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  1. I think people are looking too much into the video, really.

    I think it was made to watch and entertain the masses. I don't think we'll be transforming into water, or seeing any FX changes on MA soon. If we do, I'll be shocked.
  2. WOO! @ costume options.

    Alright. CoV will be in my hands VERY soon, and the AV change is awesome. Good stuff.
  3. Here's my opinion on the matter at hand.

    A lot of the CoV costume options are what we've been asking for in CoH, and that pisses a lot of people off. Things like different patterns, visors, helmets, face patterns, faces, more detail on the faces, different boots, more hats, etc. are all in CoV. The only costume upgrade we had for CoH was anime-inspired, and that pissed a lot of people off to because it wasn't what the majority had asked for.

    Now I don't have CoV (yet, anyway), and I can understand what most are saying. Why pay for CoV if the costume options are all in CoH as well? Okay, but that's one element of CoV going into CoH which should have been in CoH in the first place. You all have seen that enormous costume thread in the Suggestions forums. Browse through that to see what I'm talking about. Even if the costume options just transferred into CoH, CoV still beats CoH by a ton of other elements. For one, the game play. We can't access bases if we just have CoH. Crafting is out of the picture because you do that inside of a base. You can't participate in base raids, and most SG-related missions/TFs are all in CoV.

    God forbid CoH just gets the costumes, and even you all with both CoV and CoH you still don't get the costume options in CoH, so what's the fuss?
  4. Still. When it comes down between a base or no base, you'll all click the SG Mode button.
  5. SG limit is their fault, and they will receive all the moans and groans for it. We've been asking them to up the amount ever since Beta, and still nothing. So they're going to run into problems there. That's why when more than 900 people tell you to do something, you do it. They keep passing the bull that there's a limit due to SG-related content, but I've yet to even see the option to have glowing eyes with any style of face yet, so Lord knows when that's coming.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Just because you're in SG mode doesn't mean you automatically get Prestige. You still have to do things.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    About time we got something official.

    I hoping these "things" include more SG-teaming. On TFs, trials, and regular missions. If this is the case, then datamining should start now to get all of this situated and in order for those SGs whom have been doing these things for quite some time now.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    IRON MAN: Well, Cap, we figured out a way to rebuild Avengers mansion.

    CAP: That's great, Tony.

    IRON MAN: Put this on.

    CAP: What?

    IRON MAN: It's your new Avengers uniform. See? It's the same design as your current one..

    CAP: But I'm the symbol of America! I wear Red, White and Blue!

    IRON MAN: I don't follow.

    CAP: Well, who chose Red and Yellow as the Avengers' official colors?

    IRON MAN: (Whistles innocently.)

    CAP: I mean, who am I supposed to be, Captain Red China? Captain North Vietnam?

    IRON MAN: Well, maybe we could override the colors, just for you ...

    CAP: And there's -- where's my star? My chest star? Like the star on the American flag. There's an "A" here now?

    IRON MAN: It's for Avengers.

    CAP: I'm not wearing this!

    IRON MAN: But we need the mansion! This is the only way to get the team prestige we need. Spidey's agreed, Wolverine shrugged, and Luke said he'd worn a lot more embarrassing things. And it's not like you don't already wear an "A" on your forehead or anything.

    CAP: Then let me use that one, and leave the star!

    IRON MAN: Sorry, Cap -- team insignia only go on the chest ...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You'll still click it when it comes down to it.
  8. Hrm. SG bases were suppose to be implemented when CoH went live, as well as arenas. Only a year later they've finally implemented them. Vehicles have been in discussion since pre-beta, as well as weapon customization. They are working on skills. They've gone through two system already and are trying to work out the best. These things are coming. No one knows when, but they are. It just takes time like the bases and the arena.
  9. True.

    But everyone can get Kheldians, an aura, and a cape, and into hazard zones. The theme here is to earn these things, and with the prestige, you're working towards gaining enough to earn a base. I understand your comment on long time SGs getting some seniority of some sort (which could happen, we don't know any specifics yet), but the main thing they're shooting for is all around convienience. A first in their book.

