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  1. Tower_EU

    Why a Defender?

    Sigh, I've been thinking hard about this, and am having trouble, so thought I would question the forumites.

    I have a defender, level 21 now, that I'm not finding that much fun anymore. In truth, I'm not sure what was really that fun in the beginning, which is disturbing.

    Dark Bubble is a Forcefield/Energy defender.

    I am anti-knockback. I protest about kheldians and prefer not to team with them if they tend to stay in nova form. I have a friend with an Energy/Fire corrupter, who can't seem to keep his blasts under control when teaming with my brute. For S4, I was an Energy/Energy blaster for our team, he was deleted and is now making a comeback as an Ice/Energy blaster.

    So maybe I should mention again that he's forcefield/energy. Yes, one of the worst powersets in the game, energy blast. Why did I choose it? Must have been in a drunken moment. I run around helping my team, and throw out a blast (because they seem to expect it), and immediately regret doing so. I only have a couple of the blasts, and can't figure out why I got any of them (apart from the mandatory one).

    Ok, my question is... Why a defender? In general, why roll a defender? I have several controllers, and they are awesome. I never feel like I'm leeching, or not pulling my weight (unless I am purposely doing so, but that doesn't tend to happen) with my trollers. With Dark Bubble, I do. Is there really a good reason to take a defender over a controller with that defenders primary as a secondary?

    Maybe it's the blasts that are ruining it for me. Those damned blasts.

    Maybe it's the level. I think that most of my slots are red, or contain trainings waiting for that magical 22-SO level.

    I have a free respec, DB has been out for a good while now, and has one from I6/ED I think. I think I will have to use it, respec in more bubble powers, no blasts (bar the 'big one'), stamina, fly, etc, and see if it makes anything better.

    I really wish that I had made him FF/ something else, most likely Dark - to match the name.

    Ok, so I've kind of talked myself around a wee bit.

    Here's the plan:
    Respec in a better build (I would post my current one but am at work, and don't recall most of it, sorry)
    Get to 22, and stock em out with SOs
    Try a few teams, and see if he feels better
    Delete him if not.

    The thing about deleting him is that he's my only defender. I'm mostly sure if he goes, he'll be replaced with a forcefield controller instead. Most likely Grav/FF, for no real reason but sounds interesting.

    I have /kin, /emp, /rad controllers, all good fun too.

    Not wanting to insult anyone, but surely will: Is the Defender AT more fun for those who can't keep up with being a Controller?

    It seems to me that when I play a controller, it's great, everything flashing and recharging and numbers all over the place and never a second stopping, fast-paced action everywhere. But then I jump into this defender and really feel I only have half a useful AT... The buffs are great, but there's nothing there I couldn't take as a secondary on a controller, where I would have a great and unique-to-that-AT primary too.

    My intent on this post was to find out what I should do with Dark Bubble. I never intended to question defenders in general, but it did turn out that way I guess.

    Is an 'Offensive Defender' really a 'wannabe corrupter'? Do they work well? When I see a defender blasting, it seems to me that they should have taken a blaster, especially when they only have minimum primaries (like say, an Empath with only Healing Aura and Rez - bad sign? prob not possible).

    Are the only really 'fun' defenders D3s or Rad/Rads? What makes them so? Actually, that's raises an interesting question... Can you make /dark controllers? I'm not sure now, but I don't think so. What powersets are Defender only?

    Sigh. I really hope I didn't offend too many people It wasn't meant that way, but I can't seem to word it correctly right now. It's like mental diarrhea, I'm just typing as I think of things, so the whole post might not flow well
  2. Tower_EU

    Solo troller??

    Hmm, interesting thread...

    Is there a lack of love for the Ice or Earth sets? I'm playing an Ice/Kin controller, and at level 24 am quite easily soloing on Invincible, although due to other reasons I haven't taken Stamina, so there is the odd minute of downtime now and then. A friend who made an Earth/Kin also solos happily, we had originally planned to team with each other to 50 (along with her bf who made a Fire/Rad to join us) but she's levelling an alt right now, so I'm just out and about.

