. I guess they are still a little bitter about it. Quint, obviously that doesn't include you, but was a random thought I needed to post and was it appropriate for this thread.... You just have some issues man... Get your friend a calendar.
When my time is up... I'll say my goodbyes.... until then let the LOLZ continue...
Good luck to everyone. -
What I find amusing is all this hate is coming from One SG....
And all I can say is LOLZ CoD. Mish you are close enough.
I could go off on some rant against your SG but why bother. Nothing I would say hasn't already been said.
Oh Zen Couple of things... Infinity led a Post I9 Hami almost 6 months before Freedom server did. All my data came from I9 Beta where I was a participant in the raids there. In addition, my guides gave credit to the hard work of all who had helped with their writing of them including people like Fashion Sense and Bionic Flea..... But since you have been the one to always stir the pot, maybe you should at least try and have your facts straight when you are making your posts.... Perhaps while on Vent with the others that have posted here in this thread with you perhaps you can add additional half-truths and misinformation for additional LOLZ for the community. There hasn't been a LOLZ CoD fest for quite some time now.
This has nothing to do with me being narcissistic.... This is a game... This is not my life... Though some of you treat it more importantly than your lives.... I pay my fees, play the game and when I am done playing go back to my life. Perhaps those of you in my "Fan Club" should try that.
For those that dislike me in game... I say oh well. You can't please everyone. For every one of you, there are others that are happy if not eager to team with me.
On a personal note to Mishmaster....
James, if you were thinking of falling off the wagon... go to a meeting.... no game is worth your sobriety. Seriously....... Get help. This is not Sarcasm...... This is truth..... go to a meeting....
And now the OSHA Fan Club can continue..... LOLZ CoD!!!! -
umm, okay? i understand if you guys want to leave and all, but i dont understand how a forum would be the last straw.
[/ QUOTE ]
Hey Paul!!! Welcome back... Missed you pal...
Now you have been been playing this game a long time but have been gone a while. I haven't really stopped playing save the last several weeks due to a vacation out of the country and a new business contract that has kept me very busy that I haven't had the time to play. In the past 5 years of playing I have seen the devs do many things to tick off the community. Nerf after nerf. Create Enhancement Diversification. Remove game features (ie: Cathedral of Pain Trial) Introduce IOs and the Markets, Completely change PvP to a state that anyone who had left in issue 9 for a hiatus wouldn't recognize it today, and now the biggest outrage of them all deleting a players characters retroactively.
I am sure the Devs have their arguments for all of the above. Some are valid. Others are not.
It is human nature to want to attain the brass ring in the shortest time possible. If you give people a choice of the easy or rough road with no risk involved the easy road they will take. That is human nature. In the past the devs have left many easy roads to the brass ring (Lvl 50, badges, influence, prestige) You and I know this all too well. Many of those road have been closed. Rikti Portals no longer give XP, Influence or Prestige. Nor do the Behemoths Spawned from Circle of Thorn Portals. But when they did I can remember spending HOURS leveling up people in those missions on characters I just wanted for certain tasks at Lvl 14 for my travel power or Lvl 22 to get Stamina. Heck some ran all the way to 50... And in a Behemoth run it was endless so you could just sit there and basically set a Fire tank to taunt and burn and kill them all as long as he was being healed. Ahh the good ole days.
What about people who leveled characters from 35-41 through the sewer trial? Does anyone actually run that anymore? I'll never forget the time I spent killing Krakens in the Sewers. For mad money.
What about the Winter Lords during the 1st Winter event?? Anyone remember how many 50s were made during it? It was farming platinum!!!
All of the above were not bugs.... these were people taking advantage of the game mechanics the devs allowed. When they felt they weren't in the best interest of gameplay they updated the game and changed the game. There was no punishment for the players.
Now I bring up the Cathedral of Pain trial... Why? Because it's dead. Never fixed because it was exploitable and cause many basically built "FREE" lvl 50s... THERE WAS A BUG. These 50s were created by a violation of the EULA and TOS. What action was taken? Only one... The Trial was removed from the game.... Was any action taken again the players? No.
