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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
    The way I read it, the status resist buffs are being made larger. The actual damage resistance buffs are just being added, at whatever value.
    Well beta starts today according to coffee talk, guess we will find out.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by adeon hawkwood View Post
    beta starts today.
  3. Just seem really quiet or is there a playback link?
  4. Ultimus

    Tanks vs Brutes

    Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
    You missed a lot of the threads back when the first pass of Stalker changes happened to change their initial 20% chance to critical only on held or sleeping mobs to the 10% scaling critical that they have now, then. There were lots of "they took our inherent!" posts back then. The more recent changes actually drift a little away from that in the attack mechanics but more towards Scrapper survivability levels with the higher hp cap.

    I'm completely agree with the highlighted point, but your proposal earlier in the thread about stances is basically Bio Armor's Adaptation toggles. For that reason alone I think it's unlikely to end up as an inherent: a powerset already stole the mechanic.
    Nothing wrong with using a mechanic twice especially if its a good one. You could say the new Radiation Armor coming out stole Vigilance's mechanics as some of the passives scale based on your Hitpoints. (low hp = more regen, high hp = high endurance, etc)
  5. Ultimus

    Tanks vs Brutes

    Ultimately not trying to derail this thread, I just believe that rather then nerfing Brutes to make Tankers look better, we should be defining each Tanking class uniquely and bringing a different flavor. I think it could also cover the hole of the "melee debuffing/buffing AT" that so many want.

    I also think in the process too (And still working on my Kheldian ideas) that Kheldians could be buffed a little.
  6. Ultimus

    Tanks vs Brutes

    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    ah gotcha.
    I even tossed around another idea that when Tankers are attacked or attacking they build a fury bar (well a bar like domination) and when its filled their next attack hits the target for 5 stacks of the current stance they are in. (Ie if they were in -Res, or -Regen, -Def, Hold, etc)

    After that it depletes.
  7. Ultimus

    Tanks vs Brutes

    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    sounds like pretty powerful stuff for an inherent.
    Well it all depends on the values -- IE maybe the -Res would stack 5 times at 2% each or something. I haven't decided.

    They aren't going to be matching Defender or Corruptor debuffs.
  8. Ultimus

    Tanks vs Brutes

    I should also add the Tanker stances will be "twitchy" meaning:

    1) The stances will be a toggle, with the toggle turned on you get that benefit.

    2) Still debating if it will be a small debuff that stacks up to 5 times for duration X, X being at least 20 seconds maybe 15.

    3) The toggle will have 0 cast time (Think like combat jumping)

    This allows them to be twitching meaning you can be fast and keep shifting toggles and stack different debuffs on enemies.
  9. Ultimus

    Tanks vs Brutes

    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    stances hmmm interesting idea. Battlecries looks good too but which one would be the inherent?
    Both would be the inherent, the idea is that the tanker becomes not only a power house tank, but brings good debuffs and buffs to the team. Basically they can choose a stance (Which dictates what their attacks do from controls, to -res, to -regen, -whatever) and then they can do the battleshouts which buff themselves and teammates.

    I was thinking something like a rule of 5 meaning that you could only stack something 5 times. IE, if you had 6 tankers on a team every single one could not use Battleshout damage only the first 5 would apply after that the new tanker would have to use a different shout.

    The point of the controls in the attacks gives a nifty secondary effect and better allows the tanker to "control" combat to what their team needs.

    I plan to do a full write up and really flesh out the details, especially for the Kheldians which I have ideas for.


    The ultimate goal is to create 3 unique tanking classes all with the same defensive caps but with different playstyles and ways of obtaining the caps.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    Your Brute, in Rest, has 2-3000% regeneration. Which is, again, implausibly high.

    If you're expecting to become meaningfully tougher by incorporating some resist bonuses into your build, that's a strong possibility. And I don't think anyone will seriously dispute the claim that regeneration can outpace incoming damage if regeneration is high enough and damage is low enough. But you're talking about becoming totally unkillable, and that just won't happen, unless you're talking about stuff that probably wasn't going to kill you anyway. It won't. For one thing, the numbers would have to be hilariously high for that to happen. But moreover, such a thing would never make it through testing without revision. It's like speculating "what if this new damage proc one-shots Giant Monsters?" Mechanics-wise, a damage proc that deals a million damage is totally possible, but why would such a thing ever be allowed to happen?
    My point was that at floored Defense and floored resistance (-300%) that my brute that isn't even hp capped by sustain 600 DPS when regen capped. My point was that even at base (0% resistance and 50% mob to hit) that you wouldn't need near that much regen to sustain that much DPS.
  11. Ultimus

    Tanks vs Brutes

    I've posted this several times in the past but here's my fix:

    Increase Brute max hp to Tanker level
    Increase Kheldian max hp to tanker level, increase resistances to 90%

    No changes to Brutes besides the HP buff

    Tankers now have different "stances" and forms that give buffs and debuffs to their attacks. Things like Mez/Holds, Stuns, -Regen, -Resistance (Like Bruising), etc. The idea behind Tankers is that they are a debuff melee -- Being a "good" AT they hold back their brute power (To not cause a ton of damage) but they focus it with such control that they smash an opponent's defenses. (Defenses being resistance, defense, toggles, regen, etc)

    Tankers also bring battlecries. These are the buff sides of things. These are AOE cries that do things like, +4 MEZ protection all, 1 min duration, 1 min CD, only one shout can be up at a time. +25% more damage, +10% to hit buff, +20% Recharge, etc. -- This is a new tanker inherent when one is clicked they all go on cooldown.

