456 -
SGs are set to minimum lvls
See here: http://www.nofuture.org.uk/coh/story_arcs
So the first one available is Positron where you need to be higher than lvl 9, 2nd is Synapse at lvl 15+ etc. They also have a maximum lvl, so although you could do Positron at lvl 33 you'd be exemped down to lvl 15/16 and gain no xp.
There are also minimum team sizes required to start the task forces but you don't have to belong to the same SG to do those basic ones -
I'm now working through Croatoa with Sunspark.. although i've now reached 27 and finished Kelly Nemmers but she wont give me anything else until I get to 30
Forums were working fine half hour ago.
And grats on 39! -
Dark blast is more of a controlling set than damage and is really most effective if you concentrate on the debuffs, so if you were looking for something with a bit more umph it was the wrong choice. Although I think most people would agree you never really choose what is considered the best build for a dark/dark.
If you just want all out damage then you are better of rolling a brute or blaster, or if you want to stick with a corrupter either fire or ice primary with something like kinetics or dark secondary. -
Hi Doc,
Shout on Coalition chat and I'd be glad to exemp and help out if I'm on.
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^ What he said. Happy to help with Tufty if I'm available -
Personally I agree with Dead Calm. I don't think life drain if worth it especically if you have twilight grasp. I know you've just said its for when TW is recharging but I think you'd be better dropping 1 of the heal enhancements that everyone is going on about and putting a recharge in. It'll be up every 6 or 7 seconds then which I would of thought would be enough. That 4th heal enhancement is probably only adding about 20 hit points, if that.
I've not yet started this arc on Tufty so can open it at any time. Just need a bit of time to get to the right mission. Was thinking about opening it up soon so I can organise some 1AT coalition mass teaming vs the Titan.
If you want me to open it for this mission Kin just give me a shout -
To be perfectly honest if you want to play a "support" character I don't think dark/* is the best way to go. It is a pure debuffer and in my opinion should be built/slotted as a debuffer. If you want to play a support character you'd be better off with an empath, ff, sonic, or even kinetics if you wanted a different type of support.
If you stick with dark some of the things I'd change are:
Tar Patch - I'd never bother with slows unless theres no where else to put the slots. Slot it for 3 recharge first and use it for the -res as much as possible, then add slows to suit if slots can be sparred.
Shadowfall - The defence given by shadowfall really isnt great and not worth enhancing, its better slotted for 3 dam res.
Darkest Night doesnt need recharges in it. It is up pretty quickly as it is. Better slotted with 3 tohit debuff and and end rdx.
Fearsome Stare - Slotted same as mine really, but I'd try and take it sooner if possible.
Tactics - If you take tactics on a defender or controller it really is worth 3 slotting for tohit buffs. I have 3 slotted tactics and can get by with only 1 acc in my other powers. I'd try and put more slots in it. Also your build is centred on decreasing enemies acc and defence and increase your teams defence so maybe in your situation maneuvers would be better than assault?
I'd try and fit a travel power in somewhere, I've tried without before and it soon gets annoying. Especially when you have to go from one end of Indy Port to the other. Maybe teleport? You can also pick up recall friend then to work with howling twilight.
I'd also drop atomic blast with your build. Your not going to kill anything unless you 3 slot it for dmg, and to drain all your endurance just to lowers the enemies defence by a small bit isnt worth it imo. You'd be better off keeping your end and concentrating on keeping your debuffs running, having enough end to heal when needed etc.. -
Seems that people are now undecided tbh. People still wanted a thread so we still felt part of the union community and still had a pressance here but then some people can't see the point of it.
Grats to Afro and Raylin.
And ty to everyone who turned up and all the grats sent my way -
I'm dinging 50 with Tufty on Sunday evening. Anyone is welcome to come watch :P
So is this still going? You seem to be a bit quiet round here... or do you jsut not spam like your union counterparts? :P
Yup, Radiotherapy is the guy to poke.
Although Okton has also moved ChangoMonster and Tleollin in there so I guess he'd probably be able to invite aswell. Dunno who else is in there yet though. -
I'm sure Seeing Red put on the other forums that only he can invite now and they are full. Best thing to do is to look out for Seeing Red, he is on global handle @Frozen Rogue.
On another note. Just like to remind everyone myself, Raylin (G-Force) and Afro Storm (Disco Freak) will be dinging 50 on Sunday evening. We will be starting at 7:30pm and all are welcome, we'll have multi teams in the mission if needed, so the more the merrier. Come along for a few hours of 1AT teaming goodness -
Seeing as this is a kin/dark kinda thread, couple of questions for the multitudes (going towards using my I7 freespec to get my build right,) mostly about the secondary.
First off, which would be more useful to me, gloom or moonbeam? I like having the snipe option, but it is limiting to have only one normal-use attack in my arsenal. I can probably get gloom into the build later on, but am I better of having gloom there as an early starter?
Dark Pit: yay or nay? I picked it based on the advice of some guides that reckon it's very good against crowds of minions. Well, it is, ish, but so far, it just feels like a waste of a power slot, it hasn't really helped me any. Avoid like the plague?
People who use TT seem to be split equally between slotting it for damage and slotting it for debuff and immob. relative merits thereof?
Life drain seems to be another one that people warn me to avoid, is it as bad as they make out?
I suppose the only real kinetics question I have is to get your opinion on whether going 2acc/2whatever/2recharge is any more or less efficient that going 2acc/3whatever/1 recharge in transfusion and transference (with Hasten and SySpeed going off, I might add)
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With a kin/dark probably gloom. You'll be able to get it to recharge fairly quickly and cycle it with dark blast. Moonbeam is useful on something like a dark/dark cos you can debuff them so they can't interupt it.
Dark pit I always say no to. If it is taken it need 6 slots to be effective. Stunned mobs also wonder off so may not be best for a kin that relies on keeping its anchors in place. You could use tentacles to keep things in place though but I'd stil not recommend dark pit.
TT on a dark/dark I'd recommend slotting for dmg. It doesnt do a great ammount but every little helps and you have other, more effective, powers to do the debuffing with. on a kin/dark maybe debuff/immob would be the safer option. Unlike a dark/dark you dont have powers to debuff the enemies accuracy so TT may help with this. Also extra immob duration will just mean you can keep things in place for longer. Again, useful for keeping anchors for transfusion etc in place.
Life drain bad? Yes! Doesnt do alot of dmg, doesnt heal alot either, and from what I can remember costs a fair bit of end aswell. Its useful is you were something like a storm or FF etc as they dont have self heals in the sets but in kin you have one of the best heals in the game (it does take a bit of practice to use though) so imo, not worth the power pick. -
Stickying this for a few days so that 1AT members get a chance to see it.
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Heh, thats so nice. Definately something the US boards would
never do.
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I think he just wanted to get rid of our spam -
ahh missed it.. was about to log on aswell
Grats Shny! -
Yay! Wb D.
Tufty, Afro and Raylin will soon be dinging 50.. care to have front row seats for that aswell? -
Well I replied to your post on our other forums. Few of the people that can invite are: Tufty, Raylin, Afro Storm, Jumanjiation, Monsoon, Cyberskin.
I should be on tonite about 7-8pm so if you want to send a global tell to @Tufty (simply type /t @Tufty, You msg) and if I'm on when you are we can sort the invite out