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  1. Okay, so I got my neato list going, but I can't seem to get the HTML to behave. Anyone know why, when I post a converted Excel sheet to HTML, that I have a mile and a half of blank space before the actual excel part?
  2. Take a look at Darkest Night. It's like Toughness and a Super Powered weave all at once.

    Downside is that you need an anchor. Upside is that it's values are far greater than Tough and Weave, and can assist your entire team, rather than just yourself.

    Also, Gloom is one of the highest DPA attacks you can throw into an attack chain.

    My vote is for the Epic Pool, Soul Mastery in particular.

    *EDIT* - I'm not certain if Darkest Night takes full effect on AV's or not. That might impact your choice considerably, if soloing AV's is your thing.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
    Assuming that your story arc wasn't affected by this patch, in which case if it is you're more likely to get worse ratings now since most players are clueless about this broken patch and will downrate you for giving them crappy rewards.
    I would like to beleive the playerbase isn't this stupid.

    I really, really would.
  4. Could probably have the column spawn in using the mercenary rope drop thingy, since it's already in the game and all.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Klaw_ View Post
    With dark get tp foe so you can drop em in your tarpatch which is -fly.
    I second this strategy.
  6. Dark is never a bad option. It's just a good set and it goes well with everything.

    I would think /storm bad because of the knockback and ninjas preferance for melee, though they are fast little ****ers, so maybe not.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
    As said, entirely different. First, they don't use the same animation systems; BaBs also mentioned that we can have both capes and animated tails because animated tails don't cause the performance problems capes do, because they aren't animated like capes. And on top of that, Ultra Mode is client side; it doesn't affect the performance of the game itself.
    While I appreciate the information, I've kind of stopped accepting "system limitations" as an excuse the last four or five times they proved themselves wrong.

    Everything is a matter of time, and I'm pretty patient.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
    Why try and tie it to Ultra mode at all?
    I totally knew you'd say that.

    Gosh darnit, I don't care how you do it man, I JUST WANT PRETTY SPARKLY HAIR!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
    That.... is not actually possible. Ultra mode is a shader/reflections upgrade. Cape-rigs are something entirely different.

    Theoretically, they could add an option to turn off capes, but that still wouldn't make it part of ultra mode.
    *sigh* Fine, when activating Ultra Mode, add an algorithm that also turns 'hair' on or off.

    Gotta be so **** specific.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
    Ultra mode can be turned off. Cape-rigs can't.
    Make it part of Ultra Mode then.

    of course, the hair would have to reflect everything, to keep up with Ultra Mode standards.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
    Two or more capes/capelike systems are a significant hit to game performance, according to BaB.
    Yet they're pushing out Ultra Mode with the next issue, aren't they? I think BaB is just lying because he's lazy~

  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    Question. Why did you make maps that could be exploited to begin with. Shut up.

    Sister Twelve: same goes for you. Shut up. You aren't gaining any sympathy, and at this point you've managed to get people un-involved with this whole mess willing to step in and tell you it's time to close your mouth.
    That's unduly harsh. The patch is effecting NPC's it, by all logical thinking, should not. Legitimate missions are effected by this change as well as the exploitative ones.

    The upside to all this is that the exploitative missions aren't being pushed out the door in such a large quantity, and are basically stale at this point, meaning you could feasibly push your actual storytelling to higher points on the list, where as before you hadn't a chance in hell.

    Probably should have waited for a more feasible patch, though.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
    The real question is whether GG would give up her cape in favour of animated hair. Because animated hair would certainly be implemented with a cape rig, and only one cape rig per model.
    I have a Controller who has a cape with the Bolero robe/thing before they changed it so that you can't do that anymore. So it's definitely possible, they just don't want to hand out that option for whatever reason. Furthermore, you can still use a cape alongside the Butler's Tux jacket.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zandock View Post
    Just a quick thing I noticed, but Mesmerize and Dominate are Psy and have no Ranged component.
    Yeaaah, the list is too inaccurate. I'm going to go through Red Tomax and make it right some time tomorrow. For now I sleep.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
    I'm interested in finding the source of this information, as a cursory review of City of Data seems to contradict it. For example, Flamethrower, Neutron Bomb, Ball Lightning, Frost Breath, and Psychic Tornado all show as AoE only and their damage type, with no ranged component to check against. If I'm misunderstanding City of Data then that's another thing entirely.
    Mmm, considering I used Mids, this is probably correct. I trust Red Tomax over mids easily.

    It does cut my pretty list down rather significantly, but I still think the point is prevalent; S/L isn't gonna cover everything. It probably covers 'enough'.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
    Wait, what? Fly has drastically higher end usage and doesn't buff your defense. Hover is far more useful in combat than Flight. You can also get Hover up to running/sprinting levels with a little investment in enhancements, too.
    Agreed. Hell, I sometimes take CJ and Hover for SUPER ULTIMATE DEFENSE building.
  17. I used to enjoy exploring underneath Cimeoria before they patched it.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PC_guy View Post
    I won't quote since its too long. half the things mentioned are AoE attacks or unresisted and will hit both s/l defense builds and ranged builds as well as mentioning afew attacks that have a s/l component frag and stun grenade come to mind (frag being both smashing and lethal).
    although again it comes down to playstyle. s/l defense is more lazy, if you will, than ranged.
    AoE Ranged attacks still check for ranged (unless they specifically say they don't). That's why you're often able to neglect AOE defense to a degree.

