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  1. There is no such thing as "MMO verboten", and one day they will remove all your "completed work" by shutting down the servers.
  2. Quote:
    "Consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds" - Emerson

    Originally Posted by Ralph Waldo Emerson
    A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines. With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do. He may as well concern himself with his shadow on the wall. Speak what you think now in hard words, and to-morrow speak what to-morrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict every thing you said to-day.
    That quote gets abused way too often. It only means you should feel free to change your opinions to fit new information, not that there's something wrong with being consistent.
  3. As I've said before, the arc plays like the author had heard of least-likely-suspect mysteries, but had no idea of how to actually write one.
  4. So the filter is actually getting worse?

    Why don't they just admit they want us to stop writing arcs?
  5. Quote:
    We just met him as a normal loyalist thug - we haven't met him as a Well-empowered loyalist yet
    Yeah, I get that, but Maelstrom has been slapped around by everyone and his kid sister for months now. No one is going to take him seriously as an Incarnate-level threat, backstory be damned.
  6. Yeah, Maelstrom...the guy whose buttocks I kick at least once a day (on characters as low as level 20) will now require over a dozen people to beat. :-/
  7. I see enough pieces I'll have use for to warrant buying the set -- the Think Tank alone is a must-have for Victor Praetorius -- but I'm not going to jump the gun. I'll wait for the official announcement.
  8. Quote:
    Fairly certain it was mentioned in one of the early posts on he beta forum where the contacts were introduced.
    Pics or it didn't happen.
  9. Quote:
    One of the things that bothers me about Venture's attitude here, is that he knows the game could be (re-)written to follow a level = story progression editorial mandate because he is one of the people with enough understanding of canon to do it.
    No I can't, and neither can anyone else.

    If story progression requires level progression, then eventually an intended story addition will run into either the top end of the desired faction or factions' level range or the level cap itself. E.g. we have the current Rikti War storyline, if we want to advance that so that, say, Vanguard pushes through the portal and takes the fight to the Rikti homeworld we can't do it because there is nowhere for it to go. The current storyline takes place at the level cap so we've got no level progression left to use. Either the level cap has to go up to make room -- which is wagging the dog and causes more problems than it solves -- or we just cram it in there and to hell with whether or not it makes sense or how badly it breaks the existing material. Which is what the devs have been doing, bringing us to:

    But that just feels inconsistent and bad to me. YMMV.
    What we are getting feels inconsistent and bad to you because it IS inconsistent and bad. The devs have been claiming to adhere to one paradigm (story progression equals level progression) but they've been violating it at every turn for another because they have to. They can't do what they want to because it's impossible.

    I'll get to the rest later.
  10. Quote:
    There's a point where we (as players) should ask ourselves if we're taking things way more seriously than the comic book genre would ever take itself.
    RPG worlds do not and can not run on the same principles as commercial comic books -- especially when said principles don't work all that well for the comic books, either.
  11. Quote:
    It seems pretty clear the devs were trying to draw that comparison.
    Without explicit evidence (e.g. the characters have the same codename or real name) or Word of God, any such conclusion is unjustifiable.
  12. Quote:
    All right, but in that case the remedy for their difficulty in the zone is close at hand indeed. There is at least one difficulty adjuster in First Ward itself. If you're being frustrated by giant ambushes on x2+, surely the sensible thing to do would be to lower the difficulty rather than simply trying again over and over while becoming progressively ornerier and ornerier?
    This means you either waste travel time grovelling over the zone to change difficulty, reacquiring the mission so the difficulty change actually takes, returning to the mission and then having to reset difficulty again since you don't know (until it's too late) whether or not the next mission is either a snoozefest on base difficulty or a deathtrap on anything else (and, likely, a snoozefest on base difficulty).

    If difficulty adjustment is supposed to compensate for build capability, i.e. it is something you are supposed to set once and leave alone, then every mission's difficulty needs to be within some acceptable delta of a base value. If you're supposed to change it for every map then it's got to be a menu option.

