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  1. the one thing I`ve learned over the years is that just about everything they say they can`t do

    they eventually do
  2. please fix short capes on the high collar for magic booster. short capes and long capes show the same length.
  3. o.O

    gamma would like that...
  4. Well, Alex has already drawn a pic or two of Gamma... so...

    let's let him decide
  6. err.. wow.. my darling snookems also claimed it...


    how does that work?
  7. [ QUOTE ]
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    LOVE the street sweeper!

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    I am soo happy I can finally make my (saved name) sewer worker shield/mace (wrench) tank, "Manhole".

    What.... ? Why you laughing? L L

    Indig , leader of the City of Gaymers

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    this has absolutely no humor without taking into account who's posting it...

    then it's freaking hillarious
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm wondering when Villains are gonna get access to the Shadow Shard.

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    when are heroes going to get access to the Golden Gizza?

    ok, so the point is, why should anyone, red or blue side, have access to the other side?

    Villains have their own exclusive zones that Heroes can't access and Heroes have their own exclusive zones that Villains can't access. I don't understand this DEMAND from one side or the other to have access to one zone from the other side.
  9. I seem to fiddle with the chin slider the most. If you look at most the female faces from teh side, the majority of them are "chinless wonders".
  10. [ QUOTE ]
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    Am I the only one completely amazed that we are getting shields over something "super"? I just don't get how a super hero comic book MMO would get hand held shields instead of Psi Melee or growth/shrinking or even dual pistols. Shields just seem very "WoWish" and not very super. This isn't LotR or WoW or anyone of a million fantasy based MMOs with Paladins and Witches....we have broadswords, battle Axes, Mace, and now Shields.....can we keep it "super" now"?

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    I said this a long time ago. Expect a verbal beat down from "City of Heroes should be more like every other MMO!" advocates

    So the answer is


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    well, I certainly DON'T want CoX to be like other MMO's but I take issue with swords, shields, and other "medieval" things being "un-super". There is a LONG history of Superheroes using these items in modern times.

    Black Knight
    Wonder Woman
    Various Green Lanterns
    Wolverine, on occassion

    the list goes on and on. I get tired of hearing this arguement that CoX is getting too much like *insert name of fantasy based MMO here*, because it's just not true.

    I also believe that it's a slap in the face to comic tradition and to people who love these characters to say medieval weapons are "un-super".
  11. Shannon gazed up at the portrait of her father. He was dressed in his uniform, a design based on the American flag. It still made Shannon proud to see him in it.

    In the 1970's a young military historian was selected for a secret government project. The meek scholar was subjected to various experiments and injected with arcane chemical compounds. The end result was the Hero known as Captain Patriot.

    In the midst of a troubled decade, Captain Patriot became a symbol of hope and American values. He was the one who could always be counted on to do the right thing.

    Shannon let her eyes drift down to the plastisteel case below the picture. Inside was the convex impervium disk of his shield. Technically, it belonged to the government but the official story was that it was lost. The shield that Captain Patriot weilded had become an icon on its own. It was a symbol that had become even greater than the Hero who carried it. Captain Patriot's dying request to his daughter was almost out of character.

    "Don't let them give it to some noob".

    Shannon was shocked. Her father had a reputation of being friendly and helpful to young Heroes. Even when they were astoundingly stupid, he would take the time to show them the ropes. But in his eyes the Shield was more important than him and he didn't want it to fall into the hands of someone who could do more harm than good.

    Shannon respected her father's wishes and so the Shield was "lost".

    She opened the case and lovingly slid her arm through the straps. The slight weight felt comforting on her arm. She gave it a few experimental swings and thrusts before punching in a code on the simulation room control panel.

    Yes, the memorial to her father, one of the greatest Heroes of Paragon, was also an advanced combat simulator. Kings Row came to life around her. She put both arms through the straps, wearing the shield like a backpack and took to the sky. She had inherited her father's speed and strength, making her a Natural Hero. But she favored her antigrav belt over her father's old Harley.

    From her aerial vantage point she easily spotted a group of Trolls moving into Skul territory. She raised an eyebrow. Trolls rarely left their own territory. A group of Skuls was already moving in to confront them. This was the kind of thing that could easily get out of hand and get people hurt.

    Just before the two groups clashed, Shannon landed right in between them. She bashed the lead Jutal in the face with the shield and treated the Bone Daddy to a mouth-full of red boot. The rest was just mad melee. Storm Kick Thunder Kick Shield Bash Crane Kick!

    The last Skul made a run for it. She resisted the urge to throw the shield at him. It was very aerodynamic and flew very well. When her father was young in his career, he used to throw it a lot. He even started pulling stunts like bouncing it off of objects before hitting the target. That is, until he nearly decapitated his sidekick.

    She reached down to the white stars that ran down both of her legs. They weren't just for show. The soft material stiffened into a solid blunt point shuriken and she flung it at the thug, catching him behind the knee. He staggered just enough for her to make her next move. Holding the shield in front of her, she flew directly at him in an aerial charging attack. All he saw was a rapidly expanding blur of red, white and blue before stars exploded inside his head.

    The simulation ended and Shannon returned the shield to its case with reverence. Maybe one day she'd petition the government for the right to carry it on the streets like her father, but for now...

    She stretched her arms and legs a bit and bumped the difficulty slider up to "Unyielding". Now for a real workout!
  12. mission architect could be the single greatest thing to happen for role players since the game was made.

    or it could fail misserably. I'm hoping for the first.
  13. I have to admit that the CoH players are some of the most creative people I've run into. I'm looking forward to teh missions and story lines we all come up with.
  14. but you'd make a lot of money talking about it anyways ^^
  15. each issue just keeps getting better and better for me

    11 - Dual Blades, the awesomeness astounded me. I thought I may never play another AT again. Ok, I was premature there, I do like playing other AT's. But man, DB rocked my world.

    12 - Cimerora - O. M. G. 'nuff said

    13 - SHIIIIEEEEEELLLLLLDSSSSSS. After getting repeatedly smacked in the face with shields on the ITF now I finally can has my own. Tiberius can be what I originally designed him to be! An immortal Roman Legionnaire.

    Thank you devs!!!!
  16. now I wish they'd actually develope a "lite" client to actually run on the iPhone without VNC.

    I wouldn't care if the graphics were down to the level of diablo 1 and original UO... I'd play it when I couldn't use my PC.
  17. WarpGirl




  18. he guesses right without seeing? *fans herself*

    I need to talk to this man, lol
  19. ooooo....

    so ummm.. how accurate are the details and how did the artist get the details? lol

    very hot, very nice ^^
  20. I made a Gamma and joined envisionaries but haven't played in a loooong time. I'm not sure if she's even still in the SG.

    It's not that I don't like you guys I'm just so busy on other servers.
  21. I'm still around... minus a thyroid, lol

    feel free to stick me in there

    do you need screenies?

    oh.. Gamma's a Duel Blades/Regen these days
  22. [ QUOTE ]
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    ... not being all that gung-ho about the iconic characters and even wondering if that was GW because of the different costume...

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    Actually, the version you see wasn't the original. This is what my first pass looked like, with the more classic costumes;

    MIDNIGHT HOUR - Early rough version (classic Ghost Widow)

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    and it's still awesome

    more GW hotness plz!