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  1. Congratulations! Welcome to the club

    *Hands the 300 Badge T-Shirt to MissWhite*
  2. Greetings fellow Superhero!

    It just so happens our SG is looking for coalitions as well, so let us join forces in the battle against evil.

    If you are available today, we can work something out. I'm in town around 3 pm.
  3. Unfortune has struck!!! I won't be able to attend :'( My connection won't be up untill the 10. of August. I'll give a shout on the teamleaders I've arranged next week. Give Hami a slap for me.
  4. Sounds like a plan. BUT!... one thing concerns me... "Taunting Team" something needs to be done there.
  5. Good initiative Miss Wamdue... Count on me... (not on the 2nd though, no internet conn. :'() Give a shout of what you need
  6. After going through the list... It's confirmed... I'm a roleplayer... So here I am, nice to meet you all
  7. I'll say yes... a challenge, but yes. I chose stealth at lvl 12 and then SS at lvl 14 = you can ghost a fair deal of missions. I picked Radiation Blast as secondary, so I could debuff their defense and make it easier for myself to hit them.
    Goodluck with it... need advice/help i'm at /t @md,<message>
  8. The_MD

    Empath Defenders

    My very first toon in this game was MD (empathy/radiation) and I've never been bored playing him. I typed "Healer" in search comment, and i've never lacked teams to join. Not even now as lvl 50.
    Playing healer keeps you on your toes and that's what I like about it. Example: Blaster goes "LEERROOY JENKIIINS" and aggros giant group, sometimes you can save them, sometimes not.
    I hope you'll give the healing buisness another go, if you need hints/advice, I'm at /t @MD,<message>
  9. I'm in!!!... I can bring healer with group fly, holding tanker or holding blaster... if you need a teamleader, i'm up for that as well...
  10. Count me in... I can bring either StoneGiant who has Fossilize or MD the empath... Just a question, you say holding powers should be slotted 3 recharge and 3 hold duration... no need for some acc?
  11. The_MD

    RSG Radio

    Hey Polaxis

    I love the RSG radio!!! much better than Evolution... (my opinion) keep up the excellent work m8
  12. I'm in as usual... MD lvl 50 Empathy Defender
    and my SK Xeox also joining another Empathy Defender
  13. I'm in mate... MD lvl 50 Empathy/Radiation Defender