    If the game is too easy to be interesting on the default level, it makes no sense to complain about its difficulty having cranked it up.
    This statement makes so little sense as to not require further refutation.

    Likewise, if they add new content that is more challenging at the default level, it becomes less uninteresting in terms of difficulty.
    It isn't more challenging at the default level. This is the point. It is practically impossible for the devs to kill a player on a standard mission at base difficulty without making an overt attempt to do so. I.e. they could drop fifty mobs on your head for clicking a glowie, but that would be kind of obvious. The game is not merely easy at base difficulty, but stupidly and mind-numbingly so. You can't fix the problem by throwing more mobs at the player or even making them tougher, again not without resorting to outright killer-GM tactics (which doesn't solve the problem either). Fixing this requires changing fundamental game systems the devs don't have the will to change.

    I think you and I both know, though, that most people who are reporting frustration with soloing the new content here on the forum are likely to be running on 0x1.
    I doubt it.

    Those who care to turn up the difficulty on a neonatal build know what they're in for.
    Level 20-25 is not neonatal. Characters get SO-level enhancements at 22, which is where the game breaks. I raise difficulty on almost all my characters in the low single digits, and so do most of the people I've spoken to about it. People running on base difficulty are either playing very weak builds, or are incompetent players, and in either case are fossils.

    Isn't this an aspect of the difficulty of the zone?
    It's not difficult, it's tedious. I never fought anything that was seriously likely to impede my forward progress. It just wasn't any fun dealing with it.
  13. Quote:
    No, we should revive it and stop pretending it's dead. The storyline needs to progress with level progression.
    It can't. It isn't doing it now, precisely because it can't.

    You can cure the Lost at level 10, but the mission that formally drops the reveal doesn't hit until the 25-30 bracket. Crey isn't formally outed as corrupt until 45-50 unless you run tips in which case you know at level 20. (Villains get it at level 15 through regular missions.) The Praetorian invasion is all over the place. So is "the coming storm". The 5th/Council nonsense is a Gordian Knot. And on, and on....

    If content set B is added after content set A in real time, then content set B must take place after content set A in game time as well. In most cases this means A must be removed to make way for B, and there is nothing wrong with that. Dynamic worlds require change, not mere agglutinization.
  14. Quote:
    Honestly, I always assumed that Twinshot was supposed to be a bit... Off... In her way of speaking. (remember, her Praetorian counterpart is Ricochet.)
    Where did that come from?
  15. Quote:
    Understood; I think we should toss it a Ressurect, or perhaps a Mutation.
    No, we should drive a stake through its heart and fill its mouth with garlic.

    The storyline needs to progress in real time.
  16. Quote:
    Obviously anyone who plays the game for any sort of challenge has bosses on from level 2.
    Not obvious. Lots of people leave them off so they can blow through missions faster (esp. if they're running Tips on lots of characters for AMs.)

    BTW, Eva, "bosses off" is the default. You have to explicitly turn them on.

    The reason I mention that I was on 0x1 is because I assume that anyone complaining about the difficulty of the zone is also playing on that level.
    Do not assume. Difficulty adjustment was pitched as a way of keeping challenge in the game for more powerful builds. Some, myself among them, argue this means anything that forces players to lower difficulty is too hard.

    My point is not that I am some sort of uberplayer, but that the zone is very doable on default difficulty with a set that is popularly known to be particularly susceptible to its tricks.
    This is another reason why people argue that anything that requires lowering difficutly is too hard. The game is profoundly uninteresting at default difficulty. You can take a Man Build through FW on default difficulty. Turning the game down that low removes any value in the gameplay. The only reasons to do it are either, as alluded above, to blow through missions as quickly as possible to obtain mission-based rewards or to experience the story. FW offers no noteworthy rewards and its story is not worth experiencing at all.

    Surely my getting through it deathless on an /EA scrapper is more impressive than your turning up the difficulty and never playing the zone again.
    Not sure if this is sarcasm, but if it isn't, I don't see why you would draw that conclusion.

