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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gaelic_Reign View Post
    You show me the percentages of the playerbase that asked for certain things against what was actually put in the game, and I may be swayed. But I just can't believe moving hair is that fraggin' important. Not when new designs, armor, helms, hair styles, gloves, and the like are asked for more. If the playerbase asking for moving hair had that many members, it would have happened long before now.

    I mean, it seems she's taking all the credit for whatever neckline options we're soon getting, so maybe she SHOULD be the spokesperson for all the stuff people want ingame. Seems she's got the pull with Sexy Jay others don't.
    Problem is that it's (allegedly) difficult to implement. And you'll have to just take my word for it that people want it, I'm not going on a scavenger hunt through the forums just to prove it's popularity.

    Where exactly it stands on the "Want it Nao" list, I have no idea, but that doesn't mean it's not a worthwhile goal.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    They look like this

    Just a simple "V", but it was very nice of him to make them
    Okay, I laughed.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gaelic_Reign View Post
    I just don't see moving hair making that big a difference to people. 'Realism'? Really? In a game with furries, catgirls, people who shoot flames from their hands, lasers from their eyes, and can fly? Please. Might as well ask them to get rid of the mitten condition our hand are in.

    And yes, it is a bad idea because GG likes it. Find a new spokesperson, then we'll talk.
    If our characters were fashioned after amoeba's, sure, but they aren't. They're fashioned after humans, and humans don't have stiff blocky hair. I'd also get rid of the meat mittens too.

    You can't just argue that anything remotely real doesn't fit into a super hero game, or I declare that our hair should be made out of pudding and have the consistency of Mars upon Orion's Belt of Jupiter's foreskin and a funny hat.

    And she isn't my spokesperson, she just keeps AGREEING with what I'm saying. It's like some kind of super advanced trolling method where I can't do anything because her infamy is obliterating me.
  4. You would want a single target attack chain to deal with AV's. AOE's typically have lower damage to account for their ability to hit multiple targets. As such, they are suboptimal for fighting a single target.

    Yes, a proc has a chance to activate with every enemy it hits.

    It would probably be more beneficial to slot up your AOE with damage procs.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Marsquake2 View Post
    A pm from you. You clearly have issues that I'm afraid this game board isn't suited to help. Sorry, I do wish you the best of luck.
    Aw see, that was only for you. I figured I'd allow you to continue argueing with me if you liked it, since it's not really conductive to this thread, is it?

    It's not like I was ashamed of saying that to you here or something. I was trying to be considerate~
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gaelic_Reign View Post
    Hair ain't gonna do that. Only new, more interesting designs, outfits, and clothing options. Flowing hair will only be freakin' distracting. Not to mention all the damnable valley girls and dumb blondes that'll flip their hair saying nonsense like, "OMG, did you see that?" or "Like, seriously." or "Oooo, something shiny!" or "Do these jeans make my hair look fat?" or "Like you know, I'm stupid, but I have such flowing, golden flaxen hair...."
    They're going to do that if you give them new costume designs too, you know.

    Flowing hair would add a level of realism that this game is lacking. It's not a bad idea just because GG said it.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Marsquake2 View Post
    The realization blew my mind too.

    We should probably lock this now, I'm getting all feisty~
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Muon_Neutrino View Post
    The problem is that a band-aid fix is supposed to make things partially better in anticipation of a permanent solution. However, this 'band-aid' doesn't actually make things any better. It doesn't do anything to stop the bleeding - it merely moves it to another location. A bandaid fix is supposed to make things at least a bit better - this one makes things *worse*.
    See, I would tend to disagree. Very few people were using AE for the intended goal of storytelling to begin with, so proclaiming that this band-aide somehow breaks something that was already broken is missing the point. Furthermore, people couldn't really *find* the story missions under the hoard of exploit missions, so, if anything, this band-aide helps in that it removes that clutter so that the actual story missions can be more easily found and enjoyed.

    Anyone who was looking for AE missions for the story probably are going to keep doing that. Anyone who was looking for AE missions for the EXP probably weren't selecting your missions anyway.

