34 -
I want a Big Red Ball!
No, no, not as power or anything, just in the game.
[censored]? u ask
lemme explain
In one zone in CoH (Talos) and one zone in CoV (Nerva) there should be a single big red ball that does absoutly nothing except when you attack it, it gets knocked back a bit. By every attack not just knockback attacks. It cant be destoryed or anything, just a Big Red Ball to hit around, thats it.
How big is big?
Well not huge. Just like 1 meter in diameter. Thats Big for a Red Ball!
The reason for just one and being in just one zone is so you dont run into it every time you log on. Maby you'll only run into it once a month or something, then youll be like "WOW! a Big Red Ball!" then you will knock it around for a few minuties laughing very hard then you will leave saying "What a cool Big Red Ball"
Whats the point?
A little extra thing like this would add tons of fun!
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I laugh EVERY time I read this post. It never ever gets old and is such a cool idea. Just saying. -
After writing the above email I went to the um, referred site and found that their 24/7 on-line support was actually "on-line" AND you dont need to register or provide info to use the support window.... I am upset at how civil I was to be honest. Here is the chat;
Joe Customer:
Why does your company see fit to send sexually explicit jokes to my in-game email accounts?
Welcome Joe Customer! Your request has been directed to the Customer service department. Please wait for our operator to answer your call.
Call accepted by operator Gagora. Currently in room: Gagora, Joe Customer.
Joe Customer:
I came here having just read the email. Simply filth. Even a teen rated game would see this as being beyond proper
i am sorry
it must be my staff made a mistake
i will warm them, okay, we will never do it again
Joe Customer:
i promise it won't happen again
sorry for that
Joe Customer:
I will be quite impressed if that is the case...... why do I doubt it?
Didnt get any more outta the person. Hmmmm, I hope that opening that chat window didnt infect my computer with some virus. I feel dirty!
Seriously was suprised they answered. If no virus comes up from that chat I will be making it a point to head directly there to bother them everytime they see fit to bother me. -
The spam emails with the BAD jokes are the worst. And, more recently, the crude and sexually suggestive joke with a punchline about Smurfette has, in my eyes, crossed the line.
Please, PLEASE do something about this! -
Im stating..... That people CANT and should not always expect to have everything they want.
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You're saying the Devs bothered to code this Empath badge into the game so that we could... what? Look at it on a badge list instead of getting it?
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Sorry... Pulling a quote from a while back but I wasnt around. Was playing the game and working towards my epic badges. Priorities in my own entertainment and all.
Let me ask this..... IS there someone who actually has the empath badge at this moment in time? Not HOW they got it. Simply yes or no. Does someone.... anyone, have this badge on a character? -
You may be waiting on the steak and the really fat guys with high metabolisms may actually sit through all of the fixins before hand and eventually eat that steak while YOU get to enjoy those same fixins and be happy with that as you walk home steakless but without the added cholesterol. People should learn to enjoy what they DO eat rather then have eyes too big for their stomach while those fat guys should not be punished because some thin guy cant clean his plates to get to the next one....
Did I say I hate anaologies?
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You're expanding the analogy without actually listening to what it's saying.
Rationalize all you want how some people might not, or should not have Empath. That doesn't change the fact that people are here complaining that they *can't* have Empath.
And your suggestion is... what? Give them something else. How does offering any other badge change that fact that people are here complaining about Empath?
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Im stating..... That people CANT and should not always expect to have everything they want. Read the meaning of my post also. Again, I cant speak for empath but thats not the sole focus of this thread is it? And WHY on earth can we not have badges that only some very dedicated (obsessed maybe) people will get. Ahem, EPIC. Seriously, your guilty of the same you accuse me of. YES adding badges can and should absolutely give people asking for something, well something and thats better then nothing. So.... SOME people wont get some of these Epic badges!!! OMG Holy Cow say it isnt so!!! And people (not you mad, well not that I have read anyway) call me selfish because I want them to leave the badges alone? Wow.
Again, empath, no comment. I cant comment on that. The rest..... FINE BY ME. And why not? *IF* they are obtainable via normal but long term (5 year or so) play OR HEAVY shorter term play. Well, that to me is Epic and acceptable. Add in badges, YES to give people who maybe wont get the top teirs something to shoot for. Want the Leader badge but dont want to do what it takes to get it... WHos problem is that?
Empath = I cant comment because I am not working towards that and I havent done the math.
