
Forum Cartel
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  1. Happy Birthday!

    *solves Conundrum by eating cookies to celebrate*
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blood_Beret View Post
    The MoCookie Badge?
    Still working on that one...still working...
  3. Happy Birthday BB!

    *eats cookies shaped like a Mo badge to celebrate*
  4. Happy Birthday JV

    *eats cookies very very quickly to celebrate*
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
    12.3% Smiling Surcharge tax has been applied. Thank you for your patronage.
    Can I still buy cookies with food stamps?
  6. Cookie Monster...followed by Tank
  7. Capa was in the yellow for a split second on the final Rommie fight.

    Other than than, I think I used heal other a total of 3 times.

    Also, this is the 6th character I've gotten a MoITF on this weekend, so it's been a bagerific time.
  8. I'll slide in with you, please include Psychogenic Fugue (level 37 fire/psy blaster) in the madness
  9. Well, I got 4 MoITF badges on last night's successfull All Ulli Master of Imperious Task Force, but what the hell, I'll go for 5 in one weekend. (Sorry to brag, I'm telling everyone, and you're the only ones who will understand)

    Put me down as Cartesian Demon (Ill/Emp troller) but I can easily switch out if something else is needed.
  10. *doesn't give Mental the not-so-secret handshake to the non-existant group*
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SinnerSaint View Post
    DARN YOU POWER LIBERATOR!!! DARN YOU TO HECK!!! I shall forever be one badge behind Armitage.
    Given enough cookies, I might part with one...
  12. Well of course we got impatient...they had cookies!!!!!!!
  13. Happy Birthday!

    *counts cookies to celebrate*
  14. *writes "Iz not cookie" on shiney new badge*
  15. I remember when cookies where a nickel a dozen...
  16. Welcome to Guardian,

    If you need someone to watch your cookies while your away on missions, just give me a yell!
  17. Did the same as Pepsiman, only with more cookie-eating.
  18. Happy Birthday Arbiter!

    *judges some cookies nom-worthy and then eats them to celebrate*
  19. Wow, a kitty takes a little nap and almost misses out

    Please sign up Joy Heretic's Cat (bots/dark MM)
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
    Just an FYI
    The Devs hate Early Birds!
  21. Happy Birthday Kheldarn!

    *Eats bacon-flavoured cookies to celebrate*
  22. Makes perfect sense.

    Yes, you get "credit" for all the time you are logged out at a location, so you could log out for a day, log in and play for a little while and log out back at the same location and will get the badge after 20 days (well, 20 days plus your cumulative play time)

    In short, you are fine logging them in and playing them, badgewise.
  23. Happy Birthday!

    *eats some cookies from a local area bakery to celebrate*
  24. I could have sworn Starrphyre died once or twice, what with him being AFK and all...

    Anyway, count in Joy Heretic's Cat for another run.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by __Naq View Post
    Sorry didn't get to hop on this time. How'd it go?

    3 Deaths during the ambushes...soooooooo close.