    I'll agree that they probably should have waited until they had an actual fix before patching, but I wouldn't proclaim that this temporary fix is breaking anything either when the pieces were already in itty-bitty chunks of obliterated nothingness to begin with.
  9. You typically want -Res procs in quick, single target attacks to keep the effect going constantly. They are less useful in AOE's because you cannot pick the target you are going to apply them too.

    So a possible yes on LBE, and a no on Fire Sword Circle.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Heraclea View Post
    The question isn't whether it's permanent. It's whether it's published on live or not.
    Do you live in some kind of pseudo-reality then? Yes, it's live.

    *EDIT* - Furthermore, weren't you stating that you were making a point? Now you're asking questions? Which is it, exactly?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Heraclea View Post
    Is it really? If this were true, it would not treat basic story telling tools as exploits.
    They aren't. It's a band-aide. It's not permanent.

    Figure that out already.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Heraclea View Post
    Yes, I'm making a point. If the "fix" breaks so much, it's worse than what it was intended to cure. No conceivable exploit could possibly justify such a broken "fix". Reversion is the only right thing to do.

    Our existing arcs will grow stale and may be eventually replaced; losing our reviews and ratings is a small loss, compared to what we lose the longer this broken "fix" remains in place, which is the dwindling interest the player base to check out actual creative material.

    Our willingness to volunteer the content in AE is our only point of leverage here. We need to use it to send a message. It may not be heard, but it's all we got, and doing nothing is not an option I can live with.
    That's a really backwards argument. The player base already didn't give a flying **** about your story missions because they were busy making and exploiting farming capabilities. Those who are really in it for the story likely didn't care about the EXP, and that likely hasn't changed with this (and I can't stress this enough.) TEMPORARY band-aide.

    This band-aide is actually taking steps to reverse that trend and make AE about creating stories again, instead of exploitative farming maps.

    Will it make you feel better if I play your arcs?
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Tux__EU View Post
    With experience in both, I've always found S/L def to be more useful in general gameplay (and much easier to cap on a Blaster), than ranged but I'd probably account that towards my playstyle.
    I would agree on a blapper or something. If you can just manipulate all the enemies into using their melee attacks then you wouldn't really need ranged defense, certainly. It does seem kind of backwards considering you have mostly ranged attacks, but nothing is saying you can't use your ranged attacks in melee either.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Heraclea View Post
    If the patch is falsely treating things as exploits that aren't really, that would suggest that .... the patch is wrong and broken.

    If the patch is wrong and broken, and treats as exploits things that aren't really, the only right thing to do would be to revert it immediately, or at least within the next maintenance cycle. I'll at least give them enough leeway not to pull down the servers for a reverting patch cycle on the weekend.

    Therefore, the patch cannot be wrong or broken, and must be working as intended. Everything that the patch treats as an exploit is indeed an exploit. Were this not the case, its immediate removal would at least have been announced by now, as the only conceivable right thing to do.

    And since exploits are now defined by what the current patch treats as exploits, we'd do well to at least start planning to withdraw missions using exploits from circulation.
    See, I had a feeling of what you were doing, but I was trying to pretend like you weren't doing that.

    I guess I was wrong.

    While I might agree that the Devs should have waited until they had a better fix working, I wouldn't declare that their current band-aide encroached upon some kind of moral depravity like you seem to be implying. Furthermore, if you had a point, just ****** say it, not make a whole thread acting all concerned about your poor AE missions, and then breaking down and admitting to what you're doing when nobody is baiting like you wanted.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
    I did, but you left me curious when you mentioned using Ice Mastery for help building with Ranged defense. I know you can get some good ranged bonuses from 6 slotting certain things, since Ice Armor only gives S/L defense and Col resistance. But I'm pretty sure you can replicate those ranged bonuses will every Mastery.
    *EDIT* - Nevermind.

    You *can* substitute ranged defense for purely S/L, but you are still going to get hit with a number of attacks that don't have a smashing or lethal component to them. Basically whenever the enemy uses an energy based attack from a range, your S/L isn't going to do much. Most of the S/L damage in this game is within melee, not ranged.

