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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by blueruckus View Post
    Theme wise, we know it's great. We get it.

    Performance wise, I wouldn't personally consider it top tier and it seems I'm not alone in this opinion. Yes, every set can be made to work out if you're a good player with a good build, no one is questioning that. However, if you start talking min/max and sheer numbers then we come to the conclusion many have already mentioned here.

    Stalker seems to be the AT that makes out the best with this set. The other ATs will have to settle for 'just for fun'.
    "settle for 'just for fun' " LOL.

    Even after 10 something years of online gaming across genres attitudes like this still crack me up.
  2. I have little interest in PvP in games were balance is inherently impossible to achieve. I reserve my PvP time for games that are actually designed around it. Like Starcraft and sequels or the odd FPS.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
    Wait for it to be on BETA for four months then.....
    I think you guys all made sure that will never happen again. Even if a set is mostly done months in advance they'll likely only release it on open beta a few weeks before release.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
    And it was also confirmed that season 3 will be the first half of Book 3.
    And it will end at an event referred to as "RW". I wonder what that could be?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
    Thought you said you weren't mad.
    He always sounds like that. I'm not even bothering with reading anything he says anymore.
  6. A bit random, bit this amused me and I thought I'd share:

  7. 1. Syrus B/Liz
    2. Furry Jackal
    3. Leaf-nin
  8. 1. I fail to see how the Signature STORY ARCS aren't content.

    Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
    It's all marketing and revenue driven at this point.
    2. "At this point"? News flash: This, and just about every other game ever put up for sale, has always been about revenue.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kinrad View Post
    Yep... another week w/o staff fighting means another week playing "Baldur's Gate" again!
    I'm waiting for that till summer, when the "enhanced edition" reissue releases. I'm actually more excited about that then any of the major releases of the last year. (some of which I was looking very forward too)

    I'm kinda 'meh' on staff fighting and haven't bought beast mastery either (MM's are not my thing), but that's ok as I still got loads of characters to play with the power sets that released in the past months. I still haven't rolled a titan weapons or dark control character yet!
  10. TrueMetal

    Is it justified?

    Originally Posted by Dark Energon View Post
    As a VIP player i wonder why there is so little coming out that is free for VIPs, or even at a discount for VIPs.. we are paying our subs, and some of us have been here for years. Maybe a thought to grant a small discount per Year Vet badge, not for tokens, they can be bought, but the Yearly Veteran badges have to be earned. Would be a nice gesture to the long time players. 2.5/ 5% per yearly badge sounds about right?
    I fail to see why 'we' would be entitled to anything like this. "So little free for VIPs"? We've gotten 'free' stuff by the tons since Freedom. There was no slow down in content release for subscribers compared to before Freedom. If anything there's more now then in the past couple of years. All the extra pay for stuff has been on top of that. And we're already getting a discount in the form of the monthly points.
  11. TrueMetal

    Is it justified?

    Originally Posted by Diggaroo View Post
    Just out of curiosity, how do you, as an individual, feel about buying new powersets even though you're a VIP member? I'm not taking sides here, nor will I support either one. I'm simply curious as to how the general community feels about this. Is it justified?
    As long as we're getting power sets 'for free' at the same speed, or faster, as before Freedom ( as is currently the case), I'm all for extra optional purchasable power sets on the market. The more the merrier.
  12. I might be weird, but I just go with the alignment that best fits for each character's concept/personality. The A-merits aren't enough incentive to change that. (Except my badger who is actually a villain, but gets around a bit. She spends most of her time as a rogue.)
  13. I'd rather see this at the moment than more full power sets. I'll pay for them if I have too.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    I'd pay it, but I'd think it was a crappy thing for them to charge for.
    This. They'd get my money, and lose a bit of my goodwill.
  15. And I thought 500 for the dog was over the top.

    Meh, I'm not getting it anyway. I'm not even using the non combat pets we got for free.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Android_5Point9 View Post
    So, why are people angry over that? Because Staff was up first on beta, was in a "complete" state far before BM, has had minimal changes and attention paid to it aside from altering the sounds, and is being held back purely for marketing purposes. It's the same hate that stems from games having DLC on the disc and you have to buy access to it, or pre-order at certain retails, etc. Nobody likes being played by marketing.
    So I can't look at the situation logically, because then I'd see all the rage stems from illogical gut reactions? What? And they should just release stuff whenever, and not when it makes the most sense to do so all to avoid a bunch of kids from getting angsty ... Sure, whatever.

    And as I said staff being completed first is totally irrelevant to the situation.