    Actually, I think I have a pair of Ice/Kins (16, 24), a Fire/Rad (6), and a Ill/Emp (50). The 50 was an accident, so I don't really count him, and the Fire/Rad I'm hoping to build into a bit of a stalker hunter (eventually), and is a lower priority.

  3. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    Yeah Dutch, Blade, bring on your lads for the Eden Trial. Puma is studying tonight, which is a shame, cause we could have used her healing. I could probably bring on Skull for it instead of Tech, depending on need.

    The plan is for a mass gathering at the Hive marker in Eden (not in the Hive itself), and then splitting into groups from there, so it isn't 'full' exactly, but there might be stragglers left over if there are too many. I think I'll bring Tech and Skull on, plant them at the trial point, and wait to see what is needed. If there are enough healers I'll take Tech, even though he's done it and Skull hasn't, I'd prefer to run it again with him.

    It really is a neat trial, so if you can make it, might as well do so.

    I'm planning on trying out a little Oblivion tonight also, before jumping in. Will see how it goes
  4. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    As my bro stated yesterday, I want to join the TF, if we are doin that.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Excellent dude, get li'l blappy to 15, I think that's the minimum. Disco Sal (Red) has been pulled into the SG too, at level 10, who would be good to get in too.

    How does Wednesday night or Saturday morning sound for everyone? Thurs isn't good for me, it's poker night (which is turning into beer and darts night, which I'm much better at), and Friday is generally bad for most.

    Tonight I was thinking of jumping into the Eden TF with some other random Unioners, it's starting at 7.30 (UK), and should take an hour and a half to a couple of hours, depending on teams. It's pretty much the best TF out there, that I've seen. Level is 39-41 (small range huh ), so Black Lace is near/at that, and so is Blade's alt, so they maybe should give it a go too. Prize at the end is a Titan-O, which is like a double DO, or a mini Hami-O, if you prefer, boosting 2 attributes, I think. Definitely a great prize for an excellent TF. Actually Tech still has one (lvl 41) slotted, lol, completely red and useless, but I haven't respecced since then so haven't had a chance to pull it out.

    Will see what happens. Anyone else have any plans/ideas?
  5. I can help out with my Ill/Emp controller or Inv/Axe tank if ya want. Have only done the TF once, with Tech, and would like to do it again, was a blast (though over too quick really , couple in the team were old hands at it, so didn't get sightseeing time).

    When we did it, we had Cooperman, a bubbler, who basically kept EVERYTHING off us. I was so impressed, that I made my own bubbler to help people with this TF. But he's only lvl 21 so far, so yeah, not useful yet, just like Skull Bender's primary role was the Cavern of Transcendance TF (though he's only attempted it once, heh - successfully I might add!)

    Will be in touch tomorrow night.

  6. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    Heya all

    Er, not sure what I missed over the long weekend, but glad to see you back in the SG Red

    Ta for the WB dutchy, twas a great weekend, and always hate coming home from a holiday, but ah well. Maybe I'll sell my house, will give me time and cash to travel... Shrug.

    Blade, Puma liked your pressie matey though I'm sure she's told ya that already. Good good, yeah get Red Earth to 16 dude, we do have a lot in there and I'm looking forward to doing more stuff with them all soon, need a defender or your little kin boy at least there! Synapse is looking good too, level 15-20 I think, could give it a go? Think we'd have about 5 or so from the SG in the right range too... time to kick some clockwork butt!

    Well, am not sure what my plans are tonight tho. All my toons are just seeming so fun right now. Will have to see what I feel like, and who's around and what they're up to.

