378 -
The very idea! I'm not an ostrich legged mayonaise eating Bolivian bivel bish, you Cracked-cranium Cockle-picker!
Yes they did, they give prestige (not as in SG Prestige) but in a showing a "Job well done!" kind of way, kind of like a badge of honour, services rendered, a "LOYALTY!" reward. To some this may appear a mere trifle but to others it means a lot. And in my view no amount of compensation can replace them. So compensation in any other shape or form isn't going to hack it for me, just give me my eight year badge, I earned it, or I won't be around to complain about not getting a nine year badge
A camel-flapped gooberfactory indeed!, you fossil-faced, flibbertigibbet.
Your perception is all awry if you take me for a narcissistic nocturnal neophyte, you Disenchanted, deluded, doppleganger.
And you should have it because you deserve it - but only the heavens know when. Me? I'm not going to hold my breath.
I'm now on my 8 year vet badge, time served, dues paid and it really wouldnt be a problem for them to fix it, they gave me the other seven without any problem at all and they make new badges for new stuff all the time.
Was wondering if the fact that vets 6 years or more are only a minority of the player base, if so perhaps that is the problem, in other words we dont matter any more, the dynamics of the game have changed now it's free to play. A bit of a cynical view perhaps but lately I'm feeling a little unloved and uncared for.
Heck! I really do want my earned 8 year vet brand new shiny badge -
How dare you! I'm not your wrinkle-spotted sludgehugger, you pasty-faced periwinkle.
I'm not no way a Carbuncle on any pink behind, you weak-wimpish-washed-out wreck of a Carnival Strong Man.
Also a collection of breeds of herding/guarding dogs...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pastoral_Group
Jabba the Hut indeed!. you Crinkly-Wrinkly-Crusty-Roach,
And...there's these of course...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vkpq...eature=related
I'm not your Polydactyl Pollyanna, you Pernickity Pandora.
Agree, this would be the simplest solution, but I'm now on my 8 year vet badge, time served, dues paid and it really wouldnt be a problem for them to fix it, they gave me the other seven without any problem at all and they make new badges for new stuff all the time.
Heck! I really do want my earned 8 year vet brand new shiny badge. -
I'm not an image of your toilet-seat face, you Burning Blood Pump!
I'm not your buddy boy, you Truncated-tittle-tattler!
Quote:You cant 'accidently' delete a character because to delete one you have to select the delete button and then type that chars name - would be really hard to do this accidently. But someone who has access to the OP's computer and or account could delete them if they wanted to. Hubby is always threatening the latter if I'm tardy with leaving the game to get him a meal.Maybe he means he accidentally deleted them, or someone else with access to his account deleted them? "Lost" could mean several things.
Ironblade is correct, characters really shouldn't be lost for any other reason than deletion by a player. Even if they're blatant violations of the EULA they just get their names and costumes reset to default - you don't lose levels or have the character deleted or anything like that.
Now, if these characters were deleted (either accidentally or maliciously by someone else with access to the account) then you need to put a ticket in with support. Do NOT make a new character with the name as it's my understanding this makes the original character less likely to be recovered. I've actually never been in this situation myself, but that's what I've gathered over the years from those who have. -
Whatever made you think I was your monkey-caked sockpuppet, you fat-fingered fanackapan!
I'm not your Jest, you Nit-picking-cod's-walloper!
Quote:Thanks Texas for giving me that link to support, only problem is it doesnt seem to be working either. Well - to be precise - it may be working but I'm not getting any replies from the emails I keep sending. Any ideas what I can do next - as I really need to access my account details because I want to change credit card info? I would be most grateful for your helpYou can use the support@coh.com email address that is listed in the description of this forum section.
EDIT: As a side note, I tried logging in to my two game accounts to check when my subs renew and had no problems. This was shortly after 10AM Central, so I'm not sure what message you were getting about the site possibly being down for maintenance. I was able to log in both accounts and check all of the pages associated with those accounts.
The support site still gives me the problems on the My Stuff tab that others are reporting but I submitted a support ticket about it. Since we can update support tickets by email, I'll use that if for some silly reason they want more information.