    Your comparison doesn't make any sense either. That situation isn't even remotely the same. Nothing is kept from you, you're not being 'played'. Stuff just gets released on its intended release date. Oh Noes! How unfair ...

    Thanks for backing me up.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cheetatron View Post
    If a nerf is inevitable, later is always better.
    Wrong. The sooner the better. A lot less bleating from people like you after the fact like that.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Derangedpolygot View Post
    Is that really a surprise? No reason has been given for the holdout. I expected Staffs for i22 launch. (Beasts not so much considering how rough if was in Beta.).

    I was extremely disappointed it was left out of i22, and extremely pissed that it'll be a month or more now.
    Actually yes, the amount of angst this is generating is astounding. I'm not getting it at all.

    No promises were broken, no release dates delayed. I'm not even getting were you or anyone else got the expectation that Staff would have released with I22. It was always going to be a weekly market item release.

    Having both release in close succession in time for the 2xp is actually completely ridiculous (and both this week like the thread title suggests even more so). Why on earth would they release two buzz generating powersets right behind the launch of an issue when the buzz is still going strong? Especially since there wasn't a lack of new and reworked powersets in the issue itself. Spreading them out to release at times the momentum might be slacking is a logical thing to do.

    That the sets are already finished is not a factor. There's always stuff that's already finished, and it always gets held back till the slotted release time.

    Setting unrealistic expectation and then getting frothy that they aren't met when there never was any indication that they would be, is unreasonable at best. You can disappointed sure, but the reactions in this thread? Really?
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lycantropus View Post
    That, for me, is depending on which character I'm playing at the time, and difficulty settings. I have a few 'tricked out' 50's that don't do so well against the Talons and all their debuffs. Only one I didn't have any trouble with them on was my MM.
    Of course performance depends on your powersets, and your level of incarnate. I've only ran missions in DA with my 3 mains so far. Set at even conning white minions (with bosses) at x8 my +3 brute just rampages through. My +3 Dark/Dark corr takes it a lot slower but she can hold off 2 full spawns almost indefinitely (Clarion helps) while slowly working her way through. My fire/pain corr is easily the one with the most trouble. But I don't run her at such large spawns solo (usually x3, or x4). Even con at x1 is still way to easy though.

    Well they came close with those mobs of bosses (all with Unstoppable) in the Cimmeroran mission. Now those were some fights LOL.
    All the unstoppables slowed us down a bit yes, but we just dragged them over into the next spawn and let them be killed by AoEs or waited for the unstoppable to crash wichever happened first. God modes on enemies are imo a very poor way to create challenge. Most of the time they just slow you down without actually making anything harder. Valkyrie's "Moment" of Glory anyone?

    That mission was by the way an excellent example of the anticlimactic situations I was talking about earlier. In the 'boss fight', by the time I had cast Clarion and summoned my pets my duo partner on his brute had already stomped Romulus and the boss standing with him into pulp while the Talons EB was running away from us in a panic. It was over in 5 seconds or so. Yey, epic ... Not.

    Oh, I agree there's something to be said for lording it over Romulus like that. However the effect isn't achieved by you actually being that much stronger then when you encountered Romulus previously in game, but by putting a nerfed version of him for you to stomp on. Because of that, for me, it doesn't create the 'feeling epic' effect I'm sure the devs are aiming for. Especially since, at least for a duo of me and my brother, we are that much stronger than Romulus in his AV form (he doesn't amount to much without his three Nictus allies and respawns).

    That might be part of the disconnect for me. I fight with bosses on. If they were all lt's instead, I could see it being a lot more anticlimactic. I also admit they might could pad out the EB's with a little more HP to draw the fight out a bit, but otherwise, I find them appropriate adversaries.
    I play with bosses always on too. One of the first things I do on new characters is put on the 'always fight bosses even when solo' option. I don't recall a situation were I ever turned that option off. Again, because just steamrolling someone who is supposed to be a big badass, doesn't make for a satisfying experience imo.

    The desire is not nonsensical. I understand that some of the group mechanics reqire more than one memeber to do, but I bet I could do a BAF with my SG (6-7 players) if it were scaled to fit those reqirements (and I'd be able to convince them to do it every once in a while- a lot of the SG is kind of insular hate 'PuGging' on the scale required of trials). I also think I should be able to try solo if I wanted, knowing I'd probably fail in the 'keep prisoners from escaping' phase. Of course, I understand the high likelyhood of failure for solo attempts but it might be possible for 2 players to do it, and for the same folk that want the challenge to fight AV's solo, why are players barred from even attempting a Manticore solo, for example? That's the only point I was making. One of the coolest things they did when they retired the old Positron TF was make it possible to run in Oroborous.
    It is nonsensical because you're (or at least johnny is) taking two different situations (adapting content designed around coordinated (multi)-team efforts for solo play and changing what are standard mission arcs with standard mechanics to hinder/discourage large teams) and equating them, tying them together in a "if the devs wont do one they shouldn't do the other" argument. As if those things are even remotely tied together in any way.