    Oh, and I'd be curious to hear what about the gameplay you find miserable since you don't find it to be overly difficult?
    • I did not find it particularly difficult on that character. Scrappers in general are powerhouses and SRs at that bracket have good defense against anything that isn't unpositioned or AE. They also have Confuse protection, which matters because one of the mutant Seer powers is an escalating Confuse. (I had to look up what it did because it was doing nothing to me.) Melees with different protective sets might not have it so easy and I expect squishies to have issues thanks to everything and its dog throwing status effects. Not to mention....
    • ambush ambush ambush ambush MUSHROOM MUSHROOM ambush ambush ambush....
    • Mobs with aggravating powers that made many fights feel like kicking dead whales down the beach.
    • Too many cutscences/talkies breaking the action.
    • Wretched, miserable storyline that took everything that was wrong with Praetoria and dialed it up to 11.

    Just off the top of my head.

    Edit: Oh, and:

    We're not on the Well's path - that's the whole point
    No, the point is we are on the Well's path, we are being manipulated and played for saps in a stupid and obvious manner.
  17. Quote:
    It should absolutely be possible to draw a clean line through the game at any level (or at least any cluster of 5 levels) and say, "below this line, x is a mystery and y is revealed" as if the game were a single player game.
    The idea that "level progression equals story progression" has been on life support at least since CoV, and as of the destruction of Galaxy City is now Not Merely Dead But Really And Sincerely Dead.
  18. Quote:
    I have a backlog of lowbie AE arcs to run. That's what I'll be doing until level 5 with any new characters I make from now on.
    I've started writing a level 5-10 arc so I'll always have something worthwhile to do instead of the new crap.
  19. Quote:
    He's one of the lead mission designers, and he's responsible for
    ...making scanner missions and tips look a whole lot more attractive than running actual missions.

    Praetoria has gotten a lot of praise for its arcs
    From who? Feedback here is mixed at best.

    Which ambushes spawn on top of you?
    Lots of them. The devs don't appear to have any finer control over ambush spawn points than the players do in AE, so there's not much they can do to prevent Rocks Fall Everyone Dies situations.

    I just beat First Ward with my SJ/EA scrapper. I seem to recall being told on this very forum a few days ago that EA was terrible in First Ward due to the psi damage. I didn't die once. What's my secret?
    You answered your own question:

    I was playing on 0x1 as that's what First Ward is plainly designed for.
    Did you have Bosses turned off too? Post-SO I would expect anyone but the mythical Pure Empathy Defender to have a fairly easy time with First Ward on base difficulty.

    For the record, I played through it with a SJ/SR Scrapper in beta and more or less tore the zone a new one on +0x2+B-AV, but that's SR for you. I would never touch this zone with a live character because there is absolutely no impetus to. Primal Earth characters have less than zero reason to go to this zone. Praetorian characters might have a ghost of a reason but they've got a far better incentive to go to Primal and never look back. As MrCap says, the zone is pretty to look at, but it's got miserable gameplay and a Shoot The Shaggy Dog story line.
  20. Quote:
    And the old school mission where you got the disease and the flies aura and had to get cured. /sad
    That should still be there, though you may need to do a Safeguard to get into the regular Contact chain.
  21. Quote:
    The closer the content is to 50, the closer it syncs with the Incarnate storyline
    Yes, we get that. The problem is the Incarnate storyline sucks.
  22. Quote:
    I think you need to wander around the Midnight Club and start clicking random objects, because "sudden" they are not.
    I don't think we can count one easily-missed off-hand reference from three years ago as "foreshadowing" here.

    Mind you, I don't really have a problem with the Rulu-Shin per se. I'm not sure where the "ninja" label comes from; 'round here these parts ninja don't dress in day-glo colors.
  23. Quote:
    Anyway, thanks for saying that the rest is better.
    It isn't.
  24. Quote:
    I wondered that about Wade too. I figured either he's running a much larger gambit than the Rulu-Shin, or while he's all for Rularuu coming and eating everyone, he's still against the Rulu-Shin because they're a bunch of splitters.
    Yes, but can he write "Rulu-Shin Go Home!" in Latin?