7 -
I don't even know what to say.
This game, this server, helped me through a lot of hard times growing up. I played off and on the past few years after being a long time subscriber but was recently ready to hop back on for good.
And now this. -
Hi there,
I've got one of each (rad/kin, kin/rad) sitting at 50, so I kind of know how the sets work. That said, it's been awhile since I've played them, and even longer since I've tinkered around with their builds to make them better.
I'm looking for the optimal build for my corruptor (with IOs if possible). I poked my head into the couple guides that are listed in the sticky, but they seem a little....outdated.
I realize this is a little vague, and perhaps a little rude, since I don't really have my current build to show.
But surely someone has a saved copy of a build somewhere right?
Thanks! -
No need, guys!
As of this afternoon, the Omega Ion is level 50.My third 50, my very first villain 50.
Big thanks to all those who helped me out. (I don't know if any of them read the boards.) -
<sets up Whacky-Waveable-Inflatable-Tube-Man>
Helllloooooo Guardian!
You, yes you!, have the unique opportunity of helping the villainous OMEGA ION hit 50, earning me my first villain 50! Only two levels needed!
Today (5/16) I will be running story arcs all day, and hope to get an Lord Recluse Strike Force and/or ITF (or both!) in. This will require people like YOU!
Hit me up at @UnstableIon if you'd like to come along. -
He is one of my favorite writers. I will be celebrating Towel Day.
Unstable Ion glances around the underground base, an indifferent look upon his face. Few things truly get to Ion. This quality often causes those he interacts with to believe that he is either slow or incredibly arrogant. It is neither; Ion has merely been through so many different situations that very few things are new to him.
He silently follows the group through the halls, memorizing the floor plan, just in case it is needed later. -
William Broker walked hesitantly into the base and looked around. Unstable Ion, Broker's hero name, had been a field commander during the Rikti War.
His case was a special one, as he had actually earned his powers through a freak accident inside a Crey laboratory. With a fellow scientist, Broker had been working on a chemcial for Crey Industries that would unlock special abilities inside of humans; it was essentially an attempt at a super soldier serum. When the Rikti attacked, they destroyed the lab he had been working in and, in the process, the chemical had splashed on him. When he awoke inside the rubble, he found that he could manipulate radiation and energy. The scientist he had been working with, Adam Parr, was nowhere to be found.
Since the Rikti War, Will had been heroing off and on, as he had a family to take care of. He is often seen mentoring young heroes in Atlas Park, though he occasionally ventures to alternate dimensions to combat foes of great power.
Unstable Ion entered the living room, his "headfin" on his head attracting immediate attention from the other occupants of the room. Ion wore the traditional hero outfit of black tights, with white stripes going down the sides. He finished out his attire with a black cape.
Unstable Ion nods towards the others inside the living room and stands near a corner, observing the others.
((Sorry that was so long. I just felt it was needed. This is my first RP thread, so forgive me if I screw something up horribly))