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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by shadow35 View Post
    And if another pro publisher bought out the IP and PS, I would think they would not allow character imports due to both the potential for hacking and the fact that those who didn't use it would be starting from scratch, which would make for extremely imbalanced new servers both team-wise and economy-wise. Newbies wouldn't stand a chance in the market.
    If another publisher picks up the IP, I doubt these exports will have relevance. Either that publisher would let us have some form of consistency with existing characters (extremely desirable, IMO, or they'd probably lose a lot of players off the bat), or they would start from scratch.

    That's not what this is for. This is for the possibility that the IP is stuffed in a vault at NCSoft somewhere, and we have to resort to community tools to experience CoH in some possibly limited degree from then on. Depending on the community's level of success, this could range from programs that let us view saved characters off-line to full, community-driven servers. The higher we set our sights there, the longer and harder it's going to be to pull it off, but at this point, everything is at least theoretically on the table.
  2. Heh, cool. I wasn't actually sure if you'd respond. Well, seriously, at least. Thanks for doing so.

    Honestly, that's not very far off from what I imagined. I mean, there aren't that many things someone could do and be exposed to all the stuff you've mentioned being involved with over the years you've been posting here, so it's not like it was that amazing of a conclusion. (Not that I remember all of it, but I remember that it was widely varied.) I guess it only makes sense to guess something close to what you've said if you know people with career arcs like that exist, which I suppose not everyone does.

    The comments about how that usually goes for people are the kinds of things I probably never would have thought about, though.
  3. So, Arcanaville, since you have wandered into the Justice forums...

    I would kill to see you post your identity in the unmasking thread, but since I consider it more likely I will be spontaneously transmuted into Hostess Cupcakes while being transported to ancient Egypt ...

    What do you actually do, professionally? If I were to guess based on your post history, I would have to say ... everything. Which, while probably a lot more likely than the above transmogrification seems unlikely to actually be correct. At least literally. It's certainly possible that you do something that lets you do work in lots of different fields.

    If you tell us, do black SUVs drive up to our homes and take us away in the middle of the night?
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
    Necromantic Rod - He's Dead Stiff
    Oh gawd, lol.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    And that's the really long version of how I found out who BAB was.
    That was really cool, thanks. That reminded me of some things I'd forgotten about (which, under present circumstances, matters to me. )

    And it's not really like I could give anyone a hard time about writing long posts right now. >.>
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
    As Arcana stated, stupid UAC is the root of the problem. Microsoft knows best(TM).
    It's funny, I have never had a problem with UAC. I actually like that they added it. At risk of uttering blasphemy, it reminds me of the "switch to root to do this?" prompts you get in many modern Linux distro UIs. (Edit: to be clear, I know it's not as good in many ways.)

    But then, I am very proficient with multiple OSes, so maybe the idea is just natural enough to me, and I know enough about where to find all the knobs and switches, that it was easy for me to adapt to and use. I would never claim it's easy for a non-expert user to know how to make UAC happy for programs that it doesn't play well with.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    mmmmmmmmmm, Erin Gray...

    Edit: So... the code that prevents you from making all-caps posts ... lowercases everything, even stuff you quoted? That's... retarded.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by M_I_Abrahms View Post
    All this to ask, is PvP as central to the game(s) as it appears, or was this guy just on a fringe?
    Yes and no. PvE in GW (1) was basically a spring board to PvP, and so it was very easy to get to the level cap. You had to do certain things to unlock certain powers, and some of those powers were extremely desirable in PvP, depending on where the nerf bat had been recently.

    As time went on, though, they offered other ways to unlock stuff. People who wanted just to PvP sort of resented feeling like they had to grind in PvE to get the best powers unlocked. I believe these unlocks were made available as purchases, which was pretty smart. (It feels a bit underhanded somehow, but they are in business to make money.)

    On the other hand, you didn't have to PvP to enjoy the PvE aspect. Since it sort of wasn't the point, PvE was just was kind of limited, originally. I didn't pay it a lot of attention by the time the first expansions came out, so I honestly can't speak intelligently to it at that point. What I described above was what it was like at release. I dabbled in it a little, then came back to CoH.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
    If City of Heroes was re-worked into a Freedom Force or Skyrim or KOTOR-style of single-player game (possibly with a multi-player option,but again like a standard RPG, not a MMORPG) would you buy it?
    If I could still create a character with the existing system (or something very close to it)? In a heartbeat.

    For me personally, the answer would be a resounding yes. Especially if it had modding tools built-in (which seems to be more and more the norm rather than the exception). Downloadable content? Yeah, I'd probably be into that too.
    If we could use it like CoH crossed with Neverwinter Nights? That would be bordering on priceless to me.
    1. Congratulations! I know that really took some work.
    2. I second the motion recognizing the awesomeness of that screenshot.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
    I will continue their adventures in writing.

    And to the extent that I can, I will continue their adventurers in other games.

