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  1. I'm gonna miss you too Baba.. I don't want to go..
  2. I wish I could word it so well.. I will miss you too my friend.
  3. Well said.. I'll miss you and all of the things you mention that caused us to love this game so much.
  4. don't even think o doing that w/out me!!! l'm there!
  5. We were on Triumph working together smoothly and about to get our badges for TPN.. was a sure win.. I didn't do a petition, too many times i've been told only the leader of the trial or tf can submit it.. but..i've never ever asked for help and not had a gm come into the game & fix it right away.. till now. this was not a fluke on one toon, this was an entire league that went down and for about 15 minutes we got that message that the toon we had been on was still logged on and so we couldn't log back onto it.. (a new one to me and i've been here for years. i went to another server.. when i logged off that toon instead of coming back to the screen to select a server. it threw me back to the Triumph Server and i logged back onto the toon i'd been on.. i hit lfg and got thrown out.. and wasnt sure if it was cuz the tf ended or what.. but then realized the entire league was showing up one by one and we all had the same thing happen.. I'm hopin this will be fixed and restitution will be made to give us the badges we'd earned. It's become my expectaton from past experience.. don't let me down now.
  6. Aww.. *blush*, thank you guys hugs to all of you. and gratz to all the other winners..
  7. War_Wench

    I got proof!!

    your "proof" proves some guy stole my name. I am not a guy, not bald & was NOT there.. Good try, El! LOL!
  8. I think Vanden thinks he's Guy Perfect.. That counts, right? lol
  9. You guys are all on mine already.. It lights up like a Christmas tree.. a pretty one filled with fun people.. who make me happy.
  10. ROFL! Good job, El.. Getting Vanden & B Samson mixed up. :P
  11. Thanks to all of you for nominating me on here & voting for me.. You guys really are awesome & you're spoiling me rotten. (I love it!) LOL! Hugs to all of you.

    The Hoozdat Award Person Who is seen, but unknown to most


    The Obnoxious Award
    You guys are all great.. 'cept on the occasion when you get that elbow tipping. :P

    The 'I don't see em' Award Person who you think is giginored the most

    The Bound and Gagged Award Person who is silenced the most in 2.0
    (you try harder.. :P)

    Mod of the Year
    1) Leo
    2) Snow Globe
    3) Vanden
    4) Taryn
    I vote for us all.. :P

    Funniest Triumpher
    You make me laugh.. you know you do.

    Most Loveable Triumpher
    Kay Parfait

    Favorite person to put in a Task Force
    1) Maya Redhand
    2) Leo
    and a long list of others... I hope you know who you are..

    Best Player in Triumph
    Maya Redhand
    (of the ones listed here) I have lots on my list of best players.
  12. War_Wench

    Mo5thSF , MoRSF

    Yes.. got it!!! WooT! One more master to go & I'll have them all. If I'm on though & anyone needs help.. I'll do my best to assist.
  13. War_Wench

    All Kheld STF

    Sure why not? I have a lvl 50 PB.
  14. I can make room for you with my vg Fallen Wings Over Rogue Isles. I won't be on 'til Tuesday but if you are still looking let me know. I'm @Taryn...and I promise I won't invite you and kick you. Sorry 'bout that lil 2.0 thing the other night. LOL!
  15. Welcome Glad to meet you. Come to Triumph Watch 2.0 and 2.1 chat channels.. where you can meet the best players on Triumph and get involved in the drama..
  16. I'm leader of that SG & Fallen Wings Over Rogue Isles on Triumph and a member of the Dreams sg that has the beautiful castle feel over on Virtue and I'm fortuante enough to be friends with Saya who has rescued my bases from being boring & made me want to stay in them forever. They are beautiful. I wanted him to submit London Thing for the Christmas prizes he deserves them. Don't you think?
  17. War_Wench

    ITF Weekdays

    I'm sooo sad... I missed it
    I thought I was part *cries*
  18. War_Wench

    ITF Weekdays

    I want my spot as defender....
  19. So.. i can't make this work any way i try.. is there no way to fix this?