2357 -
Quote:Since Inherent Fitness scales with level, it actually does not do a whole lot for you at low levels. The origin ranged attacks are pretty much meaningless too. Beginner's Luck is the only real boost lowbies have gotten.
Beginner's luck, inherent stamina and the origin attacks (which I forgot to mention) are veteran rewards now?
EDIT: And more subtly, Inherent Health. (which actually does quite a lot for your survivability)
The game does need to be more difficult, just not at low levels. Praetorian mobs, and evidently everything coming after them, are just absurd. -
Quote:I've rerolled my main at 50 twice now. Of course, I didn't delete the old versions. I shipped them off to other servers and retconned them.
Are you high? -
Quote:Seconding the recommendation for a "Huntsman" build, eschewing the powers that draw the mace. I have one of these myself on Justice at level 50, slowly gathering shards. You'll get much more survivability than a Blaster and some status protection -- you will want to invest in at least one -KB IO.
Reroll as a crab spider or if you don't like the spider backpack reroll as a soldier and just pick up the bane powers but none of the mace ones, you will still have your gun attacks.
Mids DataLink for the character's build plan -- he's currently missing a few pieces. It's not a terribly expensive build. I sacrificed some Defense for +recharge.
You'll have to side-switch if you want your character to be a hero, of course, but that's not a big deal these days. -
Quote:And to buy them we had to walk five miles, through the snow, barefoot, UPHILL BOTH WAYS....
I'm old enough to remember when American comics were more than just the super hero genre. When I was a kid there were westerns, war, romance, humor, horror, mystery, fantasy, science fiction, educational science, religion, classical literature and super hero comics. -
Quote:No, they're not. They're condescending, judgmental, superficial, artificial creations intended to demonstrate the supposed moral superiority of the speaker.
Although the words are not in common usage, they are still as "real" as any other modern word -
The Blue King comics claimed there were about 5-6,000 heroes in "the area", which might be anything from Paragon City to the state of Rhode Island (which in real life has a population of about a million). Of course, the same issue abused the legal system like a red-headed stepchild so make of that what you will.
I don't think it's any more reasonable to assume there are thousands of heroes in the city than it is to assume there are literally Skulls (etc.) on every street corner mugging someone. -
Some recent comments on the arc, all from the same person:
Quote:I've fixed the typos and tweaked some small details (fixed the patrol spam in act 3, changed the text for the action figure clue in act 2, other minor changes). I'm pretty happy with the arc's story, though. I know acts 2 and 3 are similar but I feel it's necessary for the player to have to go back for more information on SANTA once the truth is known. I considered having the player abduct a researcher in act 3 so the Wardens could beat the information out of him, showing that when push comes to shove they're not that much different from the Crusaders, but decided that was blurring the lines a bit too much.[Tell] 2011-01-12 02: 09:47 Message From xxxxx : Feedback on Architect Mission Cole In Your Stocking: M1 briefing: underprivledged familes -> underprivileged families. Considering the premise is that I'm with the Wardens, a little weird that the Resistance in this mission immediately shoots first. When I finally get to Boris he seems surprised I'm "selling him out" but I've been killing tons of resistance on the way to him. No dialog in entire mission except for Boris and his ambush. Suggest adding patrols or a "front" boss with dialog ordering the men to attack me or something.
[Tell] 2011-01-12 02: 13:25 Message From xxxxx : Suffering some whiplash in mission 2 having foiled the Crusader's attack on the toys, now going to probably stop the toys from being shipped
[Tell] 2011-01-12 02: 20:48 Message From xxxxx : M2 the "computer" glowies actually are desks with no computer on them (nitpicky)
[Tell] 2011-01-12 02: 21:47 Message From xxxxx : Oops, nm, that glowy was the "action figure". I wonder if it should be in a crate instead of a desk though? Probably ok as is if you like it that way though.
[Tell] 2011-01-12 02: 24:13 Message From xxxxx : "intented" -> "intended" (Say it ain't so, SANTA!) ... also if the SANTA device makes you receptive to authority, shouldn't I be affected by it since I picked up the action figure?
[Tell] 2011-01-12 02: 36:18 Message From xxxxx : M3 felt a little redundant with M2 (both basically hacking computers to find out about the toys), consider cutting one. Felt like too many patrols in M3 but that might just be my level 3 talking, would be ok at level 24.
[Tell] 2011-01-12 03: 03:55 Message From xxxxx : M5 dialog "Vetranno" should be "Vetrano". In briefing, I thought it was weird that the Wardens launch an attack on the toy factory right after we break up the Crusader attack on the toys.
[Tell] 2011-01-12 03: 12:23 Message From xxxxx : Souvenir: underprivledged -> underprivileged. Liked Force Majeure's reappearance in M5.
[Tell] 2011-01-12 03: 14:05 Message From xxxxx : Overall: felt M1 needed more content. M2 and M3 were too similar, either cut one or make them more different. Had a lot of whiplash between stopping Warden attack on toys and attacking the toys myself, I understand what you're getting at
[Tell] 2011-01-12 03: 15:25 Message From xxxxx : but think it needs to be a little better justified, it seemed like twice I stopped the Crusaders, then the Wardens basically did the same thing. Liked the minor characters introduced.