You're not suggesting a solution by adding more badges, you're ... OH! Look! Shiney things....
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No.... Im actually NOT offering a solution at all. Im happy with how they are set now so why would I be in need of offering a solution to something that I dont feel is broke? Again, your not getting the intent of my analogy either. And yeah, I still hate them. -
I did say they should "ADD" badges.... Just sayin'
[/ QUOTE ]
which would leave Empath still unobtainable.
Say you order steak. The waiter brings you salad, it's good, but you are looking forward to your steak. Next, you get soup, also good, but the steak will be better. Now he brings you fries. You ask what happened to your steak, he says he added more food. You ask again, he adds an order of onion rings. and then yet another appetizer, and another after that. "ADD" as many as you want, doesn't change that fact that you're waiting on Empath.
[/ QUOTE ]
You may be waiting on the steak and the really fat guys with high metabolisms may actually sit through all of the fixins before hand and eventually eat that steak while YOU get to enjoy those same fixins and be happy with that as you walk home steakless but without the added cholesterol. People should learn to enjoy what they DO eat rather then have eyes too big for their stomach while those fat guys should not be punished because some thin guy cant clean his plates to get to the next one....
Did I say I hate anaologies? -
Just curious. I see the empath badge to be the most used example.... Because its the most extreme example i would bet. I mean, what better way to support a general point. And, allow me to clarify; I dont, wont and never will even attempt to work for the empath badge. Nope. So I shouldnt comment on THAT specific badge set. I apologize for even allowing myself into that discussion.
I will, instead stick to what I am going to eventually get.... Everything BUT empath and the held badges. Aside from those two I see NO ISSUE with the levels to which these badges are set. Not that I see issues with the healing or held sets but simply that I have thought little of them at all.
I am hoping to eventually earn the influence/infamy and damage badge set and do not see these as set to levels that would constitue "broken". I would suspect that the damage will take far longer then the infamy set but I am not going to say that is bad at all.
My opinion is that the EPIC badges "should" represent an extreme commitment to achive. 4-5 years. Thats my opinion. And so far as I can tell all the badge sets I have and will work towards should fit into that time frame according to MY play schedule or predicted play schedule. IF I dont get one or the other its because Spore finally came out and I am making a race of super spit balls. -
I dont think that NON-HEALERS SHOULD be able to get the epic heal badge via "normal" game play! Not even extraordinary play! <---- Example
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Then where is my epic 100,000,000,000 damage dealt badge? The one that favors blasters over healers?
The healing badges in general were a bad idea. Anyone can get mezzed or payback debt or acquire influence or sidekick someone or take damage as a part of nornmal game play. Every. Single. Character. But for the healing badges, you must have one power out of a very specific and limited group. And those characters who are not defenders or controllers must take Aid Other, which is a very very poor substitute for the AoE no-limit healing spam that defenders and trollers get.
In fact, the vast difference between the potential healing power of Radiant Aura vs. Aid Other (both fully slotted) makes the difference between defender and blaster damage pale into insignificance. Even seen a healer in a Hami Raid?
And in any event... not even HEALERS will ever be able to get the epic healing badge through normal game play.
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I did say they should "ADD" badges.... Just sayin'
And I am working off the information in the OP... sorry if thats incorrect. Not MY info. -
One of the interviews that CIT did with Positron and CuppaJo around the beginning of Issue 5 had Positron saying that he expected Empath only to be earned after 5 years (which after some math, and Enhancement Diversification fails to be possible).
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In fact, several of us have predicted that if someone was going to dedicate themselves to getting the badge with aid other during play, that they would finally get it sometime around 2040. This upsets those classes without heals. On the flip side those with healing powers that are doing it "by the intent" would get the badge sometime between 2-5 years/365 days a year/around 4+ hours/day.
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I fogot the ONE very, very big difference between myself and those more favorable of a change;
I dont think that NON-HEALERS SHOULD be able to get the epic heal badge via "normal" game play! Not even extraordinary play! <---- Example
Well, maybe by 2040! You stated in your first post that the badge could be obtained by "HEALERS" in 2-5 years, 365, 4 hours a day? WOW there is QUITE a difference between 2 and 5 years wouldnt you say? The math would suggest if the worse case is two years at the marks you state then 5 years would be, oh I dunno, maybe "normal" game play? Maybe? For an Epic? And something Posi stated before as you said? Sounds JUST RIGHT to me! Maybe its because some people have non-likely characters that they "WANT" to get these badges on and are just mad that they simply wont?
