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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Powers - Critters

    The Hamidon has been increased in difficulty. It is now capable of using one of its attack powers even when Held, Slept, or Stunned.

    Not sure how much of an effect this will have but it's a Hami buff that went in and has only juste been added to the patch notes

    [/ QUOTE ]

    3rd time's a charm

    Edit: Fixed subject back to the old one.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Drinking TF hmmm sounds like fun.

    I see Eden plus a case of Carling on the horizon

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Shot of vodka every time Dutch falls over? My god, we'd die of alcohol poisoning!

    Sounds like it was fun GJ dude
  3. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    There are the 3 exploration ones, the duration one, and also the Tarantula one...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sirens has 4 explorations I pretty sure mate, and a plaque (not sure if that goes to a badge or if it's standalone). It's also the best place to hunt red serpent men for the blue ink men gladiator (or vice versa), and a good source of Ancestor Spirits for that gladiator also.

  4. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm guessing he's got about 20 kills just from doing the tutorial

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Didn't register when I first read this. Is there a Recluses Victory tutorial then? Or did you manage to nip into Outbreak somehow?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Nah dude I took Tech through the tutorial, where you can't help but get 20ish kills, but Puma was in a rush so I wasn't able to stay and get Isolater. Been a bit of a thorn between us to be honest...

  5. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    A coalition with Archies? Cool. I've met a few of them and would be up for it, but like Dutch says I'll have to have a word with the co-leaders before signing on the dotted line, as it were

    Who wants to go to Amsterdam? Am thinking of organising a little trip over there for the first week of August.

    Might even meet Dutchy and Blappy.

  6. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    The Shivans are summoned at whatever your combat level is when you summon them Blade dude

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well I thought that was normally the case, but I'm sure I was on a mission when someone summoned one and it was 10 levels below my level and died really quick.

    I suppose it could have been someone who was not sidekicked though, hmmmm.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Any idea when this was? Back when Bloody Bay was introduced I believe there was a bug that made the Shivans always come out at 25, but it's been fixed now. Otherwise, yeah it must have been someone that was at a combat level 10 below you

    Shrug. Dunno.
  7. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    Good to get the Man in Black badge too, as well as increasing my Bloody Bay duration badge to well over half way. Oh and I have my Shivans temp power though with Death Kiss at level 50 I will have to use them in exemplar situations

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Nice one dudes, I knocked over a few Shivans myself the other night, while picking up the Shivan Shard temp power, not enough for the badge, but I'm in no rush for it yet, might clear it up tonight.

    The Shivans are summoned at whatever your combat level is when you summon them Blade dude Very useful pets too! I used up the last of mine on the Positron TF we did the other day, since you can pick up the power any time.

    I should go get some nukes too, those are great.

    I've been ducking into RV on and off looking for the Isolator, not really trying that hard yet but will definitely get it on Tech one day! I'm guessing he's got about 20 kills just from doing the tutorial, which will count, but another 80 is going to take a little while

    Anyway, tonight tonight... No plans thus far, will see what happens.

    Laters all
  8. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    No sweat, good stuff. I'll give ya a yell Saturday when I get to the area.

    Crud I didn't even ask! You'll be around from 1ish right? I asked Max Powerz and he said he'd be there from around then, so I guess I'll have company anyway, till Spad and Noir arrive

    Hrm I so gotta go shopping most of Saturday morning... I'll pick up a few disposable BBQs if they're small enough to fit in the bag(s) I'll be bringing, minimum 3 like I posted, probably 5 if I can fit em in.

    Damn I wish I had a car instead of having to carry all this stuff by hand . I'll most likely buy the beer when I get to Kettering, rather than carry it all the way from london.

    Enjoy the footie
  9. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    I know, it's a shame, but i'm not complaining cos it works in my favour..

    If everyone is about after the football i'm up for giving it a go..?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sorry mate have work sponsored drinks and curry tonight after the football, so I'll be in way too late for a TF, most likely. May have timed Friday night, but need to start getting stuff ready for the BBQ.

    Oh, did you get my text message dude? Or did I get the number allll wrong?
  10. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    I've just been told that the Croatoa TF is impossible.

    So now of course I *really* want to try it.