    Also 6-7 players still counts as a large group for me and is at any event a far cry from being able to solo it. I don't see a lot of people soloing the escapee part (If you're going to scale down the spawns'n stuff for very small teams or solo play, the number of escapees required to fail should be scaled down too, to keep things fair.) BAF is also the simplest and easiest of the iTrials.

    The same could be said for... just about everything BUT the trials. Why are the TF/SF's required to have 4 or more? All it would take for solo attemps would, at the very most, allow for those AV's to be EB's (unless the player wanted AV's) and normal mission scaling would take care of everything else. Exact same argument (trials aside).
    I'm completely neutral towards the minimum player requirements of TFs and such. Don't mind that they're there, wouldn't mind it if they're removed. They're not a factor in this Incarnate content debate as far as I'm concerned.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steel_Shaman View Post
    While I do not agree with Johnny's stance on this one, I can certainly understand why he feels the way he does.

    When the Incarnate content first started up, many of us asked for a solo/small team option. The amount of venom and ridicule that was then heaped upon us for daring to do so was some of the worst behavior I have ever seen on these boards. Now that the Devs have actually given us what we asked for, people are fussing about it being too easy for large teams.

    It's pretty easy to see why Johnny feels the way he does. I can't really blame him. Do I agree with it? No, not really. Let the big teams have AV's if they want 'em, I don't really care. But I'd hardly call Johnny's reaction illogical or crazy. Kick a puppy enough and eventually he's going to bite you.
    Hardly anyone is fussing it's too easy for large teams. I'm certainly not.

    I'm fussing it's to easy on incarnate characters while playing solo or in small teams even with all the difficulty sliders up to simulate being on a large team!
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cheetatron View Post
    Not snitching isn't the same thing as being deceitful if those in those in the know/independent discoverers misled the devs and community about performance that would be deceitful; if that group kept quiet instead that would just be good policy that thread put pshifter on synapses radar so things took a turn for the worse and will get worse there and now it's all what's next?
    If you feel the need to form secret societies and conspiracies in the community just to protect something that might or might not be OP or bugged from getting fixed/nerfed, you're investing a bit too much of yourself in the game imo ...
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lycantropus View Post
    No, no. I get where Johnny's coming from (or I think I do). It's a pretense of power. I've lurked these forums a long time. A LOT more than I've posted, but I think there's an important point here that the Dev's are starting to explore and I... personally... want to encourage.
    Maybe that's were he's coming from, but then he should come out and say that instead of being petty with his "I couldn't have my toys, so you can't have yours!" argument he's throwing around.

    Having a single entity that can stand up to us in the "I" (incarnate) game shouldn't happen, where masses of 'them' (NPC's, etc) can, reverse the tables, and challenge, the perspective of the "I" game.
    I agree. The thing is that the masses of 'them' aren't a challenge, can't stand against me as it is. They just melt away.

    Why should the minions not be made underlings and the lt's made minions? Because we WANT the reward of minions. On the other hand, we WANT challenge to overcome and feel powerful over because we're Incarnates. This level of progression (or sense thereof) is important. Don't misunderstand the desire to overcome opponents, with a desire for 'lack of challenge'. Challenge can be achieved with (skilled) less challenging foes in numbers without utilizing blatantly overpowered individual foes, you have to overcome. If you ask me, they explore this in the "Talons of Vengance" as a group. There's a LOT of DeBuffs and such in the group, and when you face them it's in higher numbers than normal. I prefer this to a "Bag of Hit Points" at the end of the mission to add gravitas to it.
    I did that arc (all of them actually) on a brute/corruptor duo. We were +3 so we made them +3. We were already at x8 cause that's standard for us. We skipped the whole Malta part and knocked out the Praetorian because we didn't want the help (that was actually in character for my partners character too, since he was running the arc). Despite all the in story warnings over how hard it would be, it wasn't. Fun? yes. There were a lot of people to smack around and it was new, so it was fun. But challenging? No, not at all. I didn't even notice the EB at the end was an EB untill I encountered another one in a later mission. Anticlimactic? Yes. Very.

    And that's the point I'm trying to make. I just want to have the option to make it more challenging. It doesn't take anything away from the current situation. You can still put your difficulty at -1 and carve a path through greys while cackling maniacally if you like.