Most people (of the whole 11 that have played the arc) seem to have bought the distinction between what Donovan has you do and what the Crusaders would have done, so while it may not have worked for this commentator I disagree that changes are needed.
Just going to hit on the main points.
- The community here is no better or worse than the community in any other MMO I've played, including WoW.
- I read comics back in high school and for a few years thereafter. I gave it up when they went into reruns. I started picking up the JMS issues of Superman and Wonder Woman but I've been out of the habit of reading comics too long and have fallen behind. I ran a tabletop supers game for many years and across several rules systems (V&V, Champions, Superworld, GURPS) because I like the flexibility in character types and literary themes. City does a reasonable job of portraying a comic universe; part of that means allowing character conceptions that aren't going to work for everyone. The solution to that is also the solution to....
- ...getting bent out of shape over the lack of "real" gender-neutral pronouns in English. People who are annoyed by the generic use of the masculine pronouns should be annoyed at every opportunity, if only because it's fun to watch them boil. Alternately, they could heed the advice of Marcus Aurelius: "If we are troubled by any external thing it is not the thing itself which troubles us but merely our estimation of it, and this we are free to revoke at any time." Or the short version by Don Henley and Glenn Frey: "GET OVER IT".
- I don't as a rule correct peoples' bios. I just laugh at them, sometimes "out loud", i.e. in chat.
Back at the start, Jack said that villains were "defeated" and faded out so the player could assume what he wanted about their fate. Much, much later BAB asserted that defeated mobs were being mediported to the Zig, but with all due respect, that wasn't an animation issue and thus he was a bit out of his turf.
Quote:Since I already specified "murder in cold blood" there really isn't any ambiguity. If there is a jurisdiction that considers premeditated killing of a human being in cold blood to be less than first-degree murder it's news to me.
The problem lies in ambiguity of your ridiculous question. "First degree murder" as you use it, is a legal term that varies by state.
Quote:-juveniles tried as juveniles for adult crimes- where the crime may be "first degree murder" if in the adult court, but that terminology isn't used in the lower courts.
Quote:These people will not necessarily "just be let go" when they turn 18, depending on the state, and many places have active reintegration efforts which have turned out strong communty-centered reformers that work to curb gang activity.
None of this is particularly germane to the real question, though, which is whether or not villains in City are too easily redeemed. The answer by any reasonable standard is not just yes, but hell yes. To borrow a line from Gross Pointe Blank, going over the career of a high-level villain is going to read like a demon's resume (which, given the setting, it may actually be). I've got a level 50 villain that I "redeemed" over on Virtue named Koronos. Let's open up his souvenirs and badges and see what he's done. I'll just list the high notes:
- "The Vahzilok Conference" -- captured citizens off the streets and delivered them to the Vahzilok just to create a distraction.
- "Oh, Wretched Man!" -- murdered an entire base full of Arachnos agents just to obtain information without being reported. N.b. the fact that the deaths took place in combat is non sequitur as you took a job that specifically required their deaths.
- "Kings of the Sky" -- blew up a Longbow base to cover theft of information, killed Ballista-1. Again, the decision to kill was made in advance of combat.
- "Any Body Will Do" -- captured Scrapyarders to be handed over to the Circle of Thorns for use as sacrificial victims to bribe the Circle into leaving Cage personell alone.
- "Forging the Blackwand" -- murder of a Scrapyarder and a Longbow hero to obtain components for a magical weapon.
- "Sabotage!" -- blew up a Longbow base just for Jaeger's satisfaction.
- "Snuffing the Light" -- killed a Longbow agent to obtain his access codes.
- "Brawling with the Big Boys" -- another Longbow base blown up.
- "Psimon Sez" -- destroyed the sanity of Rikti converts to use them as cannon fodder against Aurora Borealis.
- "Blurring the Lines" -- assassination of a Longbow agent to preserve a Rikti infiltrator's cover.
- "Pied Piper" -- planted a device to attract demons to Paragon City just to get them away from St. Martial for a while.
- "Light and Darkness" -- assassination of a PPD Kheldian officer. Of course as we'll see below in the badges he was already a cop killer.
- "Von Grun's Science" -- captured Pyriss and delivered her for dissection. Numerous other offenses in Von Grun's arcs.
- "Seaweed" badge: killed Sea Witch
- Mayhem mission badges: far too many acts of property destruction and terrorism to count.
- "Villain/Reformed" badge: defeat 1000 Longbow. Unrealisitic to assume this was done without fatalities. Likewise with "Outlaw/Thin Line" which somehow the character doesn't have (or even a progress bar). N.b. a cop killer can pretty much forget about ever getting so much as the time of day from other cops even if some idiot in the government pins a badge on him.
This litany of sins does not portray someone eligible for redemption. It portrays a war criminal. In order to believe this character is now a hero it is necessary to handwave away his past. Rescuing a few kidnapping victims isn't going to cut it. -
Quote:Meaning you don't actually know what you're talking about.
probably a number of them -
Quote:No, it isn't. Soldiers who kill in cold blood as opposed to in the heat of combat tend to find themselves in front of war crimes tribunals.
