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  1. VoodooCompany

    Assassin's Creed

    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    Well, I have always enjoyed single-player games, and I have GW2 to get my MMO fix... but I will miss our community.
    1) What is wrong with you????

    2) You don't have to miss the community too much. We unanimously voted for you to be the head orchestrator of the City of Heroes Victory Server Reunion committee.

    Good luck
  2. VoodooCompany

    Assassin's Creed

    You're just not use to having to play for yourself That, and you don't have me bolstering up your ego.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr_Darkspeed View Post
    More impartantly: Blue-Ray Holiday Special?
    Originally Posted by Desi_Nova View Post
    Gods No!
    This is indeed the un-talked about Dark Side of all of this. They are now the OWNERS of this...............thing. And some day, children will think they even made it. Bea Arthur stole the show.

    Enough of all of this business crap though!

    Who will play Luke and gang in 2+ years? More CGI Wookies? Technology that looks "new yet older" or "Old but Newer"?
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Knight_Marshal View Post
    Just replace all the Ewoks with Muppets.
    .......weren't they already?
  5. He skipped out on us to cruise around for "chicks"?

    And I don't know about you, but ToTing "ended" for us around 8 as a city thing. After that, you're loitering and I get my gun out.
  6. VoodooCompany

    Assassin's Creed

    I've learned that I'm the world's worst assassin. I randomly spike some innocent just walking about on occasion. Sometimes on purpose. Then when saving a citizen, I'll spike one or two guards real quick, fight another 1 or 2 in a combo, and then the last guy I parry for another 5 or so minutes for the hell of it. Guys on roofs that I manage to jump down from behind generally just get pushed off the ledge. While on horseback, screw trying to use a sword; I just run em the hell over.

    I've yet to actually assassinate an actual target successfully however. It's like they know I'm coming
  7. We doing this? We already know Hor ain't gonna show up anyway

    Would probably be late myself regardless, at best. Don't know if I can muster another log in after either.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hero_of_Steel View Post
    I would have preferred to have Brad Garrett (Everybody loves Raymond) as Herman Munster.

    Not only does he have the right look & height (6' 8½"), I think he would have played the role better than Jerry O'Connell.

    People talking about this "show" for almost a year now have said the same. I've even seen him do a Herman Munster impression before and I'm 90% sure I've seen him dressed up as such as well. Even if less comical and more "serious" as this reboot was going for, Garret would have been an immensely better choice IMO.
  9. I cringed during this whole thing. I really did not like it. The idea was okay, but half the characters just didn't work for me. Izzard was the only interesting performance and yes, Marilyn was the creepiest of them all. I actually think she was always the creepiest from the original but they never really went that direction before.

    There was no Herman Munster in this show. That wasn't even close.
  10. I had heard it's just a one-time "event" with basically just showing the pilot. I don't think any other episodes were picked up and no idea how many they made anyway. I have a feeling if it does "well" by NBC standards they might pick it up for a few more episodes?

    Is it supposed to be comedic? Or more like dramedy? The wife will probably make me watch it but I don't have any good expectations for it. I did enjoy Daisies quite a bit however.
  11. VoodooCompany

    Assassin's Creed

    Got some time in it and man, what a pretty game. It came out in 2008? And it looked that good then? Had to do the hosts workaround for their online lag, but was very smooth after that. Still have to get use to those controls though; definitely set up for a console controller.
  12. VoodooCompany

    Assassin's Creed

    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post

    I was thinking of pulling a Full Mental tonight... lots of games out there to play.
    ........then I have NOTHING to log in for
  13. VoodooCompany

    Assassin's Creed

    Thought the DRM was just to be connected while playing?

    No haven't started yet; I mulled over it too long and didn't get it all downloaded yet. Might have to pull a Mental tonight to get some play time in
  14. VoodooCompany

    Assassin's Creed

    Something I need to look out for to fix something then? Or was it user error? >.>
  15. VoodooCompany

    Assassin's Creed


    I wound up buying the whole pack.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xiang Shao View Post
    I still don't get what this does exactly.

    It "saves" your character but then what?
    For the "what if" you can export back into something that can use it some day
  17. VoodooCompany

    Assassin's Creed

    I saw another/different commercial for this over the weekend. I think it was strictly for the PS3? Totally different scenes/gameplay/animations shown and it was considerably better than whatever system the other commercial was for. Even just the commercial itself was better (flow, idea, etc).

    I might have to look into that steam sale
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
    I started up a new Chinese empire, took out the Aztecs and Arabs, almost done taking out the Romans. Currently in the modern age. Love artillery.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Flux_ View Post
    Meh. I don't know that I'm the least Doomful™ but I'd rather go out in a drunken wake, singing and laughing, than listening to a dirge.
    I'll be in the back with the widow..........
  20. Ha! Got you both beat.

  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    What temp are you keeping that room at? You keeping sunlight out? Other than that... right the hell on, man.
    His parent's basement, so yeah.

    And boy are they proud!
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    Cool... as long as you never check out Champion Online.

    You'll never know
  23. Bone gifted me the Civ5 copy he had so I have a feeling that will keep me busy for awhile at least.Thanks bone

    Signed up for Marvel Heroes as well for the hell of it. Hopefully that won't suck if I can get into it.
  24. I could pass on PvP Multiplayer. Co-OP? LAN maybe but I don't have that option. Definitely a cool approach to that type of game and look forward to not forgetting about it to play eventually.