What about the Prestige Bug? When SGs could buy an Item for Free and sell it for Prestige.... Didn't happen on this server but did on Freedom and many others.... SGs got 100s of millions of prestige in days. Devs repaired the BUG but was their any retribution? Nope they are the SGs on some servers that are #1 in the Top 100 SGs list. Not on Infinity though.
OK, lets jump way forward.... Skipping several issues including the i13 PvP changes.
We come to Issue 14 Mission Architect. Previous to this point I had been posting for a rebox of this game for the past several issues... Here it was.... Finally, something to get new subscribers into the game. People are excited about MA. I finally get to create The OSHA Guy Task Force. Woo Hoo! While slightly disappointed about MAs limitations, some of which I voiced in Beta, other were voicing yet other concerns about MA. The possibilities of exploiting the system to create extreme farm missions. Mind you, the Devs, well before i13 had been released when they postponed MA the 1st time, said this would not be possible. Many in beta advised that the system allowed for rapid leveling and other benefits. Which the devs felt wouldn't be exploited too much... They forgot human nature. Problem here is they didn't just remove the exploitable content. They PUNISHED THEIR SUBSCRIBERS. For the 1st time in 5 years. They Deleted Characters that were leveled up in a way that they felt wasn't "part of the grind" They punished people for publishing arcs they felt were made for that purpose or for gaining tickets by deleting those arcs and removing that slot from their account. Therein decreasing the value of that said account to the paying customer. I understand their excuse "It was only the most abusing players" But truthfully, I don't see a violation of the EULA or TOS. These weren't bugs. They released an issue after a through beta test and with great feedback. Then after release because they didn't feel human nature would take over started to punish some in the community. What really upset many was the fact that it happened after the free weekend when many had come back to look at MA and thought it would be a good way for them to come back and level up those toons that they could never get to 50 and they wanted to get them there. They resubscribed, only to find out that after they had that the changes were going in to effect. Many feel they were Bait and switched.
This community is a very close community. Many in it are NOT just internet friends. The gatherings that Deb and I have set up bring 20-40 people to each and every one. We travel the country and meet other players in different SGs and on different servers. Heck Paul, You and I have broken bread.... So you know this to be true. People are hurt by the current situation and I feel their pain as well. Many of our friends have left this game over the past issues for several reasons.... PvP was a big one. This issue 14 situation has been the biggest. I know of many people that have at least 2-3 accounts each that have either left the game or cancelled their subscriptions to it due to the negativity in the boards and in game over MA. I thought MA might be the Savior for the CoX franchise, it may cost the franchise more than it bargained for.
Now regarding your original question....
I spend many hours in the forums. Reading, commenting and sometimes helping people that need help. One thread that I spent Hours of painstaking work writing was the Hami thread. Both of my post i9 guides were there. All of the history of Post i9 Hami Raiding for Infinity Server was there. Including our first successful defeat announcement when The OSHA Academy, CoD, The League of Debt, and the Seers came together to win. That is history my friend.... Good times... Lost... Because no one had bothered to announce that they were going to purge to forums. When Ex Libris and Lighthouse Purged the forums they announced it so you could make sure threads that needed to be preserved, were posted in as to protect the threads. It is with a heavy heart that I do this. I have enjoyed this game for 5 long years... No one can argue I didn't get my monies worth. My subscription runs out in 59 days. Unless the devs can somehow change my mind I won't be renewing my subscription. I am hoping to have an open discussion with the devs over ventrilo like I did when Jill/Ex Libris was here and Deb was at the Helm of PERC to help and improve this game and its customer relations.
Currently, for those interested, we are playing Guild Wars and have an OSHA Academy Guild there and our next MMO will be AION another NCSoft product.
Good gaming my friend it's been fun -
Want a challenging arc.... Fine.. Run Mine...
Dont run it with less than 4 people and one had better be a debuffer...LOL I suggest a Rad...
The OSHA Guy Task Force. Look it up under the Title or my Global @OSHA
[/ QUOTE ]
Soloed it. The Giant Monster fights took a long time, but they weren't hard really. The NPC ally definitely helped, especially with the autoexemp down to 30.
