
  • Posts

  • Joined

  1. Original Hero:

    Most Notable Alias(es):
    Commander Tylantia, Tiny Chesty LaRue, Shadow Tylantia, Soul Arrow, Tylantia-, Chaizen, Sold Out.

    Soul Redeemers, Plastic Army, Ties, Various many many many others..

    Account Created:
    5 Feb 2005 (or so it says on net)

    Veteran Rewards Time:
    24 Months

    What Are You Doing Now?:
    Re-subb'ed in a wait fest until WoW delivers me my Death Knight next year. Otherwise WoW rep grinding/kara/etc.

    What would make you return to CoH?:
    Tbh nothing really, only two reasons I ever re-sub. Certain people to say hi to, catch up with etc; and as a stop gap for something better (mostly waiting) as it already has max lvl toons etc.
  2. speak to you on msn bacc. or load WoW
  3. gah!

    i petition the petition that you petitioned with the petition that you might use with the other petition ! .......
  4. what ya want. a medal?
  5. [ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I petition your petition !
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Nerf Tylantia!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    oi! jum!

    i voted for u as best blast0r! >.<
  7. no u smellz and erm....like.............ye! >.>
  8. bah let him pester...then shoot his feet!


    gz tho
  9. Tylantia

    5 Best Blasters

    lies. THE JUMMY > all

    long live teh KING!
  10. Tylantia

    5 Best Blasters

    i dont agree with threads like this tbh.

    it may be made in a general way to find out who is the best. but will only cause flaming, wether wanted or not
  11. Tylantia

    Which is better?

    for the SR, ive lasted fine with no endrdx on the 2 toggles.

    recently added 1 endrdz on each. not really noticeable
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Winning at all costs!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *h4xX's account* MUAHHAHHAHA
  13. Tylantia

    2 new 50's

    [ QUOTE ]
    Well done - but shouldn't that be only 1 normal 50, if it was two little 50s?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    lolz. gz both
  14. Tylantia

    PvP tips please

    blade/regen. gimped for pvp. muchly
  15. Tylantia

    PvP tips please

    pfft apollo..............

    WTB none EM !
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    I also got a new pvp idea idea!!! Use break frees vs trollers

    [/ QUOTE ]

  17. *rerolls lord Q's rogue into a sheep*

  18. its been done before and is currently being used

    gz hec!!!!!