297 -
Alright, we've got a week to get the word out and hopefully tare some COers away from MA.
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Good luck it might very well be live at that point then you'll never tare anyone away. As usual Friday is a no go for me. I really need to stop having friends. They just get in the way of my CoH time. -
Well I've been around I just haven't been on Champion much. Finally have my WS closing in on 50 on Virtue so I've been trying to focus in on him.
I'll most likely take you up on that offer. I'd be fine with doing the TF this weekend as long as it's not Saturday night. Diablo night with my friends is sacred.
I still need to get tech to 20 to run Sister Psyche with you guys. This lvl pact is killing me since Weather has so little time anymore. I swear his work hates him. He's assigned to 2 contracts split between 5 sites based in Columbia, Lutherville, Rockville, Baltimore and Bethesda. Not to mention he's on call every weekend. Poor guy.
Wondered when I was gonna hear more about this. Torroes clued me into this group when I was talking to him at a local M&G. I'll have to take some time and take a closer look at the site.
One of the local artists I follow over on DA was offering up some free commissions. Just simple stuff. One character, pencil, no background. I asked him to do one of my main Tech-Striker a claws/wp scrapper. Here's the results.
Tech-Striker by shiroboi -
I should be able to do Sunday. Saturday would be out at this point since I just got home from the movies and still don't have someone at the correct lvl.
I can honestly say maybe. I too will be seeing a late showing of Watchmen but if my insomnia is bad enough I will still be up at that time. Just need to get Tech to 20 since he's 3 lvls short.
I'd be in as long as I can get Tech to 20 before we run it. I'm hoping it's not another Friday run since I already have my tickets to see Watchmen ordered.
Looks like I'm sitting this one out. As a general rule Fridays are the only day that isn't great for me. I'm usually out Friday nights(pretty much a dedicated movie night for me and my friends). Any other time I'm in for a TF or just general missions run.
Don't know what Friday night holds just yet. I'll most likely be on. I doubt I'll have plans on Virtue as most of my the folks I normally run with have vanished recently. Hit me up in CO global and let me know what the plans look like.
I might try and run Posi with ya. Trying to get Tech to at least 10 before 3. Shouldn't be a problem even soloing. So yeah mark another Claws/WP scrapper on there.
Question for everyone. Aside from Cooper is there anyone else who is interested in a TeamSpeak server? I'd like to gauge interest before I open it up. It will be a few week because I plan to switch ISPs soon so I'm waiting to launch the server until after I switch.
Hey, DB:
Add this to your original post please.
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Done! Thanks for taking the initiative on the GP site, Turgenev.
Say, do we have a TeamSpeak server in addition to the Ventrillo server mentioned earlier? I can get TS to play nice with my Vista rig, but my onboard audio and Ventrillo refuse to play nicely with one another and I'm through with trying to reconcile the conflict.
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My TS server is currently in the setup phase. I'll let you know when it's ready to roll if you're interested. -
I don't know about all servers but there have been a lot more complaints of lag on Virtue since the update went live.
Yay you posted it somewhere. Now you should add it to DA.
Wonder if Mids would be kind enough to take on the task of porting MHD to OS X. I'd try and get it running through a compatibility layer, but it uses .Net, which a lot of those are picky about.
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I have Mids running on Linux using Wine and winetricks to install .Net 2.0. Wine can be installed under OS X so you may want to have a look at that. Can't give any first hand experience on how it works since I don't own a Mac. -
Thats cool. Im glad the Mac users are able to finally get in on the fun. If this announcement had come 6 months earlier I wouldn't have bought a new PC. My main question is this: When will open beta start for the PC players?
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This makes no sense. Mac users have been able to play COH for a couple years. Intel Macs
can use BootCamp to install any Windows and play COH or anything else on Windows.
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I think you're missing the point. Most people who buy Macs do so because they are tired of dealing with Windows. What real sense does it make to just install the OS you wanted to get away from on you're new system. This is for people who don't want to mess with Boot Camp and dual booting. It makes perfect sense if you think about it. -
Yes I understand that but what I am looking for is a no cost client like Mac is getting. When I'm figuring up what I can afford to buy I can't justify the cost of Cedega to play one game over a dual boot setup which costs me nothing except some hard drive space.
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We still have to pay for the client.
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No you wont. You must have missed Positron's response about that.
No, you will be able to just download the client for Mac, with no cost involved (no "exclusive goodies" if you do though). If you have an active CoH subscription, you can play on Mac or PC.
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That's why I am looking for a no cost solution. Mac users wont have to pay for anything additional so I'd like to see the same thing for Linux. Game companies are going in the right direction by getting their games out for the Mac but they're still missing the *Nix community. A good portion of that community are hardcore *nix users and wont dual boot at all. With the use of *nix OSes on the rise game companies need to start getting their games out for them too. Transgaming makes Cedega so it shouldn't be too hard to get a *nix client out. -
Now that you guys are working with Transgaming is there a Linux version in the future? I'd really love to stop dual booting my computer just to play CoX.
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Transgaming's Cedega has supported CoH for a long time (over a year that I know of) and it plays really well, so I don't know why you still feel the need to dual-boot.
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Yes I understand that but what I am looking for is a no cost client like Mac is getting. When I'm figuring up what I can afford to buy I can't justify the cost of Cedega to play one game over a dual boot setup which costs me nothing except some hard drive space. -
Now that you guys are working with Transgaming is there a Linux version in the future? I'd really love to stop dual booting my computer just to play CoX.
Miss Medicine keeps me alive. She's ok in my book.
Still not a stalker.