    So basically Tankers can bring a lot of debuffs and buffs to the team.


    Kheldians I am still working on the revamp but I would want to give them a more interesting flexibility.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    Don't they though? Toggle suppression anyone?
    It must be bugged, when I get mezzed my toggles don't suppress anymore. Or maybe that is a PVP thing? NOTE: I mean in my combat attributes my resistances don't drop, I have monitored this on UG trials where the guys do that nasty mag 30 stun or whatever it is.

    Edit: In fact I am about to do a BAF, I will purposely get Sequined and look at my attributes.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    Most players aren't trying to be an undying statue. Also, debuffs and mezzes tend to make you easier to kill. You'd need implausibly high resistance and regeneration from set bonuses to be immortal with your toggles suppressed or while heavily debuffed.
    My Brute at full regeneration in rest mode can sustain around 600 DPS. (Which floors your -Resistance to -300%) -- He isn't even max hitpoints.

    If you raise your resistances high enough you can match a 600 DPS sustainability with enough Regeneration. That above example isn't even including things like Defense (Since your defense is floored) and clicks like Healing Flames.

    As for the becoming a perma statue, on my melee characters, I can count the number of times on my hand that I have been perma mezzed with my mez toggle up... 0.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
    I see what you are saying..but..would you please, please please STOP using all these max perfomance examples when making a point as to if something will or wont be good? You were doing the same again and again in the SS thread. Talking about Rage doing nothing as the cap, best attack chain, etc etc.
    Again..I know your trying to help and your reasoning is always sound, but..come on. How many sets have we got in game that HAVE resist and regen? Let's see.
    Regen? Well before the buff, it has tiiiny resist. Mog hardly counts. It is more the defence portion of it making you a mini tank.
    Willpower. Average resists, a bit better of a tank. ANd you can still DIE pretty easy on a wp with no def, which is basically why wp is so good..layers.

    So we dont actually..have this amazing resist + regen combo to make you a god. Sure you can get it with perhaps a resist toon and getting rebirth,. or AB or something, but a set that does it alone? Nope.
    Whereas with good def (leaving aside the RNG), if your not getting hit..you dont NEED any regen at all.
    You need to take a step back and look at things and the actual numbers. You can get a decent amount of Regeneration on characters that aren't /Regen or Willpower. Here's a few ways:

    1) Rebirth

    2) Brute ATO Proc (AT limited) which gives 100% Regen

    3) Unique IO's (Numina, Regenerative Tissue)

    4) Blaster Secondaries (Issue 24)

    5) Triage Beacons, Spirit Trees

    6) Psychic Drain (And yes this can be perma)

    7) Set bonuses

    8) Slotting Health

    9) Physical Perfection

    Stopping the list here. Not one of these sources is going to make a difference by itself but adding up you can get a LOT of Regeneration on sets that have none. My Fiery Aura Brute with the new ATO would be around nearly 400% and higher at times depending what duration Rebirth is at.

    If someone is also going to say 400% isn't very much let me remind you the Blaster changes are only approximately 150% and as Arcanaville proved, it will be a significant difference in their sustainability.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
    But defense lets you dodge Mezzes. And debuffs.
    Those don't matter if they can't out DPS your immortality line. You could be a statue forever but you won't die.
  16. Trying to max out a build and I wanted some advice and or clarification on a few random things:

    1) The Force Feedback +Recharge proc, I am trying to test this and the Wiki page has odd information. Can it proc while its currently in effect? If so, does it refresh the duration? I know it won't stack.

    2) I am trying to maintain around 12 KB protection. I can either go the route of Acrobatics + 1 IO or 3 IO's. Any thoughts or recommendations on this? Yes I like leaping pool for this character so that isn't an issue.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Never gonna happen...

    Completely avoiding damage is ALWAYS going to best actually taking damage, no matter how much you fractionalize it.

    I understand your basic desire. Allow for tanks that currently CAN'T add on a lot of resistance to be able to do so. So defense-centric tanks can achieve a parity in overall durability to resistance-based tanks that get loaded up with defense.
    I disagree and reason why this game has one variable most others don't, hitpoint regeneration. The combination of Hitpoint regeneration + Resistance can create an immortality line that can be mathematically shown to where if DPS less then or equal to the combination of Regen + Resistance, you will be unkillable.
  18. On my iphone every post and every thread has a gigantic coh freedom logo. Makes it near impossible to read.

    Edit: Seems to have gone. Please delete this post.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    This is going to be BAD.
    Why? We have been building for defense for years, its time we make resist equal.