    I'll make some calls. J Dogg, we'll need badger, I'd rather not have to hunt down another rad for the thing, and you've already expressed interest anyway
  11. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm gonna be on most of the evening so might see if anyone has Croatoa TF, if not then I may give Badge a rest and break out one of my lower lvl toons.. Lekto's eager to get back out and blast the s**t out of anything in his way..

    I'll probably check out my Global list and see what everyone's up to and log accordingly..

    I've offered my services for AV bashing as a Rad/Rad so may get a few requests for that too....

    *pulls off a Tech trademark 'Shrug' and smiles*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    We have Croatoa TF on our toons (Red Earth 32 and Satisfaction 33 I think), maybe we could rock it up tonight, but I think Puma is out driving a bit tonight so she probably won't have time... We'd need her, Dutch Courage and Ashen around too, since they're part of our little group of same-levellers. I'll ask her and see if dutch is on googletalk. Not sure if Ashen would be interested. Will see

    Love that TF, great way of getting loads of SOs, just as long as your rad/rad is as good as you seem to think Dogg, defeating 10 AVs in pretty quick succession would be great

    Anyway, I'll be home around 6.30. If we're doing this, I'm in. If we're not, I'll check my globals for other stuff. If there's nothing interesting I can bring on Tech and do some Sirens hunts with you if you're still up for that. PvP running is pretty low on my priorities...

  12. I'd love the 400rep badge on Tech at some point, but so far haven't been interested in spending that much time in a PvP zone.

    I think I also need the Toxic Taranula one.

  13. Hrm I knew some AV changes would sneak in to him. Makes the PA bombing a little more of a pain..

    But as soon as our kin/rad cell is in position they aren't needed and the group is surrounded by green pretty much immediately anyway.

    Has anyone considered just going for it as soon as they get in position? If he spawns more Mitos, the healing blanket seems enough to keep everyone safe anyway. We could run in with holders/blasters/healers (maybe range enhanced team teleporters?) and go straight for him, ignoring the mito spawn (assuming it doesn't tails-up the server).

    Also does the mito spawn cycle 'top up' the numbers of mitos or does it fully spawn a whole new batch (so could end up with triple mito count)?

    Is the only way to know if he's held for 2mins now based on controllers seeing containment damage then?

  14. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    We could start it early, say around 11ish, then you will have most of the afternoon and evening to study.. Or start early afternoon, say 1-2ish that way if you get some studying done in the morning, have a break for a few hours to TF, then get back to the books after?

    Whatever suits you mate.. i'm cool with whatever.

    What's peoples up to tonight?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Depends on how Saturday goes, might not really be fit for an early morning Sunday TF.

    I'm sure we could get it to work. Puma studies while she plays CoH sometimes. And Dutch only needs to be around for the team makeup and the final mission, worst comes to worst

    I should be around tonight. Not sure of the plans yet. Was up a little later than usual last night, so might make it a relatively early one

    Tomorrow our boss here at work is taking us out to watch the footy and work is sponsoring drinks and curry, so I'll be home late. And probably [censored]. Should be good.

    Anyway, betta get back to it. Catch yas.
  15. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    Will try to swing Manticore for 2pm Sunday.
  16. Nice idea Wam! Kudos on organising something like this, a monthly 'interesting' event would be cool.

    BUT (there's always a but isn't there )...

    The 2nd of July is the weekend of the London Film and Comic Con (Clicky), so unfortunately I won't be able to make it, and I think a lot of others plan on going to check it out and meet up again.

    In fact, weren't you going to be there?

    I'll be in for future ones, and happy to throw in for some planning if needed.

    Laters 'gaters!
  17. All done! Hours ago actually, I just forgot to mention it.

    Thanks to everyone who came along to help! People in mission were (in no particular order!):
    Tech Tower
    Pink Fish
    Death Kiss
    Ben Elaba
    Jade Lionheart

    3 rad controllers? The Kronos Titan had no chance!

    Thanks for sticking around and clearning the map to successfully complete the story arc. Even on invincible the whole mission took less than 50 minutes, including farting around trying to get everyone in, and a few people disconnecting, heh.

    And congratulations to all those who picked up the badge, nicely done!
  18. Ok to everyone who is going to be joining in! I am starting the current mission now, and should be ready to start at 7pm on the badge mission. I'll hold open the current mission until we definitely have a Rad on team to debuff the Kronos, or else it will be an excersize in futility.

    I'll drop difficulty to heroic when we do the Kronos.

