1245 -
Sorry to see you go @Beastyle!!! take care and hope to still see you on the servers!!
Greetings Hit Streak, we hope to see you on Union (and the other servers) and look forward to seeing your name around the boards and community contact methods in future!
Congratulations Union, and the Zero Strykers SG! we have a new record time for the Cathedral of Pain trial, set this evening in Pocket D.
7 Minutes, 30 seconds against Lanaruu the Mad! If Ruladak the strong had turned up it would have been even faster! -
as mentioned, just a small QOL feature, I do realise some other issues associated with it will have to take priority
Just a simple QOL, when a Veteran badge is obtained, i.e 1 Year Veteran as an example, have a progress bar showing 1/12 2/12 etc to show the months to the next badge, with the progress for the next badge being the only one displayed similar to how the healing badges work.
Quote:If Wade used the remaining pillar to take Psyche's powers, thats a bit of a big thing to stash in the Orenbegan tunnels without the Circle thinking "ooh our pillar's back!"Greer informs you that Wade should have Psyche's powers now as a result of her death.
meh, I'm just gonna steamroll the arcs for drops from now on methinks -
maybe option 8 wasn't totally feasible, but what DID happen to the Medi-Porter for Sister Psyche? If my character is defeated in that mission (didn't happen, steamrolled them) but I'd get a medi-porter option...
Quote:I remember the hollows days well, back in the day we did a x8 Atta run that took several hours of hard fighting, not just to complete the mission, but to fight our way there!!!
Old skool Hollows taught you aggro distance (down to the Sq Ft), it taught you to look before you leap, and now sometimes it feels we have a whole generation of Heroes on-duty with less appreciation of and sense of aggro-distance.
Wouldn't happen back in my day!.
*mumbles away to herself* -
8. Find stashed artifact and break it.
9. Defeat Sister Psyche and let the medi-porters do their thing thus taking her out of range of said artfact -
Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy the SSA concept and like having brand new missions to play every 2 weeks, with unique features embedded into each!
I am however, noticing a lack of attention to detail with the new content. Manticore running about with PPD on assassination missions instead of Wyvern, Portals to Dark Astoria with (until it was brought up on the beta forums) no Midnighter prescence and the decision to kill off Sister Psyche instead of merely whipping out the Knockout Arrows as previously mentioned.
I Will be keen to see where SSA episode 7 goes, whether we'll fight Wade or if he'll become the content of perhaps a new Taskforce or Trial to round off SSA1, but personally I'd have gone a different way with the storytelling as thats now either 2 TF's to re-content and replace, or we're delving into uber-rez territory very soon! -
And done! No spoilers from me though, go play it guys!!!
A welcome return indeed ML, much has changed since your last visit and it will be good to have you back on patrol!
Update time!
Made a few changes, still need to redo some of the scaling as suggested by Blast Chamber!
Whilst certainly not as impressive as some of the art here, I'm quite pleased with how this turned out this week so.... -
These new missions are great fun and I really enjoyed them on my main, was a little disappointed to see that Preatorian characters can't do them though, as they don't have a tips tab for the delivery missions and aren't considered heroes or villains
not at all, I like seeing work rehashed and suggestions, will have another tinker based on the suggestions here and repost an updated version!
looks good Canine, a simple but very effective edit
so sitting out overnight on the back porch was a bad idea then....
umm? I'm pretty sure the real moon is also opaque...
I'll have to wait until tonight to check though...