    Besides. You'll need that influence to spend on classes at the university, vehicles, and other things soon to come (like the weapon customization tool).
  10. [ QUOTE ]

    So we are more concerned with a group of 20s being able to buy a base then rewarding a group that's been together from day one and done thousands of missions together, but never entered sg mode.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If I do recall, the game is for everyone, including level 20s. Some people might be in SGs that started from day one, but are still only in their twenties. So they're making it convienient for everyone. Why is that such a bad thing?

    Again, when it comes down to it, people will click the button. It's either that or continue to run around on the streets.
  11. This is why I hardly post on these forums. It's the people like you who steer normal, decent people away from saying a word because you're so uptight, sarcastic, and your ignorance is just astounding. Played an SOE game before?

    And I guess I'm a general now. And a lawyer. And a pompous [censored]. Whatever. They're just words on the Internet. It's hard to translate emotions into words across the Internet so I cannot blame you for coming off as you do. All ignorant, disrespectful, and the mind-set of a twelve-year-old, but that's what I always expect when posting here. And so you're stuck with an insignia. Alright. Deal with it. If it's that much of a problem send a petition and have them deal with it. You still remain in your normal costume colors. Big deal. Is there anything else you want to throw at me? Am I a professor now? Trying to play it cool? Trying to sound as if I'm the bigger person? Go ahead. I'm wide open, bud. /rolleyes
  12. Perhaps I did come off a little too harsh, but I stick to it. We haven't seen a red name appear in this thread yet, so don't take everything to heart here. There's two ways people can go about this:

    1.) Suck it up and do SG mode. Surburbanhell suggested changing the settings so that the SG colors don't overide the current costume. Nothing was stated that SG colors and symbol had to be visable in order to gain prestige, or

    2.) Don't purchase a base. Yes. A lot of leaders/people are continuously saying that they won't force members to go into SG mode (and you shouldn't - no one can be forced to do something they don't want to do, so I'm retracting a statement or two from my previous post), but when it boils down to the arguement if the SG wants a base or not, 9/10 (since this has been a LONG awaited feature) more than half of the group is liable to say yes. So a lot of the nay-sayers will be finding themselves in SG mode if this statement is true.

    A lot of us are taking this completely too far. No red name has appeared. If a red name comes in and confirms that this is true, then we have a reason to go at each other like a bunch of SOE 1337 kids; but because no one official has came in yet there is no need for us to be this concerned about it. So I'm done, but sticking with my opinion.

    I think this is a good idea. Prestige will be a different system to use just for a change of pace. Influence will be spent on other things - like classes for the university, and the weapons customization tool, as well as vehicles. If it costs almost 300k to change a boot style in ICON, how much do you think it'll cost to take a class when skills come out? Heh.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    If that's the case you don't need to be in a supergroup then. If the leader tells you all to jump, then jump. If he says take the hit, take the hit. If he tells you what to wear, then you wear it. If you don't like it the Quit button is right there. You'll only find yourself hearing the same thing if you join another if this SG prestige is the way to buy bases.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh my god...you're serious....


    Hey everybody! Look at the tough guy! He thinks he's running an army or something! Hey general, do you treat your supergroup as crappy as you're saying? Or are you just full of hot air?

    Sorry Yin but when I join supergroups I do it to have people to play and have fun with. Not for some pompus scum bag who thinks his pixels are better than mine to treat me like dirt. If I have to read the same kind of self-important garbage from other supergroups that I just did from you, then yeah I think I will stay back and wait for my apartment.

    Sad fact is, SG leaders that want a base will -have- to do this even if they disagree with it. There's not even a told option to not put a membership though such garbage. I'm sure it's just great for leaders looking for an e-peen stroke. Everybody else? They're screwed.

    Smart design right there. Thumbs up right here. I wonder if Supes and Cap America were so pathetic?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What I said was an example. You took it completely out of context to the point where I stopped reading half way through your post. Again, SGs are meant to be fun, but if you're going to carry such an attitude and not help contribute then you don't need to be in one. Half of your statements are completely out of the picture and asinine. I didn't imply any of those things you mentioned above, so the laugh is 100% on you. Perhaps next time try reading and then thinking before posting? Then you wouldn't find yourself in such a predicament.

