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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    But not knowing the number keys has this funktion and have to ask about it on the boards is... well... I'll refrain from saying it.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    It's rather strange you think he doesn't know that the keys do this.

    [ QUOTE ]

    And I'm not saying people who only click-activate powers are -bad- players. I'm saying they are ineffective.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Now climb down off that high horse and mish with them. Chances are a lot of the players you mish with use the click rather than the press.

    It's down to personal choice. Personally I happily levelled to 50 twice using the click method, and have never felt that the blame for any deaths on any team I was on could be attributed to my clicking instead of pressing keys.

    The fact that animation time and recharge is so slow for most powers gives you ample time to choose a new target, reposition your mouse, click a button, then make some tea. The ability to only queue one attack after the currently executing one means it doesn't matter how quickly you can queue it up, it's still queued.

    Posts like the one I've quoted are annoying because for some reason the poster thinks his/her way is best, with no good reasons. The reasons you've listed aren't valid for everyone, maybe it's just that you lack the hand-eye coordination to make clicking work well? Hmm, that might come across too blunt, but I am unsure how to soften it.

    Sigh. I'll stick to clicking, with certain binds for special occasions, and be happy. I hope you're happy with your button mashing methods, and that everyone can live happily together without trying to specify how the game SHOULD be played to the others. If clicking was so bad, I'm sure Cryptic wouldn't have added it in.

    Shrug. Each to their own.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    I need influence to buy t3h precious SO's, so count in Stryke Force - SL32 Blapper Extraordinaíre

    Fancy running it on rugged? It's an amazing TF if you haven't done it before

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wow you need inf and haven't msgd me about it yet

    I'd like to run through Hess again, with my controller if noone minds, illusion/emp.

    Will try to be there, don't wait up if I don't make it though.

    Cheers ears,
  3. Ascended
    5 People (with several alts each)

    Our base has most of the room types, in the default tiny plot. Until yesterday most nights had at least 2 people online.

    It's a functional base, saving for a bigger plot next, then bits for a raidable base.
  4. I still need 3/4s of illusionist (give or take)

    So if that is offered I'd love to get in on it.
  5. If there is still room when I get home (probably around 6pm UK) can I drag Tech in too? He likes AV bashing days.

    Sulph, why haven't you responded to our emails (your ninja account)

    Catch yas tonight, hopefully!

    PS. I also need all of the shadow shards and the sewer trial
  6. Tower_EU

    Mutant Salvage

    Same with @Tech Tower, or @Dutch Barbarian.

    We have loads of arcane and would prefer to switch for tech.

  7. Tower_EU

    Moving rooms

    Check the Now Testing in the Training Room - 14 Dec 2005 thread. One of the testing things is:

    [ QUOTE ]

    Bases[*]There is now a “Move Room” option under base editing.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  8. The SG I am in is always open to fun, friendly people. It's not a massive one though, but there's always someone kicking around. We range from level 5-50, give or take, about 3 or 4 of us are active most nights... Like I said not massive at all.

    I'm usually on as Tech Tower or Satisfaction (lvl 10 scrapper). Send @Tech Tower a tell if you'd like to team someday.
  9. OMG dude!

    BIG grats

    *waits for sulph to pass around the cigars*

    Well done old bean, guess we will see less of you for a bit, understandably

    Have a good one matey, I'll buy ya a beer next time I see ya
  10. Bumping is against the forum rules.

    It would appear that noone is in fact interested. Isn't that an answer enough to your question?

    We get enough radio spam in game, can't we leave it out of the forums?
  11. Grats mate! Was happy to help ya over the final threshold!

    About time, he lvld as he lived, lying on the floor

    Grats again!
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    and i can try to raise the funds for a set of SO's

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I thought your fundraising consisted mostly of 'Tech, I'm out of inf!'

    Seems to be the only time I hear from ya nowadays dude.

    Do you ever bring sulph out anymore? Or do you despise him as much as I do Skull Bender (who doesn't even feature in my signature now)...