  7. Tower_EU

    goofing off

    Some things that have popped up in my mind while reading this thread:
    (Note I'm hero-only, at the moment)
    If I'm in a PvP zone, yeah I expect an attack at any moment, and if I want to duel, I'd prefer to take it to the arena.
    If I'm jumping around said PvP zone, and see a villain with a full/high health bar, pounding on a hero with a considerably lower one, I'll jump in and try to help the hero. If the hero is holding his/her own, I'll leave them be, since I definitely don't want to killsteal. If the hero complains, I'll move off.
    If I see a villain running around, I'll hit him/her. If the villain makes no move to defend him/herself, I'll go on my merry way, and find someone who is interested in a bit of a bash.
    If said villain then returns with a gank of stalkers, and jumps on my corpse after I've been mass AS'd, I'll probably leave the zone, since that's as much fun as repeatedly taking the alpha strike from the Psychic Clockwork king.
    I won't try too hard if the heroes outnumber the villains, and if ridiculously outnumbered, will be less than enthusiastic about being in the zone.

    Basically, I don't find any pleasure in beating on helpless toons, or those who aren't interested. I hate when I'm having a good time in Sirens, and stalkers keep ganking the blasters or defenders, who then proceed to leave the zone, which makes the zone less fun and unbalances it.

    Most people can take it on the chin, if they feel they're giving as good as they get. But I guess that's hard when all you see is the hospital, and the pavement.

    Might have wandered a little off topic... but that's generally my take on PvP zones, and how I 'use' them.

    Maybe in PvP zones, if you target someone, you could have a 'Engage 1-on-1', which, if the other person also chooses on you (meaning no annoying popups that could be used to ones advantage), maybe you'd be whisked away to the arena, or maybe you'd just be removed from PvP-ability, except for the person you are fighting.

    The one thing I HATE about duels in Sirens call, is that people will do it for free SOs (or badges), with mates, and expect people to leave them be. I will happily break up one of those duels, if I notice that it's repeatedly happening, since it's basically abusing the system. Do it when people aren't trying to have proper PvP fun if you must.

  8. [ QUOTE ]
    I rather like the real time aspect. It means that while one person makes the changes the rest can make helpful suggestions/mock/bicker.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Although even that isn't easily done, since going into the editor closes your chat box. Granted it's easy to pull back up, but then it's a pain to find a location for it that won't get in the way

    Well, on my 1024x768 screen at least
  9. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    Don't know about you guys but I still love playing my 50 even though he's nearly 14 months old.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I doubt he's been a 50 for 14 months And yeah I still play Tech loads, as I'm sure you've noticed! Lately he was stuck on a mission while I was working on a badge with him, so I wasn't that keen, but now that that's over he's ripping through Malta once more.

    And WOW that Kronos was huge! As soon as I saw him I did a /demorecord, so we've got the whole depressing fight on record . Badged up though, which was the main reason I was working through that arc. There's another Kronos further in, that I'm planning to share with the badgehunters global channel, as some wanted this last one but couldn't make it. If I'd known it was coming, I'd have held the mission so they could be around for the spawn.

    Took my 'other' controller out for a walk last night with Trig (hadn't had him out for a couple of months at least), was great got a new level and am flying now Level 22 seems a bit late to pick it up, but hey, lol. Would like to stock him out with SOs so if someone can be a middleman from one of my other toons... Not really relevant to this thread since technically he's in another SG (shhh don't tell anyone). Might move him over since his perma-partners aren't playing them anymore. Ah well.

    Not sure of my plans tonight. I'm flying to Sweden tomorrow, so might need to pack. Doubt it though, heh.

    Anyone else got plans?
  10. Hey all.

    Sorry @Oscar, I haven't been on villains since the day before this post, and don't really feel any great hurry to rejoin the crowd there. Thanks for the offer though, you too Maxipad.

    Might just wait till I7 comes out before spending much more time in the Isles, shrug, or might do my villians on Defiant. Meh.

    Bye all, sorry for the thread.
  11. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    You guys have any suggestions?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well depends on what you're after. Watching that Rad defender in action the other day in Sirens was a wakeup call, I didn't realise those debuffs were so strong!