[/ QUOTE ]
Gratz on completing it solo.... I believe you are the only person to do so. At least you used the NPC "Illusion OSHA" as he was meant to be used, as your debuffer for the mission. What AT were you on? -
Want a challenging arc.... Fine.. Run Mine...
Dont run it with less than 4 people and one had better be a debuffer...LOL I suggest a Rad...
The OSHA Guy Task Force. Look it up under the Title or my Global @OSHA -
Scrapped my idea of having an arc as soon as i14 goes live, but anyone else that wants to advertise for their live arcs starting tomorrow, feel free!
In the meantime, I'm wondering about how silly an enemy group I can make instead of trying to actually fit a six-mission arc into five missions.
[/ QUOTE ]
I gave up on MA when I found I couldn't use scrapyarders as a level 50 group. Forces the Concept OSHA TF I wanted to do at a max level of 30. Maybe they'll open the level range for all the enemy groups but I doubt it. Customizable maps and a larger memory space for each arc would have been nice too.
I am really hoping i15 brings me something to keep me after 60 months other than the weak 5 merit vet reward. Saving 50% on all my tailoring seesions for the 57 month reward was really special... It will come in handy once I have used my 30+ costume tokens on each of my toons.
Good luck to those making arcs.... you have some fun challenges with the limitations the devs have given you.
[/ QUOTE ]
Aw boss. I got you a Birthday Cake mission (Arc ID 3630) and everything. Sniff. Won't you play...? (insert sad puppy eyes here)
Well, you may not have the ability to use Scrapyarders at 50, but is there any way to make a Custom group of villains similar to Scrapyarders?
[/ QUOTE ]
I spent a lot of time in Beta trying to come up with something that looked remotely like a construction worker... Wasn't really happy with any of the results.... A Scrapyarder quite honestly is Perfect. Has everything one would think a worker should have.... -
I have 3 accts and they are all at least 54 months old. One I am letting drop by the wayside since quite frankly i14 isn't doing much for me. But that is a different debate. I figure between my 3 accts and my wife's 3 accts she uses between our 6 accts, we have given NC Soft well over $3000.00 in subscription fees. They want to make it lifetime. Sure I'll buy.... I doubt they'll do it... But it will make for a good transition for when Aion comes out in the Fall asI don't want to pay the monthly subscription for another MMO. This would alleviate that. Aion, may pull me away from this game. We'll see. But a lifetime subscription would keep my wife and I here. Next Month we'll be down to 4 accts from 6. So down goes $30 bucks NC Soft wont be seeing for the unforeseeable future. Good Luck with this Marcian.
Scrapped my idea of having an arc as soon as i14 goes live, but anyone else that wants to advertise for their live arcs starting tomorrow, feel free!
In the meantime, I'm wondering about how silly an enemy group I can make instead of trying to actually fit a six-mission arc into five missions.
[/ QUOTE ]
I gave up on MA when I found I couldn't use scrapyarders as a level 50 group. Forces the Concept OSHA TF I wanted to do at a max level of 30. Maybe they'll open the level range for all the enemy groups but I doubt it. Customizable maps and a larger memory space for each arc would have been nice too.
I am really hoping i15 brings me something to keep me after 60 months other than the weak 5 merit vet reward. Saving 50% on all my tailoring seesions for the 57 month reward was really special... It will come in handy once I have used my 30+ costume tokens on each of my toons.
Good luck to those making arcs.... you have some fun challenges with the limitations the devs have given you. -
The OSHA Academy is Recruiting for Issue 14.
We offer our SG and VG mates the following:
<ul type="square"> [*] Help to new players.[*] A Great Website.[*] A Ventrilo Server[*] Some really great Teams and Daily TFs/SFs[*] One of the Best Hero and Villain Coalitions on Infinity Server.[*] On the Blue Side we have a the Largest Secure Base Plot complete with all the Toys. Teleporters to all Zones. 2 Trauma Centers and the ability to purchase Respite (Greens), Catch a Breath(Blues), and Break Free Inspirations. We have everything in our base you need to build your recipes, a Storage Vault for your salvage and all utilities you desire to buff up and have the Ouro Pillars to run your time travel mishs too
[*] On the Red Side we have basically the same things.