    I was rushing though, so I won't pretend the list is perfectly accurate.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PC_guy View Post

    assuming you slot for s/l and use the rest of what you have to slot for rech (which there are serveral builds on teh forums that did this, mine included) all of that is up every spawn.
    No it's not. Even if you managed to get 500% recharge, the most you could lower a 120 second cool down too is 24 seconds. Nevermind that 500% recharge by yourself is impossible, 24 seconds between spawns is bad. You will need to rely on other abilities.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JD_Gumby View Post
    There. Fixed your rather obvious typo.
    Heh, while I admire the effort, you are playing a very challenging game if you are going to correct all of *my* typos.
  21. Edit - I'm deleting this list until I can use Rod Tomax and make a more accurate one. Expect this declaration to my lonely existence some time tomorrow when I'm not busy studying foreign languages~
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mystic_Fortune View Post
    I didn't list the powers as 'melee attacks', a showed a list of powers within the two power sets that function perfectly fine in melee range. Also, Mind Probe doesn't do Knockback... have you even played the set or are you just forming an opinion while reading numbers on paper?

    As for Bullet Rain not being a Melee attack, sure.. however.. I guess you're never player a Fire Blapper.. one word Fireball.. it and Bullet Rain function the same where as they center around the target.

    Allow me to paint you a picture, Teleport into a mob spawned for x6. Open with a Flash Freeze, followed up by Concentration -> Drain Psyche -> Hail of Bullets -> Psychic Shockwave. Finishing off with a Bullet Rain if needed. Mob deleted.
    ...Fireball is also a ranged attack. Is your point that you can use them in melee, so you should? Or that it's easier to hit multiple targets if they're all ganged up on you? You know you can just throw the fireball into the middle of the spawn for the same effect right? There's no real reason stating that these have to be used in melee range, and I can't figure out why you seem to insist that they should be.

    And I refuted your list by how useful each power is. Yes, I understand they are melee attacks, but that doesn't automatically make them useful either.

    Hail of Bullets isn't up every spawn. Neither if Flash Freeze or Drain Psyche. So yeah, that's a great tactic, but only if you want to wait 30 seconds between spawns.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
    I'm not sure where you're getting the idea that soft capping s/l is less effective than soft capping for ranged. There are few ranged attacks that don't have either of those damage components to them. If anything for a Pistols/Mental soft capping for s/l is much more effective than soft capping for ranged due to having several PBAoE powers that put you in melee range.
    Where is this several? Hail of Bullets is the only attack requiring melee range. One power does not several make. If you're referring to MM, then I've already explained this repeatidly

    And no, there are not a "few", there are quite a number of them, including many control attacks which are probably one of the primary reasons you'd want to dodge attacks in the first place.

    *EDIT* - My position is not that S/L will not help you, but that it will not cover everything. Ranged doesn't either, though it is easier to stay out of melee defense and rely entirely on ranged than it is to hope that nothing without an S/L component is ever aimed at you.

    You should be going after both, *primarily* because Ice Armor is so easy to get and offers such a large bonus.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PC_guy View Post
    mind probe doesn't do KB so nfc what you're talking about there. its not a bad attack, especially for something that goes into unstop that doesn't have psi res/defense.

    however, for a blapping set, no its not the best, but it requires you to be in melee to get the most out of its powers.

    although slotting for s/l defense is basically just as survivable as slotting for range, is much easier to do especially since botz nerf, and allows you to slot your ranged attacks for rech or something else(and can save afew slots) instead of having to 6 slot everything with tstrikes.
    Unstoppable is a very specific event that your other psychic attacks can already take care of. Mind Probe is a bad attack because your ranged attacks do better damage and have the advantage of being ranged. It has nothing to offer that the other psychic powers do not.

    I'm not sure where I'm getting the idea it does KB from either. I think his slotting confused me.

    You have 3 melee attacks. one of which isn't worth picking, one which is very good, and one which is situational and probably not worth it if you picked stamina instead. I would not make my entire build focus around having melee defense for one, possibly two, good attacks, while the rest of my build would probably favor ranged quite a deal more.

    You are still going to get hit with ranged attacks if you only slot for S/L. Ranged Defense is marginally better because you can stay out of melee, but then, it's very easy to pick Ice Armor so I don't particularly see the reason *not* to get it. I wouldn't only focus on one or the other though, as you will leave yourself open to attacks, which is sort of the anti-thesis for building for defense. If you're okay with having that hole, more power to you, but that doesn't mean it isn't there.

    BotZ doesn't stop you from building for ranged defense, though it is one of the reasons it was so easy to soft-cap. That said, you don't *need* soft capped defenses either, 25% alone will make a very noticeable difference in your survival, and I can achieve that on any blaster without undo sacrifices.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mystic_Fortune View Post
    Hmm.. lets see: Bullet Rain, Mind Probe, Drain Psyche, Hail of Bullets, Psychic Shockwave.. Not enough reason to get into Melee, you say?

    Before I turn this into a troll post, let me just clarify by saying, just because you don't chose to accept Mental Manipulation as a Blapper set doesn't mean it's not capable of performing just as well.
    Mind Probe isn't a good attack just because it's at melee range. In fact, it's a worse attack because it can only achieve melee range. It doesn't even do more damage than your first two tier ranged attacks. It's KB is also counterproductive to blapping, and I'd view it more of a control power than I would a viable attack, and not a very good one at that. The only good thing it has going for it is the recharge, and Psychic Scream offers that in a cone.

    Bullet Rain... isn't... a melee attack.

    Drain Psyche is really more of a utility ability, not an attack, which doesn't qualify it for blapping.

    That pretty much leaves Hail of Bullets and Psychic Screams, which I've already given my opinions on, and don't care to repeat them.

    With only one GOOD melee ability, no, MM is not a good blapper set, and I don't choose to "beleive" that out of ignorance. It's an opinion formulated after analyzing the powers. Not just a wild haphazard guess.