    And Surbaban is right, or were we all too busy with our heads between our legs to use the common sense God gave us to think about using that method?
  14. Jesus Christ on a crouton.

    No matter what system they bring out people will just [censored]. Get over it. Are they asking you to sell your soul? NO. It's one button you click. Okay you have to wear it for awhile. LET IT BE. It's either that or you don't have an SG base. Plain and simple. Influence or prestige you're going to have to sacrifice something. So quit the whining and pouting and just deal with it.

    Goodness. The way some of you act I sometimes believe we're on SOE boards.
  15. [ QUOTE ]

    It really comes down a very simple question: do you want your supergroup leader telling you how to dress?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If that's the case you don't need to be in a supergroup then. If the leader tells you all to jump, then jump. If he says take the hit, take the hit. If he tells you what to wear, then you wear it. If you don't like it the Quit button is right there. You'll only find yourself hearing the same thing if you join another if this SG prestige is the way to buy bases.

  16. This is a good idea, actually.

    Have you seen the prices at ICON to change your shoes? Or even something as simple as a belt? Imagine what it would cost to build a room that looks -exactly- like the CoT caves, or an underground base that's set up like the Malta/Council/Sky Raiders technological map with the elevators and such. All you have to do is click SG mode, and have members stay in it. Not that hard.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Actually I think why he wants to remove the stores is simply because it's perhaps not something that fits well in his comic world that he envisions.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not too much comic left in this superhero MMO.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    The post 50’s blues: Mr. Emmert mentioned several different possibilities for post the 50’s game. Going back and doing missions with a sidekick so that the sidekick gets more xp.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Just to clarify: I didn't say this. No plans.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is reassuring. Perhaps have a seminar and take a look at that Suggestion forum? There are tons of awesome ideas floating about there that you could at least acknowledge or consider, States. Powersets and all that good stuff are in there. Take a look. Please?
  19. /clap

    Statesman is a genius. Keep raising the challenge level so the casual 30-minute gamer will now have to spend 4 hours in a single mission because you assume raising the challenge will also augment the "fun level." I love it.

    And don't worry about us level 50s. We'll just find another game to tinker with until the dev team decides to wake up over there and get a clue. I enjoyed that whole, "...sidekicking with 50s will give the sidekick extra XP..." like it has anything to do with end game content. That's helping the lower levels, not the level 50s. Again. Genius. /sarcasm

    You have to give him his props for trying though. I hope he understands that rather then balancing every possible thing in game down to the last percentage won't do much good if nobody has anything to actually do in game to actually FEEL the need to be balanced. Someone isn't seeing the light over there.
  20. Nice trailer. Now when is this coming to theaters exactly?

    It's beautiful. I almost want to get animated my damn self and join the action.
  21. Wow. What a cliff-hanger. This is going to be awesome. Congrats to everyone who put their efforts into this. I love the twist on death. I wasn't expecting that at all. And Manticoe you look good in there.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I don't think that game would be as much FUN as the one I got at release.

    It might be better to set ego aside, look at how your players WANT to play the game (not at how YOU want them to play it), and build content/design around that.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Okay, my laughter died down so I could read on, and then started back up right here!

    So, YOU don't think that game would be as much fun as the one YOU got at release, and Statesman should change the way he's doing things because of this?

    And then you have the nerve to say "set ego aside." Hahaha. Take your own [censored] advice dude. Plenty of players are perfectly happy to conform to the developers vision and intentions for the game. If we didn't trust them to know how to make a good game, we wouldn't be paying the $15 a month to play it.

    What makes you think what YOU want is magically what the "players" want? Every player wants something slightly different. That's why it's imperative that the developers maintain their OWN vision and intent. Otherwise it will end up a soupy mess of "trying to please everyone."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Exactly why I never start a thread on these forums. No one is entitled to his or her opinion here, it seems.