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  1. lolz, they never worked for me....

    "summon seekers: GOOOOOOOOOOO gank them j00!......erm....move..O.o ... maybe ?.?.....>.>" #fizzle# seekers die as time summoned has elapsed.... lol

    they'll never get fixed
  2. Tylantia

    Down sizing

    yup, sell sell sell sell.

    then forward the inf to @ golden girl and @ tylantia, tyvm ;P
  3. pah greek, your AR has no dmg enhances in it and is range/acc maxed out ;P

    u go pve and ure p00ned beyond belief

    oh and the pvp rep, using defiance 100% hepls with that :P
  4. hurricane for cornering mobs is very much fun :P

    like in the office maps, u always go round a corner (to a left n right turn) and find a big grp just staring at u in a dead end.

    hurricane on, charge in, freezing rain, team ganks. love it :P
  5. Tylantia

    Crazy SG idea?

    dear oh dear oh dear cam
  6. stop being everywhere damn u!!!!!!!

    *chops ties*
  7. psi doesnt have fast attack chains :/

    not what i experiance at least, and 1 hold def = held xD
  8. how can a troller fear a defender? your amount of holds etc mush em to death
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    But then /dev blasters would have nothing to do, the food chain would collapse

    EDIT: I guess it's less of a chain and more of a circle, really.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    pah dev ones dont just like to hunt the invisble..... i point j00 @ MM's and they're HP :P
  10. stalkers, remove em, done, kkthxbai :P
  11. you two are beomcing scarily alike :P
  12. omgz i need 2 3 4 ........... >.>

    best to do em in i9 tho, i hear respecs as part of the rewards :P
  13. Tylantia

    Thank You

    hehe was that while i was grinding missions on soul arrow?

    and reason u got him was cuz i was chatting @ him most of the night about various things, mostly squids >.<
  14. tbh i think (as ive not got that far in test yet) its gonna be :-

    for bases i expect it'd be the same as the worktables you have already, which means larger room to incorporate the extra table or make another room. i also think the power/control useage (if any) will be the same as the other tables, as they are in essence the same. also same room types as other tables.

    as for outside and where to be crafted from. i expect still from uni as its "invented" but only placeable in base (related to what u can make, i.e. the base version/outdoor one or both)

    but thats a guess as like i said, not got that far yet
  15. for clap 3acc i found it hit nearly perma (i also ran fully slotted tactics)

    cloud some people say it doesnt need acc, i had 2acc/2dmg/2recharge that stacked with hasten means u can have 2 at once ( for a few secs ) and again with tactics on hits for over a hundred
  16. 2yrs + fel

    so go for 2 1/2 - 3 yrs and u outlast
  17. well well :P

    took u damned long enough!

  18. shouldnt rewards just to one zone, i mean we only go BB for the badges and/or pvp missions until sirens lvl. SO its pointless unless theres a wide range of rewards (yes like WoW-like it or not best rewards ive seen on any MMO)

    its just not good enough. AND what i was trying to say about sirens is that there is a goal if u like, rep (as alot go there) and the bounty which gives +3 SO's (1k insp ofc too)

    those are what i would call minor rewards. and i want that for all pvp (obviously maybe not in that guise) and alos like it or not to me pvp is end game content as theres nothing else to do except get badges - get inf - roll an alt.

    <--- flames here or forward to amibovvered@notiaint.com
  19. Tylantia

    The Return !

    bah i9 is coming never for jo0! :P
  20. pah i say it loads, pvp teh suXx

    IR wants rewards!

    and working zones (that u dont go happily jumping along and OMGz fall INTO the road and cant get out)

    really need a reason to go there as we all know sirens is busy because of the bounty giving SO's, bases, places of itnereest to fight etc

  21. Tylantia

    The Return !

    yep tis dragonblight, not on WoW atm tho, just here until tabula lets me in :P
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Ok, you can say that

    [/ QUOTE ]

  23. still say fire/elec :P
  24. hehe that i do :P

    now doing even more dmg with green so's :P