    See you all in 30mins!
  19. Union TS

    Jump to the last post for the most up to date info
  20. Whoop, looks like I just got lucky.

    Am going out tomorrow night, so will need to move this to Sunday, if that works for everyone?

    Sorry about this, thought my weekend was free, turns out I know a couple of girls who knew better.

    Same bat mission, same bat time, just a day later.

  21. If I was lucky I wouldn't be playing over the weekend

    But since I will, I'll be around. The plan is to do it at 7pm (UK time) on Saturday the 10th (tomorrow). You're quite welcome to bring your badger along J Dogg, that's our Rad taken care of

    Might need a few more damagy types, and a couple of SKers to boot. I'll rattle something up closer if noone else turns up for it
  22. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    Heya all.

    Welcome to the forums Optronix dude

    Not really planned anything for a while. Definitely up to some fun over the weekend, if anyone is around. No solid plans, but definitely try to squeeze in a TF or two.

    I've munjed up the base a little everyone. Sorry CGRAV I know you put a lot of work into it, but in order to fit the new stuff we needed I had to damn near delete the entire base to relayout it. Dutch has had a play with doing up a little of it too, to be honest I don't really mind who plays with decking it out, or if noone does. The buzz of bases is kinda worn off for me.

    Anyway, back to the story. So a couple of patches back our base because un-base-raidable. The requirements changed. This meant that we had a load of rooms that were pretty much useless to us now, and so I deleted them. Our workshop was very VERY cluttered after adding in the new storage items, so I bought a bigger room for them, and deleted the small one.

    If you enter our base now, go past the Hospital and through the control room, the new larger-sized workshop is off there. In it, I have placed all three of the tech worktables, a storage place for enhancements (can store 100), two salvage storage racks (one arcane and one tech - explanation follows), and three empowerment stations.

    So I have the Tech Empowerment station next to the tech salvage rack. In this rack I'd like people to donate any natural, science, or technology salvage, for the 'good of the SG'. On the other side of the room, there is the Arcane Empowerment station, which doles out the same buffs, but for arcane salvage. Next to that is the 2nd tier arcane empowerment station, which can do higher duration buffs for arcane salvage. And next to both of them is the Arcane Salvage rack. Into this rack I'd ask people to drop their Magic and Mutation bits, for the following reasons.

    The Tech Empowerment station I'd like people to not use for buffs. At least for now. If we can collect tech bits up then we can build the cooler base bits in the future.
    The Arcane Empowerments are open season! They give out the same buffs as the tech, and the 2nd tier one does longer duration than the first, but burn up salvage that we frankly don't care about since we're making Tech stuff.

    Now Dutch has been stealing the rare salvage that people put in there, so I guess you all might as well keep that. I think we need it to build the more extensive tech peices, so if you want to clear out your salvage then drop it on me, I don't mind using it because salvage is pretty [censored] really, and easy to find.

    I'm tired and gonna stop writing now.

  23. Hi all, thanks for the responses!

    Shouldn't have a problem finding a -regen toon, they seem to be flooding the servers really, and I've met a few on my last few nights AV hunting

    Most of my regular teammates have this badge also, but no doubt I can pull them in if we need any more bodies.

    I look forward to finally wiping this arc off Tech, it's been sitting there for ages waiting for a decent time to clear out, maybe I should have gotten around to it before I7

    I think Stasis is right, it's a train outdoors mish, so we can bring in any rad with lingering radiation, heh.

    Not sure if anyone wants to help me with the current mission. I could solo it no probs, I've half completed it a few times just when bored. I could almost complete it by 7pm, and then finish it off when the team arrives so we can move directly onto the last, or I can leave it and we can power over it. Should decide here in case I will have to start it at 6.15ish to be ready.

    Anyone is still welcome, this isn't closing off the sign ups, just a quick yell out.
  24. Maybe this thread should be unsticked and a new one created?

    As far as I know the SGs listed here were from the days where you only needed a portion of the requirements to create a raidable base, and it was just a small fraction of what you need nowadays.

    Then again, these bases might have kept up with it, I really don't know

  25. Yet you've never mentioned it to me...

    Dude I ran this quite often for a while, never had a problem getting people in or through. Was trying for a record time at one point, think I might have got it, 9min 54s, including the Monster in there, have no idea.

    Ah well I guess your badger isn't in our SG so you forget about telling us.

    I'll hook ya up sometime, just yell dude.