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  1. [ QUOTE ]

    We're working hard to allow European players with an existing US account to play on the European servers without having to buy the game again.

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    "to play" = "to also play" or "to instead play"? Very important difference...
  2. [ QUOTE ]

    Likewise, no one with an active subscription to the US version of CoH will be locked out of these boards (unless you get yourself banned, of course).

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    So that means that to get access to the board where the devs hang out, you got to have a US version of CoH? Makes you really feel like a lesser worth customer...

    Discussed the "separate version" with some friends (and fellow CoH players) and it seems like it does put a real stopper in word-of-mouth growth. The early adopters play on US servers, and when they pull in their friends into their game, I forsee a lot of returns when the recruitee cannot team up with the recruiter, since they have to play on different servers...

    When I got real angry over the lawsuit last week, I went down to the local gaming store when I purchased the (US version) to get the DVD version to support Cryptic and "vote with my wallet". But CoH was no longer available in any form... I can only guess it's because of the future europan release.
  3. [ QUOTE ]

    and the obligatory, will we be able to transfer our characters from US servers to European servers?

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    For all of us who have made US:ian (and Canadian, and Australian, and....) friends, will we be able to play on both American and European servers?

    Will we be forced to migrate?
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    many, many Epic Power Pools.

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    Does Epic Power Pool picks count towards (a) the limit on total number of powers picked and (b) the limit on total number of pools?

    If so, I se a stampede of players rushing towards respec....
  5. [ QUOTE ]

    There is no way for the parked truck to have gotten into that room unless he assembled it there. All the doors on the wall are loading docks, not garage doors. It could not have been driven in, and there is no way to get it out without disassembling it.

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    Just ask a superstrength hero friend to lift it up and carry it out?
  6. Tuft__NA

    Villain Emotes

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    There's nothing that shows a villain's confidence like an uneccessary, superficial, contemptous display of their powers. The difficulty of implementing this is that you'd have to have a different emote for every power.

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    Definitly! You got to have the initial Introduction of The Villaneous Character while Exchanging Verbal Barbs with the Hero before battle breaks out!

    I think you could do a few small groups of emotes, though, fitting various types of villains:

    The Confident Mastermind (Bond villain example: Blofield):
    Stroking Chin, Petting Cat, etc... idle, small hand gestures.

    The Strong Villain (Bond villain: Jaws):
    Tearing a (randomly appearing) item apart, bodybuilder poses.

    The Agile Villain (Bond villain: Bambi and Thumper duo)
    Athletics: Backflips, cartwheels, etc.

    (And I sure hope the CoV emotes makes it back over to CoH too! )
  7. Tuft__NA

    Villain Emotes

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    Ooh.. howzabout a "POOF" emote... the villain throws down a little smoke gernade thingie, which does nothing but make smoke for a moment for a dramatic entrance!

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    What you need is a "bucket of dry ice" emote, like the villain in the "Dragon Half" anime....
  8. That you can keep the camera from spinning around into inopportune objects (trees, potted plants etc) simply by holding down the right mouse button while attacking...

    Assisted targeting. Click on a team member and you target the opponent which that member targets.