837 -
Some people take exception to attacks missing more than others and so it feels like it or your maybe going against high def or your not telling us your still on TOsbut with the amount of time you have been in game i think that your possibly taking exception to the misses and they seem to happen alot. If you try herostats you may find a different story to what you feel your getting.
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nah its constant @ 50 have a mix of white/green SO's still miss like a bint. and the toons i have in the 30's area are again white/green.
the only char i never missed on (much) was the ngy/dev, but that was because of 2 acc in attacks and 3tohits tactics, 3 tohits drone. every other toon, such as, say my fire/elec, misses a fair bit, hes got 3acc/3dmg etc >.< -
none, cuz omega isnt illu or rad, he'd pwn j00 all with teh TK which he loves so much
The day /devs got on blasters and there was TP foe.. there was telemining already. Thtas a long long long time ago
I just roled a AR/trap, AR cause i love it onmy blaster, /traps cause its lovely on my MM. Now to combine it
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how very dare you have a good toon :P -
mob lvls are white/yellow as i solo on heroic, easier to get end bonus faster which is what i always aim for
tis the server OR (in my case) BT
both pathetic -
we pwned whatever came near tho blonde.......tis what pvp should be like
omgz, whats with the constant race to get fastest time?
i thought it was random, obviously a hero/vill jumps in, tilts the scales.
but assumed random -
then explain why i miss ALOT when i have 3acc, with no debuffs on any given toon
omg, just me having crappy acc then, 3acc is a must for me as i hardly ever hit anything >.>
lol ouch on the d/c when trying to lvl xD
gz! -
only one acc in attacks!?
also, no real need for stam as stygian (3 slotted+ hasten) makes it near enough perma
just that acc stoof befuggles me :P
my pb atm (25) misses everything with 3 acc in (full human) so dunno how 1acc will be lol -
pffffffffffft, ure meant to be dinging in RV whilst dead flare! ;D
gz tho :P -
u have screwed it up by taking kheld in first place...... :P
imo, tri form is meh, WS's nova/human is the way to go
PB's human or human/dwarf
the hold at 18 on WS is a VERY nice void remover :P
and u can afford to not take stam, only good things, rest is pap -
Its a byebye for my /Dark, gained quite some influence from selling all SO'sI so love the assasin strike with blade, how i love standing in front of a mob trying to wack me while i go back into hide. Never knew why i picked /dark in the first place
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pfft sin, reroll as none stalker : done, kkthxbaibai