    I'll ask you this. If they changed the 'title' tag from AV's to EB's, without changing anything else, would you 'feel better'? That's what they're jockeying about now with the Incarnate content.
    No I wouldn't. I couldn't care less what they're called or what rank they have. That's not the point at all. I just want something to fight that doesn't melt when I look at it funny. It's anticlimactic and boring. Having a lot of them at once just makes it less boring. They still die at about the same speed.

    Listen to what I'm saying- this is important and what they're 'fishing' for. I bet everything they're working on a system that takes groups of NPC's into account instead of individuals, as the new power to 'overcome'. It's NOT about the one overpowered NPC, it's about the mass of NPC's that attack your personage. It's a change in perspective, going from 'being one of the mob' to 'being what the mob needs to overcome'.

    Like before being an "INCARNATE" when a mob of us 'overcomes' an AV, those NPC's now look to find mobs to 'overcome' us "THE INCARNATES".
    Have a mob of AV's try to overcome me! Now you're thinking!

    I wasn't kidding when I've said we became the new AV's. the 'old' AV's and NPC now have become the mass of players that have to overcome US. That's the point of the INCARNATE content from what I can tell... and if you ask me, it's BRILLIANT for those reasons alone. I just think it takes some time for the MMO industry and it's overall base to wrap its head around.
    CoH has always been about a large groups of enemies. And standing as a few against many. That's nothing new. The game if full of those events. The final fight in the first and third mission, lag hill, the final mission, all of it actually, the end battle of the LGTF, Assault on the Malta base in LRSF, Eden Trial. All great events were a small group of us fights a massive horde of enemies AND some big baddies to anchor the whole thing on so the battle isn't over in seconds (/petpeeve maybe if people did less pulling and more mindless charging they'd experience it as such /petpeeve).

    So. If anything. I completely support Johnny's ideals while conceding the idea of "why not making them AV's for those who want it" also legit.
    Great! Why are we even arguing?

    However, I love ALL inclusiveness and wouldn't mind seeing solo versions of the TF's and iTrials for my solo characters. No, I don't see why there should be 'team specific' content if there's no acceptance of 'solo/small team' content at the end of the day, so that supports Johnny's argument.
    Oh right.

    Again, this is so nonsensical.
    I think there are very few people who want 'team specific' content just for the sake of it being team specific, or to spite the soloers or whatever.

    The thing about the iTrials and that sort of gameplay is that it uses mechanics and sets challenges that simply cannot be done by a single (or very small group of) players. They REQUIRE the cooperation between a group of players. That is why people want and play those things. Because it's a different type of gameplay. If you made them into a single player version, hey whatever, but then they aren't trials anymore but simple missions (or arcs) just like the DA stuff. You'd have to take out the mechanics and tone down the challenges because they're physically impossible for a single player to complete.

    While all the devs have to do to turn a 'solo mission' into 'group content' is, well, nothing at all! The game makes everything standard accessible for groups up to 8 people and scales stuff accordingly. Except in Dark Astoria were for some reason EBs don't scale up to AVs.

    But I was up late last night, and up late again tonight and still adjusting to the 'spring forward' effect... and rather punch drunk with sleep deprivation so what do I know other than this is how I feel?

    Basically, I agree with everyone, but here are my reasons why everyone's argument is legit.
    I just got off my 7th night shift in a row a couple of hours ago and haven't gone to bed yet. So if my post seems incoherent, I'm going to blame it on that.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    So, which Incarnate powers do you need for the Archvillains in DA to turn into Elite Bosses? None. An empty alpha slot is, apparently, enough to completely outclass enemies that would be AVs anywhere else? That doesn't hold up, to me, not at all.

    The actual mechanical effects of Incarnate abilities really DO make us dramatically more powerful. We don't need the game to fake it by downranking the enemies. A level 50 AV against a 50+3 Incarnate is already a curbstomp fight compared to the same AV against a 50 non-Incarnate.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by blueruckus View Post
    Well, the in game IOs *may* still be the better option on AoE attacks so they're not obsolete.
    Don't really care about that honestly. I'm not enough of a power gamer to actually calculate the amount of damage I'm doing or stuff like that. Most of the time anyway.

    I'm just thinking it would solve all the problems with availability on certain levels if all IO recipe dropping across all levels would just end up in the same pool. That and the scaling would actually make me bother with IOs before level 50 (or 47.)

    As an added bonus it'd remove a lot of market clutter, and give an opportunity to fix the typos and inconsistencies between recipe and crafted enhancements that bother me a lot more than they should. That'd make the AH a lot less unwieldy to use.