869 -
I like GW2 way of dealing with gathering and loot, where everyone gets there own, so five people can mine the same copper node once instead of the first person getting there.
Maybe the initial response to AE farming resulted in the drop. I remember Posi saying they would outright ban people who farmed which cause a lot of commotion.
I am also sick of hearing about people who don't pester developers who like games or swear on a copy of The Web of Arachnos that they will boycott NCSoft that they are bad people and "accepting defeat" will others are "saving" it.
It's a video game, stop being so melodramatic about it. We had a great run, much more than many other mmos and the concern I have over the situation goes out to the developers who lost their jobs. They are the ones that need our support.
While some of the campaigning has been okay, things liked emailing Valve to pick up the game and boycotting NCSoft is just as effective as changing your Facebook profile picture to a cartoon to end child abuse. It's a way to make you feel like your doing something while you aren't. -
GW2 isn't failing, but that is besides the point. The quarterly loss that seems to be connected to CoH getting the axe was $6 million. In a financial quarter, a period of three months, they lost two years worth of revenue from your projected amount, which I am unsure of because I don't know if non-CoH players could have signed the petition due to word of mouth.
Quote:PAX started this weekend. He probably left friday to go to it.I'm still a skeptic here. Jack was missing Friday? Why?
I love you BaBs, but where is still Jack stepping up and stating he had nothing to do with it. Until NcSoft and Jack BOTH debunk this I am not convinced. It may still be a rumor, but after years of listening to Jack state that things weren't in his "Vision" for the game I'm unconvinced until he steps forward and states something for the record.
Yes, I'm hurt, but we still have no clear answers. Until then I won't touch Champions or give Cryptic any money. Am I reading too much into an absence, maybe, but I just want to be cautious with someone, that in the past, created a lot of animosity with the player base. -
Open up the world so it's more than a city, an archipelago, and the alternate universe of that city.
It's cheaper to hold onto a name than a game.
What's next, sending in thousands of cupcakes to NCsoft?
To reiterate something I said in another thread, The reason people won't let go of this rumor is that they want someone to pin this on and Cryptic has long been a target of derision since they left CoH.
A lot of good regular games coming out. Borderlands 2, Assassin's Creed 3 and Halo 4 should keep me occupied for a time. I also want to check out Dishonored.
The reason people won't let go of this rumor is that they want someone to pin this on and Cryptic has long been a target of derision since they left CoH.
Well, in addition to, but it seems to be more viable. I don't remember the last time boycotting a game company did anything, VALVe has never had any connection to mmos, let alone CoH, and I don't think Kickstarters can be used to buy things like IPs.
If BABs did get Statesman's powers, would he be called Back State Brawler?
Instead of boycotting, NCsoft, Cryptic, PWE, sending emails to VALVe, or starting a Kickstarter to buy CoH (the game or IP), let's have a thread where we support the developers. Basically, let's pledge our support if they manage to start a new project at a new studio, either through Kickstarter or by other means, whether it is a super hero mmo or not.
Weird, I met a surprising amount of people who played CoX in other mmos. Of course, they were all past players, not current ones. I may have met one or two on Team Fortress 2, but never on any other non-mmo game.
Clearly, Mercykilling is the hero we deserve, but not the one we need.
Quote:Some people hate hyperbole and outright lies.If I had a tinfoil hat I would say some of these people work for NCSoft. There is no intelligent reason to defend this action to a bunch of people that are loyal fans of a game being shut down. Bottom line, defending the closing of CoH on the COH boards only makes you look like a jerk or a corporate lackey, perhaps even both. I know the internet lacks some common sense, but it would be awesome if it didn't appear to be totally dead.
Quote:No, here is the post from Tic-Toc (BaBs) from another thread about "Jack wanted to destroy the game!".To my understanding it was a Cryptic/Re-licensing the Engine problem.
Cryptic wanted to get rid of the competition, so they raised the price of the license, NCSoft didn't think it would make back the investment.
I think with i24, it totally would have.
Quote:As the person who got power customization implemented in CoH, this post is full of crap.
Jack never said nuffin about power-customization. It was probably me that said something about it and probably before the switch from working for Cryptic to working for Paragon (or shortly after). At the time, it was impossible. We didn't have the code to support it and it would require rebuilding every single player power effect, something that just wasn't feasible for one person who was the sole animator and VFX artist on the project at the time.