    Oh, guys, I just noticed this says 2pm, for some reason I thought it was 4pm I'll try to make it back for it, defo, but I will probably be late.

    Sorry guys, I'll catch up as soon as I can.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    On Monday 19th

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ahhh Maxi, I see you sneakily made it the Monday AFTER I fly out to New Zealand for the holidays, that scared of me?

    Would have liked to have made it, but no biggie

    Knock ova some deviants for me Maxipad!
  14. And you do lose any items that you've placed... but you've effectively given up control of them to the base leaders as soon as you place them, so they're not yours anymore anyway.
  15. And you do lose any items that you've placed... but you've effectively given up control of them to the base leaders as soon as you place them, so they're not yours anymore anyway.
  16. Am I the only toon on Union that enjoys my tank still?

    If there is still room for a tank, Tech Tower would be keen for a run, even with Deluge on the team
  17. I don't know if you can delete them once you've made one.. But if you're really that annoyed at having 2 in your inventory you could join another SG who has the 75k prestige and a control room (sans mission computer), and place one there, and then mosey on back to your own one?

    I had a mission computer. Placed it, and it told us we can't run missions until we have a base teleporter, so I sold it to get the prestige back so we could work towards a TP room (150k) and teleporter. Unfortunately like has been pointed out I lost the mission computer, it didn't get returned or anything, just blam! Vanished.

    Ah well, 6 Tech Materials are easy enough to create. Just a bummer.

    Oh, you can keep it and then drop it in our base if you're looking for a home for it, heh, well, when we get enough prestige for it to be useful..

  18. Tower_EU

    Item Dispenser

    Get a couple of lvl 50 empaths in your SG, and a Regen scrapper, and then go tank hamidon for a few hours... Should give an idea of how fast the badge moves?

    Probably take in a few flying PA bombers too I guess, or clear the mitos first, heh
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Having a travel power from lvl 1 is bliss!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ok, I so agree with that!

    Gimme a yell if ya ever need a tank to run through your mishes. I'm stuck with my contacts giving me timed missions with a couple of them as AVs (pretty sure), so usually just run around bashing things on other people's missions anyway, heh.

    Good luck with your kheld anyway, put me down for £5 on not lasting a week before ya start powerlvling him/her

    Catch ya matey.
  20. Grats Electrify matey!

    Soz this was a bit late, I don't tend to make it this far down the forums anymore (to the Union boards )

    Was good teaming with ya, hopefully you won't retire Electrify like almost every other lvl 50 empath! Who is your new PB/WS? And who is going to powerlvl it for ya

    Couldn't help it, thats all Kheldians are good for

    Grats again!
  21. Can we multiple mito-tank?

    Well, my thoughts were, can we have the tanks with some healers draw out the mitos from the hami, and then have scrappers and blasters take him down?

    I'm curious as to how the Hami spawns mitos. If he 'tops them up' to be the number in the hive, then any number of spawns could be maxed out, and if you ahve some mito-tanks out there and the hami-tank then you could possibly knock it down without spawn-wipes?

    Very hard to test I'm sure

    Just a thought.

    Another is can we mass confuse the Giant Monsters into hitting the mitos or hami for us, heh. The mushroom one has a choke-hold right? Bah.

    I dunno, seems like something new has to happen. Will be very hard with the amount of people defecting to CoV, no matter what happens.
  22. Grats Stasis glad I could help and be there for the final moment.

    Hope ya don't go making a kheld anytime soon!

    See ya, well, right now, since we're still killing Chimera

    Oops, arresting.

  23. [ QUOTE ]
    Siren's was amazing last night, i walked away with over 150K debt but loved every minute

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I wanted to come along, but didn't.

    Maybe tonight, if I can escape from my team.
  24. Grats to Dutch Barbarian on finally dinging 50!

    Its been a long time coming matey, good stuff, well done Glad I could be there!