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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PureAmerican View Post
    there is something profoundly wrong with a community that calls itself "heroes" and fears the threat of being bullied over doing the right thing.
    who said we're "heroes", I'm a VILLAIN 4 LIFE!

    Johnny_Johnny, if your VG needs a coalition partner I can offer up my personal VG, Thraxis Industries, I have porters to all the zones you and your group can use while getting on your feet, in game email or PM me if your intrested.
  2. Lol, Jade you always make things sounds perverted :-P thanks guys
  3. Update on CLD
    We've pretty much lost one of our teammates, he's playing lotro these days, I'm not in game as much due to burnout and trying to refresh before double xp weekend, that coupled with that fact that we've just not been able to compete in our match's, any teams we might have stood a chance against have dropped, I think its probably a good time for us to bow out, it was fun guys.
  4. CLD is rescheduled for YOUR FACE tonight around 8 cst I believe, one of our members has to be at work tho so we will need a sub if anyone is available
  5. Just for the record Complete Logical Disconnect (CLD) is still in the league, despite what I've been told someone is claiming. I'm baffled why anyone would think that cause nothing has been said to the contrary. Keep me and my team out of any drama or false claims. Cause as well all know internets=srs biznaz.
  6. New team:
    Complete Logical Disconnect
    @Dr. Thraxis, @Thraxis
  7. I had fun at the last event even tho I suck at pvp, I figured this would be a good way to get better at it, so as to not handicap any of the PvP = Srs F'n Busns teams, I've convinced some other pvp noobs to from a team with me

    Team name: Not yet named
    @Dr. Thraxis & @Thraxis
    @Black Orchid II
    @Adamantium Armadillo
  8. /signed, i was looking at the mission computer the other day and thought the same thing, I wouldn't mind if all MA arcs coudl be accessed, the AE areas are too lagtastic in prime zones on big servers
  9. I want jet packs as a costume option, giving out a new shiney jetpack to new customers and not allowing people pkayign the game access to it is very annoying, I dont care how ya do it, make it like the wedding pack I'll gladly pay 10 bucks for access to a few jet pack costume options, some old and some new, preferably able to customize the colors, you guys are missing a cash boat here I have no idea what the hold up is.

  10. I'd like to see a system where a villain/hero could enter Paragon/isles "incognito" maybe even have a special costume slot for a disguise or a power that shape shifts them to look like a civilian, while that is on your powers are grayed out and your non-pvp, but as soon as you take off your disguise, BLAMO you've opened yourself up to PVP you can be targeted, only opponents that have engaged you in combat can you return fire.

    Basically it would be like my villain put on a hat and trench coat and snuck into paragon city to go rob a bank, he walks into teh bank takes off the hat pulls out his ray gun and announces "this is a robbery" his pvp flag has been declared, heroes can swarm him cause he was dumb enough to try to rob a bank in a city full of do gooders, if he manages to pull it off, rebuffing all comers good for him, if not, off to jail he goes where he has to try and break out, either way lots of fun, same with heroes going into hostile territory.

    Now i know that that system would have some flaws and open up some griefing issues, one way around it would be to make it so only lvl 50's could do this sort of thing, if your not 50 you cant go over, but anyone can attack an "invader"