I did manage to get weapon customization in, because that was something we did have a way of doing.
Fast-forward a couple of years and Paragon's humming along, Champs is on the horizon trumpeting 'power customization' as a huge selling point and I, in a competitive spirit that I'm sure Jack would appreciate, decided we were going to beat them to the punch.
So I pushed for the feature. I came up with a way to do it. Wrote out a detailed process so one of the programmers could write a python script to do most of the heavy lifting. Then I and Keetsie (Tunnel Rat)--mostly Keetsie if memory serves--put a lot of time and work into tweaking a few values in every single player power particle and FX script. The UI interface was designed, implemented, code was written.
In short, it was a metric ****-ton of work. It was crazily expensive to implement, took a long time, and involved a lot of work from many people...which did not result in any real measurable gains for the game or studio. New player didn't flock to the game. Current players didnt' throw buckets of money at out feet. You guys playing at the time enjoyed it and appreciated it...but from a business perspective, it was a recklessly stupid thing to do. I'm honestly shocked it happened.
It's still one of my proudest accomplishments.
People talk a lot about Jack's vision this and Jack's vision that, but reality is that by the time CoH was being offered to NCSoft, Jack's "vision" was focused on other projects at Cryptic. Cryptic needed those other projects to keep it's doors open. So when Jack would say X wasn't possible, it was because little Timmy, who was actually working with X, told Jack, "X is probably not possible, and here's why..."
In reality, practically nothing is really impossible, but if it's going to take a dozen people 6 months to implement and probably not be a net gain for the business, then it's "impossible".
Side-switching was another one of those things. Technically, very possible. It's a couple of flags to flip on a character. BAM. Your Tank is a villain. Problem is, you've got no contacts, no way to get new missions, no story explanation as to why it happened, nothing organic about the process, etc. Again, I was involved in a lot of those conversations about 'Going Rogue' and it was a TON of work from multiple people to get implemented.
Nowadays, Jack is the CEO at Cryptic. He has very little to do with games. Other people have stepped in and provided 'visions' because no game, NO GAME, gets done without someone having a vision for it. And no one person's vision is going to match every single player's vision. Hell, it won't even match half the developers vision.
As for rumors of Cryptic/PWE sabotaging CoH. There's one company and one company alone responsible for this. NCSoft. It was their decision to pull the plug on this, and it's perfectly in line with things they've done to other games and studios in the past.
FYI, I worked on Auto Assault, I worked for Cryptic on CoH, then Paragon on CoH, and I'm now back at Cryptic on something not CoH. Friday's news went through cryptic like a cold ripple. We were as shocked and dismayed as many of you. While many people who originally worked on CoH have moved on to other things, some to Paragon, some to other ventures entirely, there are still a lot of people at Cryptic who put love and care into this game that has so profoundaly touched all of our lives.
God, it's nice to not be a redname anymore. I can say things like metric ****-ton! -
Quote:Oh great, an under-performing video game being cancelled is a serious enough issue to make the call to restructure the world's economy. In all seriousness, no Carlin gifs, no ******** remarks, it's tough to give up something that was a constant in most people's lifes, but this isn't the first game to be cut and it will not be the last.Because this is the first time I've felt strongly enough about an issue to not just let it go. NCSoft.....hades. ALL corporations must fall. Or be seriously restructured. There used to be a time where a product or service a company/corp offered sold well because of it's quality. Advertising wasn't a whole department, it was word of mouth. "Hey, Joe. This whatchamajigger made by so-an-so is really a good product. Give it a shot."
That's no longer the case. We're mass media stuffed and fed what to believe, what to buy, how to think...and we lap it up. I was JUST as guilty. This event opened my eyes finally. That's all I'm trying to say.
The thing to do right now is to give support to the devs. Boycotting NCsoft is not going to do much and trying to buy the IP license seems like a wasted effort, but the devs were the ones who helped make CoH what it was. If they can stick together and find themselves in a developmentally viable situation, they may just make the spiritual successor to CoH.
It wasn't the Freedom Phalanx, 5th Column, Praetorians, Steel Canyon, or Atlas Park that made this game fun, it was how the game was made and the characters we made. I'd rather play a new IP made by the devs than CoH on life support. -