    I was thinking of rolling either a rad defender or a rad troller. Not sure yet. A rad defender has blasts, but I'm not sure if I like blasts overly. A rad troller though has holds, and containment, and that would really kick some butt, debuff, hold, double-dmg! It would also mean some more stalker-unfriendly powers... Like interrupt ones for AS stopping, or the like?

    Can talk about it tonight if you haven't decided beforehand!

  12. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    I apologise if I've misunderstood what was meant, but I'm not quite 100% today (so what's the normal excuse?).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hmm you slightly got it.

    Basically we have enough prestige now that unless we're gonna save for a bigger plot (which I don't see us needing for a while), we don't really need any more for now. We've also got plenty of influence floating around our toons to top anyone up if they need it, so no sweat there.

    I'm not saying that I want to have a toon in the range to get xp, I'm happy helping others on TFs. But when there is only one of us that's getting XP (forgetting that random that joined in for it ) it seems that it's a bit of a waste.

    We have plenty of other toons coming up, so things like Synapse or Moonfire might be more beneficial to more people. The Croatoa one last night was good though, loads of us got lots of badges and plenty of progress towards accolades, and the SOs were dropping like mad, which was nice. I guess if we wanted to do so we could farm that first mish and get loads of SOs as we move up (negating the need for inf higher up perhaps), shrug.

    Most TFs are just gonna drop the one badge and one SO though, which is kinda a pain.

    So on that note, maybe we should schedule the next TF for a week and a bit's time (since I'll be out of the country this weekend), maybe for Moonfire, if Static and Trig are in the right ranges still. It'll mean about 4 of us currently in the right range at the moment, and a couple very close to pushing into the 20s anyway, so could make that by then.

    Sound like a plan? I'm sure that whoever is too big for the level ranges will still be able to get the badge, since I doubt most of us have it (Tech does, cause he's a badgehunter).


    Will see what happens
  13. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    Yup certainly was. Went well, although due to a communcication error there were a couple of plants

    (The error being me not saying '2s, enhancing' before everyone charged the next Mary, doh!)

    Was nice to get some higher SOs on Skull though, nicely pleased.

    I don't think I'll bother with other TFs for a bit though. That one was good, but we need more people in the right level ranges to make it seem worthwhile, or Duch has to make a healer that can run them so I can bring Tech out more

    Nice to see Cleo and Irish about more lately. They're running a couple of little alts around with my little Shrug, and it's just like old times running Frosty and dinging like mad

    Ah good times.

    Catch yas tonight.
  14. Doh sorry maxi

    It was a spur of the moment thing, I was wanting to play Electrosity a bit but also wanted to give some the chance to grab the badge. If I'd have known it was coming I'd have posted ages ago. If this is one you need on something, give me a yell, I've got about 3 toons in this range soon to go through this arc (all seem to be going thru Dr Vahz arc, go figure). So a bit of heads up and I'll make sure I watch out for it.

    Didnt know about the badge name before, so have already run though it on a few of our toons without realising till it was awarded.
  15. I'm running through Plague Stopper at 9am UK time. If anyone needs it be online and give me a yell (as Electrosity or @Tech Tower) just before then for an invite.

    If there is a high enough level toon taking part, anyone can join, if everyone is too low and I have to kill like 10billion vahz myself, I'll call it off I hate vahz!

    Be there or be not there.
  16. So now I've got a decent PC that can actually run CoV at decent framerates, I've got a couple of villains on the go that I'm going to play a bit more.

    One has just dinged 12, and is in a sad sad state of enhancements.

    So my question is, is there any villains out there that could drop 100k inf on him so he can get some DOs, either as a gift or in exchange for some inf on one of their (Union based) heroes? If someone wanted to do a villain-hero swap, I could do up to 2 million before I got too bored.

    Ta villains, see you in the Isles!
  17. Aha! So you're helix

    Sounds like a good night out dude. Pity I was heading out as Tech Tower when the call went up, I've had a couple of good sessions in there also, when the sides were even. Hopefully next time I'll be around!
  18. Ok awesome, thanks for that

    I'll organise something this weekend, hopefully.