    Other than that, I don't really think I implied using Ice Mastery to build ranged defense, but I'll go back and check.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
    Vast majority of the damage in this game is S/L and probably will be easier to build on than Ranged after the BotZ nerf goes through with Ice Armor. I tweaked my build for my DP/NRG Blaster, she'll have 43% S/L defense, can be more if I decide to go with another set of Kinetic Combat.

    Typed defenses can account for positional defense as well can it not?
    I'm aware of all this, read the rest of my posts.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by beyeajus View Post
    Maybe with MA/?

    Well I'm off work now, time to go actually play again later. Any updates I find that are worth posting, I will.
    Thanks for letting me know it's not that bad, peeps
    Possibly. But the qualifications also have to insist that I need super jump, and don't have room to take Air Superiority. Also, that I'm not gonna take Tough or Weave and just settle on Boxing.

    As a personal anecdote, I was a little disappointed that my MA/SR wound up only really needed 3 single target attacks and Dragon's Tail for AOE. Hitting 3 buttons over and over reminds me of EQ.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Tux__EU View Post
    Okay then, fair enough - I guess what softcap/defence to build for is more preference and playstyle than anything. Yeah I think I might leave Stamina one-slotted aswell, but can't see Flash Freeze having too much use to be honest.
    With proper slotting you can get it's recharge under 30 seconds and it's duration over 35+ seconds, which spells permanent sleep on all minions and Lt's as it is a mag 3. This would allow you to focus on a boss, but would limit you from using AOE's, but also reduce the damage you are taking dramatically.

    It has more applications for solo play as you'd be able to more easily pick and choose your targets, but it can still be useful on a team if applied correctly. Typically you'd either be using it to stop another spawn that is attacking prematurely, or to stop enemies who have broken away from the tankers attention and are now focused upon you or an ally. Given it's recharge, you'd probably only be able to pull this off once a fight, but you could easily save your entire team with this power as well.

    Or someone could fire an AOE at the sleeping mob and kill you all.

    Furthermore, it's a good place to five slot another purple set which would grant you another 10% global recharge, which is never a bad thing.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
    Talking about long animations. I used to be jumpkick, eviscerate, jumpkick,eviscerate..good times. I wanted an acrobatic character. I took acrobatics only to find out I wouldn't be backflipping etc everywhere
    Ninja Run? =D
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ForumSniper View Post
    I think the most common scenario is when you are trying to fit another power into a full build, and want to kill 2 birds with 1 stone by taking Jump Kick. Combat Jumping is generally the pre-req of choice, I agree, but Jump Kick can let you skip a so-so attack from your primary or secondary and fulfill the pre-req for Super Jump at the same time - 2 birds with 1 stone.

    Is it worth it to do that? Well, I did it on one of my first toons soon after the game released. I ultimately respecced out of it. If Jump Kick has been improved since then though, it might be worth it on some builds.
    I suppose. I might consider that filling up a so-so power with another so-so power, though.

    *Edit* - I feel like I need to do a science experiment where I find a set that genuinely benefits from JK. My guess is that it's in a controller set, somewhere, or a Blapper attack string.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
    Yeah, chopping up civilians to make fleshbots is benign. And that's just the level 1 NPCs!
    Hell, I consider CoV and CoH's villains possibly more evil because of all the *implied* atrocities they commit.

    "Did you really blow up a school bus of children"

    *turns away, grinning*

  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Marsquake2 View Post
    reading comprehension ftw
    no u

    *EDIT* - Assuming you can get over the weally big tuff words, of course.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Well, co-op is actually the best option time and effort wise - co-op content can be played by everyone.
    Next comes blue content, which can be played by the majority of the players, and last comes red content, which can be played by a minority of players.
    So the best use of development resources is to make co-op content, followed by blue content, with red content the least useful option.
    Of coruse, they still make red stuff, but I really don't think they're ever going to spend as much time on that as blue and co-op stuff.
    It's a very viscous cycle isn't it? The good gets better because it's better, and the less gets worser (it's a word when I use it) because it's worse.
  24. I like that all retorts to Arcanaville being smarter than them is to make fun of Arcanaville being smarter than them.

    Because everyone knows nerds are LAME.