My badger will NEVER have the epic heal badges or epic held badges? Why? Because he is a BRUTE! Thats why. And why is that not acceptable to people? You want them on a character that isnt a healer for instance? Well, farm it I guess or stick withit till 2040. Im suppose to support lowering an epic badge so some tank can get the epic heal badge? Um, no.
Five years..... If THAT is the standard and you think thats what Posi stated at one time? Well then YAY! 5 years it is. Sounds about right for an EPIC badge to me! And whats wrong with that? -
(Not addressing directly to the poster I quoted, but instead that mentality)
Imagine some guy working really hard for a couple years and finally saving enough money to buy a Ferrari. Then further imagine that a few years later, the manufacturer decided that the car is too expensive and cut the sticker price by 50%. Now this guy went to the company's headquarters with a sign, picketing and protesting the lowering of the price because he feels that if more people can get what he already has, he will be "less special". He thinks that somehow that Ferrari not only makes his [Censored] larger, but when more people can afford the car it somehow cheapens his personal feeling towards it and that is unfair and intolerable. If fact, if they lower the price why doesn't he get "compensated"??
How sorry do you think most people will feel for such a person?
[/ QUOTE ]
I hate analogies... But oh well...
Obviously your speaking from the position of NOT being the guy who forked out the dough. By your accounts, anyone who runs back to a store this time of year hoping to get a refund of the difference on an item after having bought the item saturday only to see it go on sale sunday is SOL in terms of compensation. I "could" go into as many analogies of when compensation and redress have been awarded in much the same types of instances.... But, thats why I hate anaolgies. They can almost ALWAYS be found to support either side.
Its just a matter of perspective and, in THIS situation, at least the side I agree with is being supported and validated by the Devs, <ahem> the peoples whos opinion actually matters for all intents and purposes. So, hey, knock yourselves out. I was only offering MY position no matter if it is popular or not. I mean, in case the Devs actually ARE reading this at least they know that not everyone shares the popular forum opinion. -
<<Addressing multiple posts>>
Actually, and I could be mistaken, but I thought that only influence/infamy earned via npc defeats counted towards the badge. I was under the impression that gifts of inf and/or market transactions did not count. Again, I am not sure and would appreciate if anyone might clarify this for me.
Those who claim these badges are broken and who have or might want to claim this as such through dev quotes. Please direct me to that link.
I personally have not seen any statement as such from the devs. YES I feel they are WAY high but I also wonder if the devs really care that many of these badges require AFK farming or related actions. As such, it is difficult to assume they are broken if by virtue of claiming broken to mean "how" the must be achieved. Hell, I never once heard a dev claim that badges "should" be achievable through "normal" play. I mean, in terms of the epic badges. Let me know if I am incorrect.
To assume that the devs do NOT feel these are broken then wouldnt it be more productive to ask for more badges added instead of changing the existing stock? Im glad people who have them dont mind if these changes are made but have we heard from all? I will say this, "I" will have the top tier inf/inf badge sooner or later (Quarter of slider there now) and I absolutely DO NOT want it changed. There ARE people who DO have these badges in question now and to change them, even if they have in the past, is simply a grey area. Right or Wrong is up to the devs in this matter and in terms of this very debate how much more can truely be stated? The devs should make a decision either way and..... No decision IS a decision.
Oh yeah, and I DID get the original Zoo Keeper and was NOT happy that they changed it after the fact and made no compensation to those who had it already. Please be careful when using words such as "No One" or "not one person complained". THAT simply isnt true and cannot be stated as fact in any way, shape or form. Just sayin' -
I rather like seeign posts with no reason for their opinion. They usually sound pretty crazy too. I bet the people with a view like Spit_Ball will throw a party when they finally get that epic badge and tout it in front of everyone.
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Ummm, there IS a reason for my stance... Try the first paragraph of my post out. If thats not a "good enough reason for you then I am sorry you feel that way.
I don't have any clue where the badges should be at myself.
It's a pain to get damage and debt badges for someone who likes being super and not dying.
I have written off the healing badges as something I'll do when everything else I actually want done is done if I don't get too bored or the game dies out.
The infamy badge is one of those things where people accept it because it can't be farmed, or at least is insanely difficult to farm. I would like it for completeness, but I don't even care for it really.
I really just do badges for completion or for my badge title. I so want Exalted for concept. but I haven't even gotten halfway to it on the one guy I got to 50.