If you're a soldier that's exactly what you're supposed to do. -
Quote:How many of those people were sent up for first-degree murder?
that is just a silly amount of inflexibility that ignores reams of cases where individuals from gang or other criminal related pasts in which they did horrible things turned their lives around and became strong role models for their communities who were able to demonstrate how to avoid their shortfalls. -
Quote:Nope. There are things people can do that can never be forgiven. Sometimes things break in a way that leaves them unfixable, and you can do that to your own life. It's not even hard.
Don't be so unforgiving - everyone deserves a second chance -
Quote:I'd rather the devs didn't give us any bull.
Don't forget the Bull! -
Quote:You can't, without employing massive amounts of handwavium.
Anyone have any other roleplaying ideas on how I could justify the descent and redemption of my hero?
It is possible to get a villain to level 20 and redeem him without doing anything unforgivable while still running the content. I did it myself with a Tanker I chose to reroll as a Brute. I don't think it's possible to get anywhere near level 50 without pole-vaulting across the Moral Event Horizon, at least not without unbelievable tedium (e.g. only street-hunting other villain groups for XP, avoiding just about all arcs, etc.)
Quote:There's no redemption for a mass-murderer on this scale. -
Quote:There isn't and you can't. The arc is a heap of comic book conventions thrown together with no real thought about the underlying logic or implications, sprinkled liberally with killer GMing. Which makes it much like the majority of the game's writing, particularly of late.
I genuinely believe there is a decent story somewhere in there if I can just make sense of all the unexplained leaps of logic.
The reason mediporting technology is not widespread is because it would change the world too much. A mission writer would, for instance, have to handwave Medicom away every time he wanted to kill off a character for plot reasons or write a murder mystery. This would get old fast. It only exists in the first place because the idea of permanent death in MMOs is permanently dead; paying customers won't stand for having their characters Killed Off For Real by a lag spike. When you have a genre convention like that in the mix it's a bad idea to try to explain it. Since it doesn't make any internal sense in the first place trying to explain it will cause more problems than it solves. -
Oddly, I put "Cole In Your Stocking" on CoHMR a while ago and it still hasn't come through....
Mine are in the signature link, for the most part -- haven't updated the page in a while.
Quote:A lot of architects filled their available slots a long time ago, meaning you're excluding a lot of people who aren't willing to delete their arcs to make space for new ones.
This contest is open to arcs that are 3 months old or newer.
That said, I'll throw in the only one of mine that qualifies: "Cole In Your Stocking", #474611. -
Quote:And until the devs bite the bullet and do what needs to be done -- which is nerfing buffs and debuffs -- the game is going to continue to not make sense. Designing around a system everyone knows is broken is wagging the dog.
The only other means the developers really have of combating this is to wield the nerfbat and beat Defenders, Controllers, Corruptors and Masterminds (did I miss any?) into an absolute bloody pulp with it (tl;dr: nerf buffs, and by a LOT). And I guarantee the uproar from that would probably dwarf the uproar that resulted from the issue 5 Global Defense Nerf or issue 6's Enhancement Diversification. -
in consideration of such suffering could tyrant be justified in attempting to rein in the undisciplined masses of meta and non meta humans using his own, personal example of the effects of such an incident and attendant cascading? -
Quote:What does this have to do with it? Aside from the fact that he could easily be lying (and just wants power for its own sake), it doesn't in any way, shape or form mitigate what he's doing. Golden Girl is right on that point.
GG,remember that,on this same dialogue,Tyrant says he BELIEVES in the Praetorian Utopia,and that the chaos of Primal Earth is taking Primal to a path of self destruction.Cole believes that he's doing the RIGHT THING,that some sacrifices are necessary to save mankind from itself.
"Evil, be my good" is pretty rare even in comics. Most villains at least claim to be doing the "right thing" by their perspective. Even Recluse claims to be building a better world. -
Quote:Thanks for the review!
You did a great job with this arc. Not once did I feel frustrated or bored.
Quote:Most of my feedback is overwhelming positive so I apologize for that.
Quote:In Mission 4- your waiting text mentions Arachnos and uses the words been prepared. This text is awkward since it can trigger before you enter the mission.
Quote:One thing about the Resistance is that they use wacky handles instead of their real names. The opposite goes for Prae Police, they tend to use their real names like Praetor Duncan instead of handles like Dominatrix. You are more likely to find a Resistance leader named Swimming Pool than have a common like Boris.
Quote:Make one talk, make the rest silent, since they say the same thing. -
Quote:They can call it what they want, but gluing feathers on a rat doesn't make it a swan. The only "shades of grey" in Praetoria are black and almost-black.
the Sith were created by George Lucas specifically as 'Mustache Villains". there were reasons why that issue was called "Shades of Gray"
For an example of what I thought the plight of the Wardens should look more like, try "Cole In Your Stocking", #474611. </unabashedplug>