582 -
The minute I saw her haircut in the screenshots, I knew I wanted my version to resemble Natalie Portman... I changed the nose here slightly, but I think it works... Hope you like it!
[/ QUOTE ]
Like it! LIKE IT! OMG I LOVE IT. That's amazing.
I gotta wonder how others felt when they had their first character drawn? That's amazing. Thank you Lady J!Thanks!
This'll give you an idea what you're seeing Sarrate... if Lady J doesn't mind me letting you all know what I sent her.
It's Tax E Girl's original outfit when I first made her.
edit: again my swift mind thinks Sarrate was talking about the sketch,my bad. LOL
OMG........ wow
I have the biggest grin on my face right now.
My pleasure Lady J. Helping out the Coalition buds and SG mates is top in my books! You offering to draw my main was just icing and I look forward to your take on her. Thanks again!
BTW, awesome outfit!
- Tax -
Wow..... this is the kinda stuff I was looking for regarding mine and a friends character that went to 50 together, completely duo'd. That's amazing work. Truly.
yay for artwhores
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You love us... er them... yeah them, over there... -
Wow...... /em clap /em thumbs up. That's great.
Noob helping noob? Is that possible? hehe
I did it two ways...
1. I clicked on the limb part I wanted to move, then on the right hand part of the screen, you will see two tabs, New at DAZ (promotional stuff, some freebies) and a Parameters tab. Click the Parameters tab. Then a huge list of what you can do to that limb will be available. Twist, Bend, Front-Back, etc, etc. Use the arrows or click and slide from left to right and you'll see it. Try it.Have fun with it.
2. I activated the Power Pose Tool (Alt+Shift+P), it's all there, just hover overtop the buttons at the top. Then click on the limb and hold the button and move it around.
Hope that helps... took me a bit too. -
Well, I have been trying this program for the past few hours and learning basics... very very very basics... and for me that's basic as it can get.
As an extreme noob to this, all I can suggest is patience and low expectations. I'm just having fun making stuff bendable LOL
I know, I'm not helping, but at least I'm trying. -
I must say that all of this information is fantastic. I've been wanting to try my hand at creating my characters in 3d and I'm looking forward to the bumps and humps that will come with learning. To the OP, thanks for posting this question, I was too chicken myself. *blush*
Runs off to tinker... -
I don't get it...
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I had to read the lyrics to get it... and I don't either. -
Ok that's some sweet advice. I am learning slowly and hoping to one day post some work... if I can just grow the nads to do it.
Hi folks! Welcome to Liberty! I have been talking with Soul Train a few times and it's great that you guys are doing this SG. I wanted to offer if you don't have it, a coalition that has Teleporters for your abuse, I mean use.
If you're good to go, fantastic! If not, let me know... it's there for you.
I have a 50 emp/psi and this was a very interesting guide to read. Although I disagree with some of your slotting and game strategy, I love seeing another playing the exact sets I have. Kudos and more power to you.
I think everyone on Liberty is just grand - you're all nice!
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I must not be very nice. I recognize almost none of these names from teams I've ever joined, and apparently I don't make much of an impression. Ah, well. Maybe at some point.
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SHUUUUUT UP! I've mentioned you in the previous nice folks thread. You, Nebular, YM, the whole lot of Legion of Legends. FANTASTIC folk. You don't need a thread to say it's so. :P -
Boys are dumb, girls are mean.You'll survive life with it.
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Duhhhhh, I dunno what this is supposed to mean... *drool*
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DUMMY! Thanks for proving my point. You're still one of the nicest I know!Gotta keep this on topic.
i would like to thank:
Tax E and Blinky- for being very nice to me all the time( even tho they are major Age Discriminators)
[/ QUOTE ]
Ahahhahahaha Thanks buddy.
Remember Hank's words of wisdom. Boys are dumb, girls are mean.You'll survive life with it.
Archvillain badge - You have claimed victory over the greatest hero of paragon city, the mighty Statesman!
Servant of Recluse badge - You have broken Paragon's City's 'best.' Let everyone fear you!
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AWESOME job guys.Congratulations. Do it again and get those SHOEs!!!
Ok we get the picture, VuDu is the shiznizzle bo bizzel... but Kallor... he's the snizzle on my bo bizzle! ahahha
Seriously now... so far, everyone that's been mentioned are in a class of their own. Some with totally different play styles, personalities off the wall, just amazing folks. I'm proud to have teamed with you, and those I haven't, I look forward to it. If not, I look forward to kicking your butt in a PvP zone.