[*] In addition, we were the First SG to lead Hamidon Raids on Infinity Server Post i9. If you are interested in learning about raiding, we are the SG to learn from.[/list]
We are a laid back group of players who only have 3 rules:
1) Run in SG mode to Level 24.
2) Treat Everyone in the SG and/or VG with courtesy.
3) Have Fun.
If your interested, Send a Global tell to @OSHA or @OSHA's Lady, Or PM me here on the Forums. -
TGIF my lovelies!
*gives everyone extra slorpy pudding hugs*
[/ QUOTE ]
Oooh pudding hugs.... -
I don't mind bein' shared, as long as I get equal time wif you both
Serously tho, I just wanna join a VG so that when I do play on Infinity, I'll be helping someone out by earning prestige. I hate not having a SG or VG for my toons. I figure its a waste to not be in one and not earning prestige. (I run 3 SG's on Virtue, so I know what its like)
[/ QUOTE ]
Well Syn aka Anightgirl is one of the fine members of Silver Spray VG and also a member of The OSHA Academy SG
Catch her in game at @Forever Syn for an invite to the VG ot myself @OSHA or my wife at @OSHA's Lady.
Love to have you hun
PS: We also have an OSHA Academy SG on Virtue(That and every other US Server)
I can say I am almost back to feeling like my normally miserable self
The stomach flu sucks -
Well I finally got the stomach virus that Mrs OSHA had.... Not fun.
Been sick all night.....
You know you have a good marriage when your wife help gets you thru the pain and agony of the stomach flu.
From the chills to the fever...ugh.... -
Just popping in to say, "G'wednesday~!
[/ QUOTE ]
How are you and da wifey????? -
You forgot 2 things Syn....
Our Website... Which rocks with some great builds and other good game info and...
The P.E.R.C.'s Notable Novelist for 2008....... YOU are a member -
hehehehehe you're bad! I like that.
[/ QUOTE ]
Come to Infinity and and be badWe likes that
Besides my Wife Debbie aka Destiny, Syn and Flarecat would love another lady on vent. As they say "There's always too much testosterone on the server"
We have several others that visit, but the more the merrier -
I saw the shoes from a link on Vent last night... After our discussions regarding what she was going to wear them with... I think the vent server needed a cold shower
The OSHA Academy SG and Silver Spray VG your Hami Raid Hosts on Infinity are now looking for fresh blood for issue 13.
We offer our SG and VG mates the following:
<ul type="square">[*]Help to new players.[*]A Great Website.[*]A Ventrilo Server[*]Some really great Teams and Daily TFs/SFs[*]One of the Best Hero and Villain Coalitions on Infinity Server. [*]On the Blue Side we have a the Largest Secure Base Plot complete with all the Toys. Teleporters to all Zones. 2 Trama Centers and the ability to purchase Respite (Greens), Catch a Breath(Blues), and Break Free Inspirations.
We have everything in our base you need to build your recipes, a Storage Vault for your salvage and all utilities you desire to buff up and have the Ouro Pillars to run your time travel mishs too
[*]On the Red Side we have basically the same things with the exception of the huge base plot as we haven't rebuilt it since the new i13 release.
[*]In addition, we are the ONLY SG that currently leads Hamidon Raids on Infinity Server. If you are interested in learning about raiding, we are the SG to learn from.
[*]We also lead regular Rikti Mothership Raids. [/list]We are a laid back group of players who only have 3 rules:
1) Run in SG mode to Level 24.
2) Treat Everyone in the SG and/or VG with courtesy.
3) Have Fun
If your interested, Send a Global tell to @OSHA,@OSHA's Lady, @OnD1,@OnD2,@OnD3, or @Morphias. -
Star Strider Forces Registry
Name:OSHA Guy
Global Contact:@OSHA
Level of Classification:50 - Tanker
Super Rank & Super Group: Administrator - The OSHA Academy