    What about you? Will your characters sleep with the game or go on?
    My characters are, to the very last, directly tied to the lore of this game. Some have its fabric woven in more overtly than others, but all of them use at least its basic assumptions in some way. The two I can think of off-hand that have no link to some character or group in the game still assume that Paragon City exists and has a high concentration of heroes, for example.

    To me, changing even that sort of link makes them a different character. For me, they will remain forever a part of the CoH world. I would never transplant them elsewhere.

    That said, they will not sleep here. I will revisit them in my memories, perhaps in art or fiction, even if it is just fiction for my own enjoyment or that of close friends. Fiction I would never have the time to write if I was actually able to play the game, because I would do that instead.
  11. Do we think the Rikti even have Incarnates?

    They didn't seem to get along with the idea of gods. I almost wonder if they would have turned their nose up on any but the most indirect connections with something like The Well.
  12. I really appreciate that. A lot of writing that up was about trying to really get my own head around what this game meant to me, trying to make sense of the pain I experienced when I heard I was losing it. But it very much warms my heart to know that by writing it I let someone else see a connection between themselves and someone very different, so I very much thank you for sharing that.
  13. As odd as it may seem, I will probably most miss our powers system. I have no doubt whatever that it has created endless balancing nightmares for the devs throughout the years , but it created what I describe as a "Monty Haul MMO", which was really perfect for my personality.

    In the stereotype of the Monty Haul campaign, the game master gives his players so much stuff that they overpower any threat he can come up with.

    A lot of players view CoH like this, and I think there are certainly fine examples of this players outpacing the environment, especially with things like buff/debuff superteams. But I think overall CoH did a good job of keeping up with players, even if some of it was sort of a work-around, such as giving us the I16 difficulty sliders. (Few things increased my enjoyment of the game as much as that one, by the way.)

    I've been blessed with game masters who could heap power on us and still stay ahead of it, giving us threats to face that kept pace with our power. I have loved those campaigns to death. I think CoH was as close as any MMO ever could to replicating that experience. And I have loved it to death for it.

    Next would be the Inventions system. It's clearly tied to the powers system, and I enjoyed struggling with the complexity. I admit it could have been more approachable with a simpler powers system, but the engineering min/maxer in me enjoyed it a lot.

    I absolutely adored the costume creator, for all its limitations. I may miss this more than anything short of actually playing my characters.

    Sidekicking (and Super Sidekicking) were existential aspects of this game. Without the sidekick system, I doubt this game would have lasted nearly as long. The best part is that I wonder if anyone really understood how important these would be, given that the implementation may have been driven more by the comic book concept of sidekicks than anything else.

    I think that the core of the AE system was quite fantastic. Obviously there was a lot of baggage about how it was used, and it had some serious issues I won't rehash here, but the potential was excellent. I enjoyed using it, even though I only did so in limited ways.

    Personally, I liked CoH's original 5 AT system, at least where we ended up with it. It defined core roles without necessarily tying us down into being able to do nothing else. I also think they did a good job of adding the CoV ATs.

    Primary/Secondary/Pool concept. I liked the slotting concept. Combined with IOs, they made for fantastically customizable characters, even if the set of practical combinations people built were a lot smaller than the number of permutations actually possible.

    Edit: OMG, how could I forget this? Global channels. This was quite possibly the single most important thing they added to the game that wasn't something "mechanical" like an AT or power system. This transformed the in-game social scene from Super Group centric with zone-only broadcasts to a multi-group membership system that could even cross servers. Very few games out there seem to touch the flexibility of this system. I will desperately miss it.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Cai_ View Post
    We managed to complete it in 59mins and were 2 generators away from having 0 deaths (lol @Nakoa you blew it dood :P ), easily taking 1st place.
    I so remember that. I felt really bad for Nak. I could so imagine how I'd feel if I'd bitten it seconds before a flawless victory like that, after all the "hard" stuff was already done.

    And no, I totally don't mean that to rub it in at all! >.>

    Hopefully there will be a game that comes out down the road where we'll find the perfect storm of mechanics/fun that we can abuse together again.
    There are so many factors involved it seems impossible that another game could please the way this one has. But saying never would be to deny myself even the chance. That wouldn't be a very fitting homage to a game so dedicated to putting up the good fight.

    I'll see you in that next home for crazy people!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    How in the world is any video of mine going to match that for sheer awesomeness?!
    By trading its lack of meme-itude for access to 3D graphics and one of the most diverse and awesome character creators the world of MMOs has seen to date.

    Also, you get to use better music without ruining the effect.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AllYourBase View Post
    I had the strange sensation that I should check the forums. Now I know why.

    How are you, gentlemen?
    Main thread turn on.
  17. I was just about to post a thread on this. I need a few specific iTrial MO badges on my primary badger, and have some "alt badgers" I wouldn't mind more MO stuff on. In exchange for the chance to get those, I'm willing to help run anything, even stuff I don't need, and have a handful of good players who've already told me they are willing to help out.

    If anyone needs MO badges for TFs, those are generally much both to form and pull off. I recommend we prioritize the iTrials early, while we have the most people still active.