  19. Ah darn, I missed this thread

    Can someone point me at how to get this/these badges? I don't know jack about badgehunting

  20. Ouch, only 2 attacks before level 22? Am guessing you won't be soloing much in the beginning

    If I knew enough about ice shields, I might be able to see if you can get any in lower, but my Ice/ tanker is only level 7, and won't get Hoarfrost till 8

    Will be interesting to see though.
  21. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    So what are you all up to this evening?
    I might do a litle TT RPG when the person who plays with me answers positive. Otherwise I hanging with either my lowbee or my stalker/MM. I don't know yet depents a little on you guys
    Laters Marras!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    hehe, the person who plays with you

    Ahem, I was thinking of taking Satisfaction (with Puman) out for some Dr Vahzing, getting some SOs maybe. Or there was talk about the Croatoa TF? I'd definitely like to do that. I know I've already done it like a bazillian times with Tech, well, 3, but was thinking of taking Skully along.

    Another idea I had earlier was to take Dutch and Puma out with Tech, and finish this World Wide Red story arc (Malta, big shiny badge, massive Giant Monster spawn), along with anyone else from the SG in the 45+s if they want.

    Hmm, Black Lace is moving up the levels quite quickly... I should pick one of my 20s and get a move on lol. Satisfaction seems primed and ready. But then I don't have the luxury of time off work

    On another note, I'm going to be away from next Thursday for a long weekend. Back on Sunday night. So if anyone has any weekendy plans for the group, post them up.

    Need to get Electrosity out more too And Shrug! GAH no TIME!
  22. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    I like a good PvP when the teams are pretty even. If one team is overwhelmed in numbers then it's not fun. If the team isn't gelling well and we're all planting then it can be frustrating. But when a couple of even teams take a run at it, it can be interesting.

    BUT I definitely prefer PvE.
  23. I think I've got you on my friends already dude, just never seem to see ya round, I'll check it out later. If you dont see me on yours, throw a gfriend @Tech Tower and I'll grab it when I'm on next!

    [ QUOTE ]
    Stalkers are like wasps. They are annoying but if you ignore them long enough they will go away and pester something they have a chance of killing...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Totally agree with ya... but a swarm of stalkers can be as painful as a swarm of wasps, lol, had 3 of them drop an AS on me last night, to take Tech Tower down . 2 did it at one time, just because the first one was lucky enough to knock off my temp invuln I'm guessing!

    Later duder.
  24. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    We did some PvP last night went very well in my opinion.
    Happely slaying villians and villies slaying us.
    We kept our own and gathers some nice bounty.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Indeed! I had fun there too, though there were times when all coherence broke down in the team and we were a group of singles as opposed to a well oiled machine

    We were forced back into the hero base for a short while. Well technically not forced, we 'regrouped' after a lot of the team got tired of getting stalkered and left.

    My favourite moment was when the stalker Gutts (aka Max Powerz) yells out (broadcast) 'Damn taunt!' (or similar) as I was taunting any villain that went near any of my teammates. It did mean a couple of times a villain lost out on getting a bit of bounty or reputation, and that another could just jump in and steal his kill though, which was a pain. Did seem to save a LOT of lives though, so I'm glad that I was useful

    I saw a couple of masterminds, a swarm of stalkers, a few brutes, but no corrupters or dominators. That makes me a sad panda.

    I'm not in tonight guys, got a mate's leaving do from work to go to. I'll not be surprised if I too come in later though, yelling weird random phrases through sg/team . So yeah, much of the same I guesses!

    Catch yas

    PS. Dutchy, your signature lists a Doctor DB.. I wasn't aware you had someone like that. His skills strangely remind me of Doctor DP though, your mastermind
  25. Heya Green Jet mate

    Long time no see, glad you're coming back to the 'good' side.

    Catch ya in game dude, I've got loads of alts around your level, would be good to get back to some of that good ol' fashion Green Jet and Skull Bender kinda taming
