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  1. I'm not your trooper, though given my forum name it is an understandable mistake, kiddo!
  2. I'm not your dude, comrade!
  3. I'm not your dude, mate!
  4. Duh! Have you ruled out the power of thought? You gave me nothing except the 'idea' for your demise. This I use to great effect, I visit a voodoo priest and he gives me a cute little dolly that looks just like you. I place this effigy on my table and start to stick little knives into it, working my way from the outside in. Tiny little puncture wounds that transfer from the effigy to your actual body, which make you writhe in agony and you long for death as a release. So there!

    I give the person below me the gift of holiness.
  5. Why thank you!
    I take your black feather and tickle you till you die laughing.

    To the person below me I give a white feather.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    On occasion I'll go hang around in Atlas and look for non-veteran low levels, then mail 'em a nice chunk of like 10 mil inf.

    I also hand over any surplus to requirements enhancements I may have in my tray. A lvl 50 SO (single origin) enhancement will fetch 23,00 inf at any store, a nice tidy sum to get any newbie started.

    Welcome to the game and above anything have fun.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
    Bugs Bunny is the best. Ain't he a stinker?
    That he is but imho Jessica Rabbit is by way and far the superior.

    @Shred Monkey Toon is short for Cartoon Character, so either Toon or Char has gotta be correct, never mind the gainsayers.

    As for what is the best toon/char to take into battle it's gotta be the one that I'm playing at the time. And...no you can't borrow her, she is not for hire, she is just for my personal use, mine and mine alone.

    Good Luck!
  8. I really don't understand what all the fuss is about - this server, that server.

    Just do what I do - the devs give plenty of warning when the next CC is to be. Go to the appropriate server (they all give you 12 slots, provided you pay to play) and make a brand new char for specifically for that CC. Then join in the fun, it's supposed to encourage fun - the meaning of 'game' - not create a load of misery and unrest.

    Just chillax - as today's youth says - and enjoy.
  9. /signed

    I don't respec unless it's absolutely, bang necessary for me to do so - life - both cyber and real - is way too short.
  10. Ahhh! That'll be the Roman Gods answering my prayers, I fancy the pants of Romulus and he can't appear enough imho.
  11. Doh! as in doh, ray, me, fah, so, lah, te, doh.
  12. I'm with Andrew with this one so I'll pass - thank you kindly, hubby quite likes them though, he's a sucker (pun intended) for all fruit.

    Cheese on toast (gotta be Cheddar cheese) with a sprinkle of Worcestershire sauce, not too much as it overpowers the cheese.
  13. I'd eat if that Miracle Whip is on a par with mayonnaise.

    Fried bread sandwich, the fried bread dipped in OXO and fried in butter (my daddy used to cook this for me when I was a child).
  14. Yeah! You gotta wait until the fat lady sings...."Go Warbaby Go!"
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by b0bcatmc View Post
    Thanks for that reloadgfx command! (I'll have to test it soon! I remembered that there was a command, but not what it was)

    I've been having the occasional massive lag for a minute or two, where I can barely move or act, although I can sometimes attack by randomly hitting ranged attack, I just can't tell what happened. Then it eventually stops and all is right with the world. My wife doens't get the same thing, she locks up on mission exit or otherwise zoning after a few missions, on rare occasions out in the street.

    This has been going on for me since shortly after issue 21 or at least winter event start. a real danger when I'm running with the Iron Eagles II SG on Justice, where dying equals retiring the character.

    I'm going to make a macro button for it to spam click when the lag hits me.

    /macro rGfx "reloadgfx"
    Thanks for the macro Bob, that'll save me time and trouble in game.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrMechanical View Post
    I don't have any solutions, but I can say I have been experiencing similar problems to the ones you describe...and a few more...

    -letters occasionally disappearing in names/words,etc.
    -when working on new costumes, parts of the toons model will disappear (last time it was the models legs from the belt down) or the color palette vanishes.

    I also tried all those fixes you mentioned, except for the uninstall/fresh install, but reading of your lack of success, I think I will pass on that for now.
    Sadly, I am having exactly the same problems as yourself. Someone in game gave me a good workaround which I use frequently. Typing /reloadgfx seems to work for me. Though very inconvenient it does not take long and will have to do for me until as such time the problems are cleared by the devs (I assume it is a game fault because I was fine until the last issue).
  17. Sear - Sere - as in dried up or weathered leaves.
  18. Grill - to cook, as in barbecue.
  19. Pump-it up To inflate air into a bicycle or car tyre.
  20. Pump - what is used for raising air, water or any other liquid.