    9PM PST should work for me most nights. Monday and Tuesday are still Hami+RWZ raids so far, but I would be willing to at least pass on RWZ raids for some of these.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
    No, I think it's more trying to fend off the "it's just a generic fantasy setting," "It's just like WoW," "It's full of orcs" bullsh!t.
    I can see that. I mean, I think I get their point, but it's definitely overstating the case to say that GW2 is just like every other fantasy game out there.

    It really is a cross-genre sort of setting, but sort of in the opposite direction as COH. COH was modern with strong fantasy bits - GW2 is fantasy with some strong tech bits. Both of them blend this stuff into the setting seamlessly, so Croatoa full of fairies didn't feel out of place in the same setting with Steel Canyon, and the Black Citadel and Rata Sum don't feel out of place in the same setting with the Grove.
    There's some sort of matter of degrees here, though. I don't know, it doesn't seem as open to, for lack of a better way to put it, origin of power for your characters. CoH's Origins, for all the crap they got, were almost a formalization of the idea that you could (sometimes poorly) categorize where people got their powers from, but the specifics were intentionally vague. Your powers in GW seem to stem from your race, your training/experience, and a few other fairly specific power sources. The ones that do feel more open are very specific to what we would think of in CoH as a single origin, like magic, or a specific kind of tech.

    I'm not trying to rag on GW2 at all. I don't plan to buy it, because I'm not particularly interested in what it has to offer, and because, I'm not interested in supporting NCSoft (except via CoH).
  19. As someone who was around for the original AYB craze, this really brought me back, and I really enjoyed it for that reason.

    As a dedicated Justice Server player, I have been known to break out "For great justice!" on more than one occasion.

    I shared this with the CoH FB groups I'm in, by the way.
  20. Steampunk is, by its nature, a bit open to genre-crossing. It feels like technology, because it's machines, but by definition, it's very retro technology (by our standards). It lies somewhere in the middle of "modern" and "sword and sorcery", which lets it fit in both if you stretch a little bit.

    Its presence in GW2 doesn't make GW2 not a fantasy setting. I mean, really, is anyone trying to claim that? Some of the posts on the last page or two seem to be trying to convince people it's not really a fantasy setting, because it doesn't have Orcs or Elves, and because it has steampunk pseudo-tech. Seriously?

    I am a pen-and-paper Dungeons and Dragons player, or at least I used to be until CoH sucked up so much of my time I kind of stopped having time for it. I have nothing at all against fantasy settings, and can really get into a well-written one. That said, a fantasy setting is never going to be as all-inclusive for supporting character concepts as something like CoH has been. CoH basically pulls out all the stops, letting you have fantasy, modern, and futuristic themes. Folks who crave that diversity (or are just spoiled by having it in CoH) aren't likely to be impressed with GW2 on that level, even if it offers some very interesting options.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
    What's sent to the client are those sentences that your contact says to you, and the options of how to respond. Exactly how that relates to story arc progress or even which contact they came from is something only the server knows.
    Ah, you know what, I'm talking about something different. Looking back over the thread, that's my bad.

    I was wishing it stored who is in your contact list, and how far you are on your "friendliness" progress bar with them.

    It makes complete sense to me that you have no way to store progress in a given story arc, which I would expect to be server-side only. When I think about it, I suppose I have a couple of instances where that makes me very mildly sad, but given what it took to make me even think about it, I think I'll live.


    I'd have to double check, but I think the list of souvenir names you own is only available while the Souvenir tab is active, and the text that goes with the souvenirs is only available after you click the >> button. It's in the same boat as the mission progress.
    I'd be pretty happy with a list of just the souvenir names, even if I had to open the souvenir window and tab before running the extractor in order to export them. I'd be ecstatic if it was able to preserve the order of the souvenirs in that window.

    I figure I can rely on places like ParagonWiki for the expanded text of the individual souvenirs.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
    Summary of the OP: I made up a bunch of crap so that I could be snarky about making a different game the scapegoat for the fact that NCSoft no longer found COH a good investment, and created another thread to do it in because the first thread was getting way too reasonable and friendly.

    I don't have a dog in this race, but it's pretty common sense that NCSoft would be "realigning their focus" on their newest, biggest games. Games with larger return on investment in staff, footprint, etc. Yeah, there are less trollish ways to say that than "it's GW2's fault", he did admit to it being a trollish way to title the thread.

    I don't know, your reaction just seems out of proportion to the tone of the post.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
    Probably because she was one of the main characters in the first series of CoH comics.
    That's a very 4th wall kind of reason, though. It improves narratives if, even if just by dropping a hint of something not fully explained, they don't go there. They should try not to rely on things the characters in the narrative wouldn't be thinking.

    Please note I'm just explaining my feedback above, rather than harping on this point. I enjoyed the piece as it is, and am very happy it was shared with us.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GlassGoblin View Post
    This is eerily appropriate.
    I thought the same thing.