This is a game, but the developers have coded it for the players who live it. The farmers and people who just don't do anything else have pushed it out of range for the rest. Players like Beef Cake are rare. The game makes more money off the masses that just get by.
Btw, I am an altakolic who just finally settled on a main hero and villain after 15 months. I wonder if the game will be around 5-10 years from now when I finally approach having all the badges. I certainly would stick around, but then the badges would still be rather lackluster.
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YOU choose whats important to you. Be an alt-a-holic if you wish. Play as much or as little as you wish and be happy with your choice. Just remember its YOUR choice. Thats how I view it anyway. The badges are what they are. They exist as they exist and there really is no reason to "change" the existing ones. ADD, but why change? The ONLY reason to change rather then add in badges is so that more people can get the "goods" easier. Yay! I say; Leave them as they are and add in more!. Yay again!
Oh and just a FYI; I wont "finally get" many, MANY of those badges because my badge character simply doesnt heal and also because I do not and will not AFK farm. Cant flaunt what I dont have yet you are correct in that I surely WILL flaunt the top tier epic badges when I happen to get one.... IF I get one. So what? And again, thats MY choice. Just as it is other peoples choice to AFK farm or play ONE character thousands of hours. Good for them and hey, cool this game rewards them for their trouble. Im happy with how I play and go about gathering the badges and I could care less that my character will never have the empath much less the fixer badge.
Thing is.... EVERY BADGE in this game *IS* accessable one way or another. You may like it or hate it but that doesnt change the fact. *IF* a change to the game came that made these epic badges unattainable entirely (i.e. stopping afk farming) then maybe change the ones NOBODY had achieved yet.... But too late for that. Well unless Beefcake is the only one with those top tiers, then maybe the devs could create a special one to account for his loss once those top badges were dropped down. Just a thought. But really, every badge that has been achieved should remain as it stands.
But... This is only MY opinion. Have a nice day -
I personally dont want to see the existing badges "changed" simply because they are already here, set and have been achieved by players. Add badges but dont change the existing ones. Oh and;
- yes I feel they were set WAY too high
- yes I feel they dont make "sense" in many ways
- no I dont have MANY of them
Anyway, if asked, I would cast my vote for no change to the existing badges. -
On a side topic, I'm really hoping that i11 will bring us bigger SG rosters, new stuff to put in the bases, new power sets for Tankers and Scrappers, more coop missions, new content in PvP zones, and hoping for The Hollows zone to be restored instead of the plans for Boomtown clean up.
[/ QUOTE ]
Unfortunately I fully suspect that we will see the new power sets for Tankers and Scrappers prior to any CoV EAT's. Not sure why I bring that up but I just get that feeling.
Reading Posi's short blurb about the plans for EAT's is about the most I think I have ever heard him talk about CoV specific content in any given setting. At least since I7.
Yeah, I'm pretty ticked at the news about the EAT's for CoV. Thanks Posi and could you tell us if you happen to know when MUO's release date is? -
Stop linking to your own treads.
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What he said x 2 -
And yeah, the rules pretty specifically say no "I Demand Answers" threads. #5 in General Conduct, actually, is "No I Demand Answers threads".
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Interesting observation and, quite true. Yet, wouldnt a thread breaking those rules simply be deleted? Seems quite odd to me that a post clearly against the rules would be physically moved to a restricted area of the forums (The Developers Corner).
Just thinking that any and all reference towards the validity of the posts intent seems irrelevant as, obviously, the devs/mods have clearly made their position known. At least with "this" post anyway. -
Im confused.....
This thread obviously originated in a much different section of the forums yet, here it is in the Developers corner. I dont see any red names posts here yet, one would assume that a red or at least orange name would HAVE to have taken notice enough to move it here.
Also, I see no mention of this move in those who have posted already.
I assume that this is due to the fact that no one whom this subject applies to knows its here? Have the devs made "sneaky" and moved it where they knew the PvP crowd wouldnt find it?
Or..... were they thinking that the discussion could use a better forum in which to be discussed and tracked? -
I meant to say that a Dev can't do stuff on their own without the team's knowledge of it, especially without the teamleader's knowledge. Not that a single Dev can't on their own do something worth-while. Even if a Dev does something on their own private time, things like that must be properly tested and QA'ed before they reach production stage.
