378 -
When push comes to shove the game belongs to NcSoft to do with what they will. No amount of coercion or pleading on our part is going to make the slightest bit of difference imo.
Just be thankful (as I am) that CoX was born, that we were all given the chance to be part of an exceptional community of game players and that it lasted as long as it did.
I wish you all well for your gaming futures. Good luck! Take care! and may your gods go with you. -
Quote:I think this deserves a bump don't you? So......In our City I will show
'Cos to a mission I want to go
I love the game...I've watched it grow
But since the news of the 31st I think you ought to know
That I'll keep flying long as I have wings
And I'll keep loving all this game brings
I'll keep stallin' till the pendulum swings
'Cos the game ain't over till the fat lady sings
NCSoft I can't tell
If your profits weren't all that swell
(it seemed like all was well)
But since your news I haven't gone to hell
So I'll keep pluckin' at your old heart strings
I'll keep truckin' long as a noobie dings
I'm not duckin' what tomorrow brings
'Cos the game ain't over till the fat lady sings
Babs has left Galaxy town
Positron hid his frown
I am not just fooling around
And I won't let you get me down.
So though the end, you're trying to bring
I ain't grievin', none of these things
Ain't retreatin' I'm a hero with wings
'Cos the game ain't over till the fat lady sings
Didn't only give me the ability to do it but showed me how, leastwise the community forums did.
This is really bad business practice.
To find out on the forums or from other players in game that CoH is closing down stinks. We should all have had an email from support about this as soon, if not before, this news was leaked.
I have sent an email to support asking for the return of the unused portion of my subs - which will be 6 months come 30th November. I suggest that anyone else who has prepaid for playtime they will not get, do the same. -
Your mistaken! Never in this wide world am I a nonsensical ninny-hammer you wiggle-whiffed winklepicker.
So....everything is coming up roses at long last then.
A snot-breathed hosefield? As if! you consecrated codswallop!
Tch! I'll not be kissing any bison rumps, you frizzle-faced fracklefreak!
Ha! You need glasses, I'm no six-fingered hand-waver, you short-sighted stickleback!
@ Kirsten You're way too picky.
Bad idea to keep changing the rules.
Good idea to make a plan and stick to it. -
Thank you! I take your video camera and use it to take pictures of you in flagranti with Ms Liberty. I then post these on the interweb which gives Cryptic Studios, the right to sue you for your every last cent. Which means you have no money at all and you commit hari kari while humming "It's a long way to Tipperary".
To the person below me I give the gift of laughter. -
Bad idea: Forming a pug to do the Dr Quartifield (19 door missions) with people you don't know.
I gratefully take the gift of the Best Buy pre-paid gift card and very methodically and with evil intent tear it up to very small pieces and push it far up your right nostril....snort you way out of that buddy boy!
To the person below me I give the gift immortality. -
Tehe! I can picture that.
I have not the faintest resemblance to a rubber-bearded donkeyhog, you bare-bottomed brazen-buffoon! -
The very idea! I'm not your snaggle toothed Trouthwuffle reject of a Platipus, you squiggly-squashed squat-thruster.
Have mercy! I'm not your septic-fisted gobwatcher, you hammer-toed heffalump!
In no way am I rich - cept in my choice of friends and the good luck I have with family members - I'm a pensioner trying hard to live within my hubby's means. But for the last 8 years I've found the werewithal to sub CoH. Now it is FtP if there comes a time we can't afford the subs I can still happily play the game with what I have paid for up until now. Rich? No! Happy? Yes!
Also late but for me that's not unusual coz I'm usually later for everything, bet I'm on time when I die though.
Bleu Celeste
Red Zonda
Boney Emm -
You would stoop so low as to say I'm your pig-snouted waxsmacker, you friggle-fried flibbertigibbet.
The Turf is otherwise known as the sport of horse-racing.
Here's my three
(1) Cryon Brian... as in the name Brian, not brain, even though Brian is a twist on brain - I also think Brian rather suits a robot.
(2) The Moonlighter.... rather devious - as in someone who does something undercover, under the power of darkness.
(3) Card Sharp...which could well suit a dual blade char..specially wearing your choice of costumes. -
LOL @Healix.
If you were told to 'sod off' it might just muddy the waters a little. -
When will the Synapse TF get the same love as Positron and Sister Psyche?