As long as the team knows about what the Dev is doing, even if he/she is doing it in their own time, that can still make it into the builds even if we're talking about a silly Big Red Ball
[/ QUOTE ]
I dont remember how the wires initially became crossed but that is exactly what I was referring to initially. I was probably being a bit vauge and should-a been a lil clearer. -
Lord X, I am thinking you may have misunderstood? I was referring to bribing _Caste_ to put in some "extra" time to do this not a player. Not sure if thats what you were thinking but wanted to at least clarify. And the DEV comment I was speaking of, if memory serves, was directed at some extra effort that another DEV put in to get something done up that was pretty cool. I am looking for it still.
Actually the reason he said it can't be done means no one CAN work on it on the side. You can't design a completely new game engine on the side while no one is looking. I mean someone is bound to notice LOL.
[/ QUOTE ]
_Castle_ Wrote:
All of that said, it *could* be done, but I doubt we have the free time in the schedule anytime soon, and even at that it would be fairly low priority. My guess is you'll see it around the same time as the Giant Tape Worm.
[/ QUOTE ]
Lord Xenite
As a Dev myself (although not of games atm) I can tell you that's a great way to get a Dev to either ban you, or get fired if he/she is stupid enough to do something like this, Devs either work as a team on a team-project, or don't work at all!
[/ QUOTE ]
And, although I cannot recall whom it was that mentioned it at the time, a reference was made by a DEV that one person on the staff did alot of work on their own time in getting some neat addition made and put into the game. I will have to REALLY REALLY dig to find that post but it most absolutely was said and thus proves that while maybe some teams dont like or would fire someone over that type of thing... THIS team doesnt :P -
Yup, _Castle_ posted three times in this thread and basically shot it down
If you want to see his comments just switch to "threaded" view and scroll down till you see the RED Name of _Castle_ appear.
Oh, and I would still be willing to work up a nice bribe to get one of the devs to work on this on the side... -
I havent read the thread yet with the exception of the OP so I apologize if this perspective has already been discussed. I personally look at it from an average standpoint;
Game release = April 28, 2004 to Nov 28, 2006 = 31 months
8 Issues give us an average of an issue just less then every four months and that doesnt seem all too bad to me. Granted, if the next two issues hit the six month mark then we will obviously see that average grow but I am not personally ready to start the signal fires of discontent and doom (for lack of a better word).
I absolutely do look forward to new content but, considering both games and what they currently offer as well as my own possibly slower play style, maybe im not quite the model player but for what its worth. Im happy. -
I can think of several hundred other things I would like to see in this game. Brute fury fix PvP, Server Transfers for Characters, code improvements so my FPS dont vary from 40 to 10, New story arcs, new zones, new power sets, Improvements to Battle Axe damage for tankers just off the top of my head.
Fortunately the developers agree, and iirc have already said this wont happen.
/not signed.
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<quick reply>
I've looked around for info on the Pocket D Tiki Teleport from anyone who actually got the GvE edition. All I can find is a bit of info suggesting the "interrupt time" is ~15 seconds.
Has anyone gotten any info on the recharge timer? I'm curious to know how often it can be used. Either my search-fu is weak (quite possible) or no one has talked about it.
[/ QUOTE ]
Just logging into the boards this morning and having my first opportunity to post. I recieved the GvE edition yesterday and messed around with the "goodies" last night.
Pocket D Teleport
Recharge on the Pocket D Teleport is 30 minutes although it felt longer. It does have a pretty cool animation but (untested) since the animation time is so long I would hardly see it to be considered a PvP "Eject" even if it had a shorter recharge time. I have not tested its use in PvP though. Animation time is um about the same as unslotted snipe<est.>
Jump Pack <<Boost>>
I apologize for not having hard numbers on this but I will attempt to be as useful as possible. This is a "click" power that lasts for about 30-60 seconds (est.) It offers little to no directional movement on its own, aside from "up" and has a long recharge. I dont have much info on it because, frankly, it would be situational at best yet that is probably a good thing. Anyway, not a travel power by any sense of the term.
Pocket D Badge
Yup, its an accolade..... cant really say much beyond that.
Costume Items
The added costume pieces are listed as "Sinister" for the villain intended side and I think "Justice" on the hero side. Pretty basic but slightly interesting look. I will post a screenie if possible later.
Thats about it. Nothing ground breaking to speak of and marginally worth the money. Im happy with it and expected nothing more then what it is. The updated game cd's/dvd's are nice to have and, if buying from Walmart you do get a month free. Oh well, just though I would share what I know from using it last night.